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Chapter 115 #18 Crystal Powder Electromagnetic Force Field

Chapter 115 #18 Crystal Powder Electromagnetic Force Field
(Well, I am very happy to see that there are still so many people supporting me. It is obviously not very well written, and there are still people chasing after it. No matter how I think about it, I am flattered. However, since I have already arrived here, I don’t intend to Changed my mind.

Some people say that the lack of popularity is because many people don't know that this book is restored and updated, and I admit it.But what can be done about this?Now most people use clients or even third-party clients to read books. If you don’t keep updating from the beginning of the pit, no matter how hard you try to update later, it will be useless.There is an option on the starting point client: sort by update time, but what does this option actually do?All I can do is hehe.

Dianniang, I have nothing to do with this kind of old sitting and doing nothing when I come back to update.In this regard, I don’t know how many times I have called on students who read books on mobile phones to go to m.qidian.com, the official mobile website of the starting point.But the effect doesn't seem to be there at all.

If the starting point does not solve the bug of the client for a day, no one will read this book for a day. Instead of doing this, it would be better to open a new pit and work hard from scratch.

And to put it in a psychological way... I was playing els 4 years ago, but I don't play it now. Every time I write something about Eve, I am very tired.This framework made me quite uncomfortable, which is why I wanted to rewrite it.Moreover, it is also very uncomfortable to write things that are not my own.

The reason why I hate doujin is because I hate the bounded rules of the doujin worldview.In the past, Eve was introduced because she simply liked that character design. Now it seems that a frame was accidentally introduced, and it seems difficult to get rid of.

This can be regarded as a lesson, and the next book will not play like this.

Of course, if there are more people watching, I am still willing to work hard, but I think it will not be too many.Compared with my previous record, I can only think: this is not worth my effort.Some students said that they want to click for me, so I can save it.False things have no meaning at all.

It's better to dig a hole and work hard yourself.

In contrast, if someone is not pleasing to the eye, please forget about me. Although it is a trap, I have contributed hundreds of thousands of words for free. As beneficiaries, what qualifications do you have to hack me?Still the same sentence, if you want to be dark, I will accompany you to the end.

Love_read_read, don't_read_roll.

↑It is said that spelling English in this way is very fun, so I also do it for fun.

For the readers who tolerate our nonsense, I can only try my best to write better things to repay. In short, thank you for your support.

Find any teleporter in the Ghost base, brush the "key" of the GLA base, and the tea will be teleported to the huge empty space.Here is the same as usual, there is no one here. The girl followed the edge of the base and found the room with the words "Electronic Scientist's Laboratory". "Automatic Machine Tool".

As soon as he entered the door, the AI ​​in this room welcomed the girl.Same as above, the girl came to the console, quickly found the production option, selected "Crystal Powder Electromagnetic Force Field Generator", and then put the material into the so-called "feeding port", and then just waited.

But waiting takes time, and girls can't just sit in a daze.At this time, she was in Eve's old home, looking at the main control computer in the "laboratory".The girl was itching again.

There was no way to crack the system of this computer last time, can we try again this time?
Just do what she said, so the girl began to think of a way to enter the command system of this computer.But five minutes later, the girl still got nothing.Speaking of which, does this computer really have complete functions, or is it a "computer" supported by UOT's servers?

Generally speaking, using a computer to simulate a "computer" consumes system resources extremely, and UOT should not do this.But since there are already virtual beings in this world, why is it impossible to simulate a computer?

But before the "Crystal Powder Electromagnetic Force Field Generator" was manufactured, Tea Tea did not have the authority to fix this computer.So the girl gave up.Anyway, there will be more opportunities in the future. You must know that there are still many things that Eve, the "automatic machine tool", can manufacture.For example, there are more advanced blade weapons suitable for core, and there are also more advanced spears.

In addition, there are also "automatic puppet" for the "Code-Architecture" skill hub, as well as some necessary equipment for more advanced skills.

Although it is still a pity, I still got this tricky "crystal powder electromagnetic force field generator" after all.With this equipment, you can learn two skills.One is to augment the "Powder Electromagnetic Force Field" skill used by the "Particle Beam Cannon", and the other is the "Powder Light Curtain" used for field control.

With these two extra skills, tea leaves can improve their combat effectiveness by several levels.

