The upgrade of Concubine Xian in Qing Dynasty

Chapter 538 Lu Gege's Prominence

Chapter 538 Lu Gege's Prominence
As the twelfth lunar month approaches, Fujin is confinement, and he has taken care of his body even more. He is dressed in a bright red palace attire, sitting on the main seat, and Zarafin is sitting on the lower left side. Bloated, Lu's is wearing a pink-blue uniform, with a pink hibiscus stone on his head, making him look extraordinarily energetic.

Compared with Lu's radiant vitality and Fujin's lifelessness, Hongli is more willing to look at Lu's.

"Mr. Lu, today's dress is extraordinarily gorgeous. Fujin is in a bad mood. Is it inappropriate for you to dress like this?" Mother Qin asked directly.

Zarafin sat quietly on the chair, as if he didn't hear half of it, and Lu Gege often swayed in front of Hongli when the two Gege had a child.

"Fu Jin, I don't dare to, the servants don't dare, the clothes brought by the servants are all pink in color, thinking about going out, I can't wear too plain, it's embarrassing to the master." Lu Gege said.

Zarafin looked at Mrs. Lu in surprise. Hongli mentioned before that Mrs. Lu's eloquence is very good. Looking at it now, what he said is true. Not only is his eloquence good, he even knows Hongli's backyard very well. They all understand their temperament very clearly.

"Cian Fujin, what do you think?" Nanny Qin fixed her eyes on Zarafin.

"Nurse, Lu Gege probably likes pink and tender colors. From the first day I saw Lu Gege, I saw that her clothes were all pink." Zarafin would not let Fujin come here.

Mother Qin's expression was very ugly, she thought that Fujin was helping Lu Gege to make Fujin look bad, and recently, Lu Gege's behavior had crossed Fujin's bottom line.

Lu Gege followed Hongli's footsteps and intercepted people at the door of Fujin's tent, which made Fujin very annoyed.

"Okay!" Fujin put the cup in his hand heavily on the table, and looked at Mrs. Lu with an ugly expression. "Lu Shi, there are rules in the backyard, you can't intercept people at will."

Zhalafin, Su's and Jin's all looked at Lu Gege. They didn't hear that Lu Gege intercepted people in front of Fujin's tent, probably because Fujin felt embarrassed and suppressed the rumors.

"My servant came to greet you. At the door, I ran into the master. Am I wrong?" Lu Gege was annoyed.

Hongli didn't say a word, but Fujin complained quite a bit.

"Okay, I'm tired, you all go back first." Si Fujin waved his hand and let the female relatives go down.

Zarafin got up, and the three princesses left the courtyard together. Su and Jin approached Zarafin, and Lu Gege stood opposite the three of them.

"Lu Shi, take care of yourself in the future and don't step on Fujin's bottom line. Not every time you can be so lucky." Zarafin warned Lu Shi.

After hearing Zarafin's warning, Mrs. Lu was in a good mood, and the warning that made Fang Fujin nervous could be regarded as winning Kangxi's mind.

"Cian Fujin, you just let Lu Gege go like this?" Su Gege was a little confused, Lu Gege was obviously provocative.

"Okay, you guys go back first." Zarafin let the two of them leave.

Zarafin stood in the corridor, looking at the backs of the two, she slowly let out a sigh of relief.

"Master, is the master waiting for you in the study?" Pearl came from the courtyard and said to Zarafin respectfully.

Zarafin wanted to talk about Laba with Fujin again, but Fujin seemed not to hear, and planned to take advantage of Laba's opportunity to evade Zarafin.

Su Gege and Jin Gege are helping Fujin to deal with it, Zarafin has given up early, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not prepared any clothes for the New Year for Yonghuang, if the tortoise hadn't asked in advance, Yonghuang might have to wear old clothes for the New Year up.

"Tortoiseshell, you must keep an eye on Yonghuang's clothes, and you must not make a single mistake." Zarafin was always a little uneasy, and always felt that these things were directed at her.

Yonghuang spent the first grand Spring Festival by her side, and it was at the summer resort again. The leaders of various Mongolian tribes and Fujin people were all there, and even a small problem might make her attack back .

Hongli was sitting on the grand teacher's chair, and heard from Gao Wuyong that the people from the House of Internal Affairs were doing it, and they didn't even prepare Yonghuang's clothes, so he was really annoyed.

Upon hearing this, Prince Dun quickly tugged Yinzhen's hand and asked him to help, Yinzhen stared at Hongli cheerfully.

Master Jiu promised to send all the matching jade pendants and other accessories before the Chinese New Year. Hongli owed Yinzhen a big favor.

"Ah, why did you come back so early?" Zarafin looked at Hongli's black face, all the booklets were piled aside, and Gao Wuyong knelt in front of the desk.

"Jiaojiao, haven't you made Yonghuang's clothes yet?" Hongli looked at her and asked. "Uncle Jiu promised me that he would help deliver the things before the Chinese New Year."

"Prince Xun?" Zarafin was puzzled, "Ninth Uncle should have known about it in advance. It seems that we are going to plead guilty to Khan Ama."

"Yonghuang just came to your place for two days, some things are still not done, that's for sure, neither Khan Ama nor Er Niang will talk about you." Hongli quickly persuaded Zarafin. "The leaders of Mongolia are still in Khan Ama's courtyard. If you go there, won't you be causing trouble?"

The leaders of the Mongolian tribes and the Fujins are in the courtyard of Yongzheng. They came for the next year's draft, hoping that Yongzheng can break the emperor's will and marry the sons of the Mongolian tribes.

"Ah, the leader and the Fujins are all here, so we have to go there. The Summer Resort is only this big. Have the leaders and Fujins heard the news?" Zarafin complained.

Hongli thought about it carefully for a while, and suddenly felt that he was a little too careless. Yongzheng must be waiting, otherwise, the lunch is approaching, and the leaders and Fujin have not been let go back?
"Let's go!" Hongli stood up suddenly, and walked to Yongzheng's courtyard without Zhalafen.

In the quiet and respectful room, Yongzheng sat on the dragon chair and looked at Ulihan with cold eyes. Since Ulihan came, he has been tossing a lot, and even let his son come to harass the candidate for the show.

"Master, the fourth elder brother and Uranara Chu Fujin are here, saying they are here to apologize." Su Peisheng respectfully walked into the hall from the outside to report.

Ulihan felt very annoyed, he wanted to use the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to force Yongzheng to agree, but Hongli and Zhalafin came to plead guilty so soon.

Plead guilty? !
When Yongzheng heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Hongli was very protective of Zarafin, and it was an incredible thing to ask Hongli to bow his head. For Zarafin,
"Please come in," Yongzheng nodded. "Wulihan, you stand aside first, Hongli must have something urgent to come over."

Hongli entered the hall and knelt on the gold bricks with Zarafin, his expression very ugly.

"Khan Ama, I'm here to plead guilty." Hongli kowtowed sincerely, "Yong Huang, who is to be taken care of by Fujin, cannot be separated from others at all times. My minister ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to help Yong Huang prepare clothes and other things. Erchen thought that it would be enough to just say one word, but I didn't expect it."

(End of this chapter)

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