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Chapter 44 #29 Breakthrough

Chapter 44 #29 Breakthrough
Tea's move "Yan Fan" flashed to the center of the enemy formation, and the three attacks after "Yan Fan" immediately smashed at the surrounding enemies, but there were thick-skinned guys around Tea, and the girl's move was just to let They removed some of the blood and fought back along the way.Doing so was not in vain, but directly attracted the attention of most of the enemies in the first place.

When these robots faced the tea leaves, the sides and rear with weak defenses would be immediately exposed to the attack range of Gu Lanxiu and Noyce!
In fact, when these stupid robots turned to pay attention to the tea leaves, Gu Ranxiu and Noyce were probably ready.

"Railgun fire!"

Accompanied by Gu Lanxiu's shout, the giant cannon fixed at his waist immediately aimed at the target, accelerated the projectile in the gun chamber, and slammed into the "chrysanthemums" of various crawler robots at a speed several times faster than the speed of sound. Huge damage caused the tracked robot to lose its ability to move in one shot.The 30mm cannon in Gu Lanxiu's hand has changed to a machine gun. With his own attributes, he can shoot up to five shots in a row.

Of course, Gu Lanxiu didn't forget to add skill effects to each shot.

"Precision Shooting!"

Almost every shot of Gu Lanxiu will cause knowing damage. If there is a knowing, he will leave a blood skin with a quarter of the blood left. If there is no critical hit, he will make up the second shot its obliteration.After the boy fired five consecutive shots from the 30mm cannon, due to the cooldown of his skills, he could no longer use such a powerful attack.So he changed into a rifle, aiming at the bloody enemies he shot with a cannon and shooting them one by one.

This is Gu Lanxiu's helplessness. During the closed beta, the tea leaves and their equipment and attributes did not meet the recommended level of this dungeon, so they had to use rifles to make up the knife.If the equipment has reached the standard, Gu Lanxiu's shooting can kill the enemy in seconds as long as he has a sense of shooting.

Noyce is an expert in field control. In her own field, as long as she has a skill CD, it is almost impossible to knock down an existence.While in her domain, damage and casting speed are also maximized, as well.

"Ring cut!" "Spiral thorn!" "Hot melt cut!"

When the tea leaves attracted attention, Noyce immediately started her combo.

Ring cutting is a range attack skill, and the three floating swords quickly cut around her in a circle.Similarly, the tracked robots with their backs to them were basically cut off by a fifth of their blood.Then the spiral thorns with powerful attacks stabbed the chrysanthemums of the three robots respectively, and the high damage immediately turned them into blood skin-of course, if the damage is enough, it can be directly solved.

Therefore, hot melt cutting is used to make up the knife.

As for Xu Sheng, this guy doesn't seem to have made any achievements. He used the old-fashioned "electromagnetic puncture" and used it to carry out group attacks.Although the damage was dispersed due to dealing with many enemies at the same time, he still took a third of the HP of most crawler robots.

With a quick round of maximum damage release focus fire, the tea leaves quickly knocked out the 6 robots.But in a level, there are usually more than 20 robots, and it is not enough to eliminate only six.

Tea thinks that humans still have the strength to kill a few more robots.

The girl had attracted the attention of most robots before.After Yanfan completed the attack, he immediately focused on changing ways to evade maneuvers within the shooting range of the robots. With the help of the additional skill "dexterity" of "Eve's Creative Mode Boots", some almost The maneuver that violated the laws of physics was easily used by the tea leaves.Of course, in the face of dense barrage, no matter how you avoid it, there will be an inescapable area.At that time, the effect of the Queen's Shield to offset 2% of the damage every 20 seconds helped the tea a lot.

In short, before Gu Lanxiu and Noyce's hatred transfer due to excessive damage occurred, under the siege of more than 20 robots, the tea leaves were only wiped off by one-third of their HP.

Later, some robots immediately turned their guns and ignored her because of the excessive damage from the DPS of Gu Lanxiu and Noyce.The pressure on the girl suddenly eased, but some enemies with low blood volume exposed their weakly defended backs in front of her.

At a time like this, it is better to be obedient than to be respectful!
The triple charge wiped off one-third of the HP of some robots with low HP, and then ended with a "heavy strike", and immediately took down three enemies.But some robots still don't seem to have a change of heart.So Tea took aim at a guy who was sure he could take him away with one move, and immediately hit him with the "Meteor Charge".

Although this will consume 5% of HP, but in this level-clearing dungeon where you can rest and restore HP as long as you clear a level, you don't need to care about the consumption at all.The Meteor Strike did 3400 mind damage and brought another robot.