"Powder Electromagnetic Force Field"

"Scatter guide crystal powder, control the electric field ability, control the particle beam cannon to attack in different forms, and increase the particle beam cannon, and reduce the CD4s of the particle beam cannon. Actively activate the activation and selection mode, and each deflection consumes 20MP "

"Amplification field: purely amplifies the damage and range of the particle beam cannon, the damage of the particle beam cannon is increased by 50%, and the range is increased by 100%"

"Scattering force field: It can scatter the particle beam cannon for range strikes. The scattering intensity and attack direction are controllable. The scattering can cause 200% of the damage of the particle beam cannon."

"Reaction force field: The particle beam of the particle beam cannon is converted into a reactive armor mode, which can resist the damage of the defensive surface, and the explosion will knock the enemy on the hit surface and cause damage."

With this skill, a good particle beam cannon used for long-range attacks becomes a pure particle generator.

The next skill also expands the range of use of the particle beam cannon.

"Light field spread"

"Scattering guide crystal powder, controlled by an electromagnetic field, can deflect the attack trajectory of the particle beam cannon. The closer it is to itself, the higher the control power of the particle beam cannon. Actively open, consume MP every 3 seconds: 5 points"

Originally, Tea Tea thought that in Eve's skill system, only a bunch of unscientific programs in the core were used for combat strategies.Now tactical arrangements can also be added to the particle beam cannon, and the girl can't wait to test the practicality of this skill.

However, in this way, with the increase of such practical skills, the girl's MP consumption is also increasing. Although with the acquisition of SP and the improvement of some public skills, the girl's MP recovery speed and "superpower" value It is also increasing, but generally speaking, the MP consumption of the current full-state battle is basically the same as that of automatic recovery. It is still the rhythm of only one-third of the MP left after a set of skills is completed, so that the next one can only Use the "magic conversion" skill to change hp to mp.

However, Eve's skill tree makes up for this kind of deficiency, two of which are "Particle Capture" and "Energy Conversion".One of the skills reduces the consumption of the "Particle Beam Cannon" series of skills, and the other increases the amount of MP recovery.

It is a pity that girls cannot learn these skills immediately. There are pre-basic attribute skills in front of those skills, and it will take a while to learn them.After all, that's what the daily SP output is.

Afterwards, skills that require special equipment to learn, at least until advanced again.Of course, none of the skills in the advanced line of Code-Architecture have been learned, because the prerequisite for learning those skills is to have an "automatic puppet". Speaking of which, the materials and production process required to make this puppet are quite complicated.

If you have time, you can try it...

Now that I have learned the two skills that are relatively difficult to learn recently, it is too early to study the future, so it is better to experiment with these skills and learn how to use them.

It was inconvenient to use these skills in Eve's laboratory, so the girl decided to go out to the hall outside to experiment.But before leaving, she couldn't help but think of the main control computer of Eve's laboratory. After a little bit of entanglement, she gave up struggling.

Why do you always care about whether this is a virtual computer of a computer?
After much deliberation, the tea leaves almost got me involved.

The girl decided not to worry about it anymore, she was very empty, so she started to test her skills.First, use the "Crystal Powder Electromagnetic Force Field" to turn on the boost mode.Tealeaves couldn't feel any changes around him after turning on this mode, but after using the "Particle Beam Cannon" immediately, the effect was still obvious.

The light blue beam of particles was launched from the core in front of the girl's finger. The light blue beam seemed to have hit a layer of film, and seemed to be stagnant, and then it was launched at a faster speed.

"Amplification mode" can increase the skill damage and range. The damage cannot be seen, but the range is indeed immediate.

The shooting range has been increased by 30 meters, for a total of 60 meters, which is more than enough for sniping.

The next "scattering mode", as its name suggests, the emitted particle beam cannon will scatter into multiple tiny beams, strafing and attacking the space directly in front of the girl.The "reaction mode" is to directly spread the particles of the "particle beam cannon" in front of the girl to form a shield, which is the principle of the tank's reactive armor.

The girl with the skill "Light Field Scattering" is even more satisfied. The particle beam cannon she shoots can be controlled by her side and the shooting speed at will, just like a tentacle.But the distance is too far, but it is not so easy to control.

I am very satisfied with these skill tea leaves, and after pinching the time, it is almost time for the so-called "power war" that Jin Xingshan said.

So the girl shouted to her friends: "Hey! Get ready to go to the central square!"

(End of this chapter)

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