The upgrade of Concubine Xian in Qing Dynasty

Chapter 546 4 Fu Jin's Change

Chapter 546 Sifujin's Change
On the day of the Laba Festival, there were lanterns and festoons in the summer resort. Zhalafin changed into a vermilion uniform, and wore a emerald mandarin on his head. He held Ha Yihu and led the servants to Yanbo Zhishuang. up.

Just stepped into Yanbozhishuang, seeing many Fujins arriving, Hongshi Fujin looked at Ha Yihu coldly.

Among the three Fujins, only the Wu Zhaku family has a daughter, and the Sanfujin doesn't even have a child.

"Fourth brother and sister, this is out of order, and you didn't come with Fujin, what do you want to do?" Sanfujin provoked.

Fu Cha's face was covered with a thick layer of powder, and his lips were red, as if it were a facial makeup.

"Third sister-in-law, Ce Fujin is very disciplined. I'm not feeling well. Ha Yihu is still young and has to take care of Yonghuang. He should come later." Sifujin Fucha looked at Sanfujin and said, " Jiaojiao, come here and sit down, Yonghuang didn't make a fuss in the morning, did he?"

Outside, Si Fujin showed a sisterly affection, and Zarafin was willing to accompany her.

"Fu Jin, Yonghuang had breakfast in the morning, and I came out after Nanny Lin passed by. You said a few days ago that if the nanny hadn't passed, I should not stay too far away from Yonghuang." Zarafin Flattery to.

Fujin and the officials and family members all became happy when they heard the words of Fucha and Zhalafin. The two will be very harmonious then.

Sifujin Fucha nodded happily, and Ha Yihu got off Zarafin's lap to greet Fucha.

"Ha Yihu greets my mother-in-law." Ha Yihu's small body tried her best to behave, Fujin quickly took off the armor, and Zarafin saw that the nails had been ground into a round oval shape.

"Come over to my mother-in-law." When Fucha saw Ha Yihu, she couldn't help but think of her aborted child. She said it was a little elder brother, but she knew in her heart that it was a little Gege.

"Did you eat Laba porridge in the morning?" Ha Yihu was well explained by Zarafin. In front of outsiders, she was very polite, and even gave Sifujin face, as if this family was very harmonious.

"There is something to eat," Mrs. Fucha laughed, and Zarafin sat next to him, and found that Sifujin seemed to have changed a lot, "Ha Yihu, do you have something to eat?"

"Well, Ha Yihu is full of food. Di Erniang needs to take good care of her body. In the future, Ha Yihu can help Di Erniang take care of her younger brother." Ha Yihu said with her head tilted.


Sifujin laughed happily: "Who told Ha Yihu?"

At this moment, Zarafin wanted to cover his face, and the emperor stayed with Ha Yi for less than five days before he was taught to be like this.

"It's Angu Mafa, Di Erniang, Anggu Mafa, you say, Ha Yihu will have many younger brothers in the future, and he will take care of them. Both Di Erniang's younger brother and Erniang's younger brother are Ha Yihu's closest relatives." Yes." Ha Yihu said.

Si Fujin heard that it was Kangxi who said it, and turned to look at Zarafin: "Ha Yihu went to the emperor's side?"

"Well, there were a lot of things going on in the yard a few days ago, and Yonghuang just came to my side. During Ha Yihu's daytime, he was picked up by Li Wenda, and my master picked it up from there at night." Zarafin was helpless. Said.

"Let Ha Yihu play there more, it's good for her." Si Fujin nodded.

After the miscarriage, Si Fujin quietly invited Doctor Xu to check his pulse, only to find that his health was really bad, and even the hope of giving birth to a child was very slim.

After reaching that conclusion, Si Fujin was a little disheartened.

"Fu Jin, my lord said the same thing, I remember." Zarafin nodded.

Ha Yihu noticed that Sifujin seemed different from usual, so he looked at Zarafin.

"Er Niang, I'll sit between Di Er Niang and you, okay?" Ha Yi begged.

"Okay!" Sifujin readily agreed, "Nurse Qin, go and move Ha Yihu's bench over here."

Qin Nanny saw that Sifujin was no longer self-pitying and self-loving, but felt relieved a lot. Now, she finally made Master happy.

Zarafin heard some rumors and learned that Fujin's spirit was not good, so he muttered in his heart.

Mrs. Fucha watched the movement here from afar, with sadness in her eyes, Sifujin no longer let her into the tent, and Li Rongbao couldn't pass on the news that Li Rongbao wanted to tell Sifujin.

Sitting on the phoenix seat, the queen watched Sifujin and Zarafin's interaction all the time, and found that the smell of gunpowder between the two was actually less.

Doctor Xu informed the queen of Sifujin's situation early on, and she knew that Sifujin was arranging a way out for herself.

The female relatives arrived and exchanged greetings together. Everyone noticed the change of the Fucha clan and became curious. Many female relatives thought that the Fucha clan just had a miscarriage of their little elder brother. They liked it very much when they saw Ha Yihu of.

"Sifujin, we will be drafted next year." Mrs. Fucha hurried to Sifujin's side while everyone was walking and chatting. Ha Yihu was leaning against Sifujin, watching her put on the table. armor on.

"Ha Yihu, don't touch this one. What if you get your hands on it? In the future, when you grow up, my mother-in-law will prepare better ones for you." Si Fujin didn't want to listen to Mrs. Fucha's words, so she hurriedly said to Ha Yihu.

"My wife, Mrs. Fucha is talking to you." Ha Yihu looked at Mrs. Fucha, "Ha Yihu go to Mama's place first, you can go there soon, Ha Yihu will stay for you For refreshments."

Ha Yihu noticed that Mrs. Fucha's eyes were sharp, so she shook her small body, and hurriedly talked to Mrs. Fucha.

Seeing that Ha Yihu was frightened, Sifujin Fucha hurriedly told Mother Qin to take Ha Yihu to Zhalafin's side.

After Mother Qin took Ha Yihu away, she looked at Mrs. Fucha.

"Emiang, what exactly are you trying to say?" Sifujin looked at Mrs. Fucha, "Aren't you hurting me enough now?"

Sifujin stayed with Mrs. Fucha and found a relatively quiet place to write, and asked directly.

"Fu Jin, you are relying on the conscience of heaven and earth, how did your wife harm you?" Mrs. Fucha was very annoyed, she was clearly devoted to Roosevelt, and she said it to Si Fujin, but she was actually harming her.

"Isn't it harmful?" Sifujin looked at Mrs. Fucha with red eyes. Imperial doctor Xu has already diagnosed him. I have little hope of having a healthy child. What I can do is to take good care of my grandpa's child. Er Niang, you have to know how the little elder brother left in the end. "

The two spoke in a very low voice, and they were talking on the sidelines. Outsiders thought it was the mother and daughter who were talking about plans, and few people went to disturb them.

"Fujin." Mrs. Fucha looked at Sifujin in surprise, "Impossible, this was given to me by your Ama."

Ha ha!

Si Fujin smiled wryly, Li Rongbao really wanted to sacrifice her in order to make the concubine daughter stand out.

"Emiang, where did Ama get it?" Fucha asked.

(End of this chapter)

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