The available skills were basically used up within a period of time, and there was only one skill that was learned recently, "Last Quarter Moon Slash".Compared with other basic fighter skills, "Xian Xuanyue Slash" is a pure long-range attack skill.The general idea is that the sword wind mixed with bullets sweeps the enemies in an area, the damage is considerable, and it is also a good skill to attract hatred.

In short, I don't know how many robots were attracted by that blow, and the barrage pressure on the tea leaves was suddenly much greater.Since Tea Tea is willing to be the shield of the team, naturally it will not be afraid of these attacks.Reasonably allocated the energy of the thrusters and the use time of various skills, the girl once again withstood a round of attacks.

Correspondingly, under the siege of Gu Lanxiu and Noyce, the robots solved several more.When the third wave of repeated attacks ended, there were only seven or eight robots left in the arena.At this time, all the skills of tea leaves that can be used to save life have basically been consumed.However, facing the small number of robots, it is not very difficult for the girl to defeat them one by one with her own strength.

It didn't take long for all obstacles behind the first gate to be cleared.Everyone has more or less some damage.So after the battle, they can eat some potions and food that can only be used after the battle to restore HP and MP, just like traditional online games, until they are ready to conquer the next level

Although the damage of the tea leaves is not enough, they are still able to do a job with ease.

"Are you ready? I'll blow it up when I'm ready!" The girl greeted Gu Lanxiu and Noyce immediately after the tea's HP was restored.Gu Ranxiu and Noyce were speechless, but then they got ready to attack.Unlike when the gate of the first level was opened, when the gate of the second level was opened, they needed to use the bunker for a period of medium-range firefights. After clearing out all threatening traps, they rushed forward to fight desperately.

After all, it is impossible for this dungeon to allow players to pass every level as easily as the first level.

Behind the second gate, the robots will be protected by bunkers, and the corresponding terrain will also change.Although in Tea's view, these changes have little effect on them, but for safety reasons, all tactics must be changed.Of course, these tactical girls already knew it well.

Tea continued to stand in the front row, installed the N2 bomb, and was ready to explode. When the bomb was detonated, another battle began.The second pass is the same as the first pass. At the beginning, the long-range attack sweeps away the traps that can be easily broken but will block the tea leaves with fierce firepower.

The second level is actually difficult, except that because of the bunker, the tea can't pour damage faster.Of course, they made appropriate adjustments to their tactics, used bunkers to protect themselves and blocked positions, and it took a little more time, but they could perfectly resolve the battle.

The same is true for many levels in the back.

After all, this is a dungeon, and it is not very difficult to look at it based on their experience.Just because of equipment and level issues, the difficulty of this dungeon suddenly jumped a bit.In fact, Tea Tea didn't have to ask for one time to get through this dungeon.

For the girl, this dungeon is of course as many as she can go. This time, it is simply used as a technical reserve, and the tea itself does not expect to be able to pass it all at once.

But for some reason, this copy after the official operation of the game seems to have given Tealeaves some of the feeling they had during the closed beta.In the ten days before this, the meaning of Chacha's login to the game was to find the philosophy of "why I became a girl", just repeating the previous tasks numbly, playing the game with this mentality is very tiring.

The so-called game, the real essence is to break through the level, and the internal test is always full of such passion.When following Gu Ranxiu and Noyce to explore the dungeon together, Tea Tea felt the long-lost feeling again.

How great would it be to have such a passion on the way to search for "philosophy"?
Of course, this kind of passion tea dare not think too much.Because Chacha felt that she could not play this ISO as a real game.Because... the game is the road to philosophy, hey!
But in all the way to break through the level, the passion made the girl feel very good.

In the remaining levels, the difficulty of the strategy is increasing.Although Tea and the others still have skills, due to equipment and level problems, the combination of various terrains, robots, and mechanisms in the later stage has increased their pressure.So much so that they have to use disposable equipment such as EMP bombs or N2 bombs to increase lethality and control.

But what was a little surprising was that Xu Sheng also seemed to be getting smarter when he got to the back.He has always followed the battle plan of the tea leaves, and can deal strong damage every time.

At this time, Xu Sheng is much more useful than the two bastards Gu Lanxiu and Noyce!
But... During the closed beta, Xu Sheng was almost a soy sauce, and only when the plot unfolded did he become unstoppable.Before entering the plot, Xu Sheng's combat power has obviously increased a lot. Is this... all right?
Thinking of Xu Sheng's abnormality during this period, Tea Tea didn't pursue anything.

Finally, after 2 hours of intermittent and difficult continuous strategies, Tea Tea and the others finally came to a room in front of the boss...

(End of this chapter)

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