Chapter 101 Kissing Yin Ansheng (7)

Yin Ansheng closed the car door immediately after getting out of the car. He clearly saw Ni Changtian's hand stretched out to stop him, but he didn't give him the chance.

"Take a step to speak."

Ni Changtian looked at the people in the car, feeling a lot of doubts in his heart, but he still followed.

As soon as he stopped, he couldn't wait to ask: "An Sheng, what's the matter? Err, is something wrong?"

Just now in the banquet hall, he also saw Er'er, and was about to walk over, but he heard Yin Ansheng say that she was not, but she was clearly, and when they left, the child passed by him and saw him clearly, but did not talk to him Talk as if he were a stranger.

She followed his brother home for several months. At first she said that she would contact him after changing her mobile phone number, but she never got in touch. He thought he would never see her again in this life, but he didn't expect to see her again today.

Yin Ansheng lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and then said unhurriedly: "Something happened to her family, and she was stimulated, so she forgot this memory in Yunhan City."

"She, she doesn't remember me?" Ni Changtian turned back to look at the people in the car, she was lying on the window, looking at this side, but there was no longer the intimacy he was familiar with in her eyes.

His Er Er left, and finally a person appeared, who was so similar to his Er Er, and asked him to call him Dad, but now she also left.

From now on, there will be no more Er Er in this world.

Tears instantly blurred Ni Changtian's vision, he couldn't control his emotions, covered his face with his hands, and cried bitterly.

Yin Ansheng looked at him, not knowing how to comfort him.

At that time, Er Xinxin carried Ni Er's memory, so even if she was not Ni Er's appearance, she was very similar to Ni Er in terms of words, deeds and attitude towards Ni Changtian. In her body, Ni Changtian seemed to see the loss again. daughter.

It is a kind of spiritual sustenance, which gives a person great comfort.

But now, this sustenance is gone.

"Yin Ansheng, what are you doing? Why did you make Uncle cry?"

Er'er actually got out of the car, and before the two of them noticed, he had already arrived beside them.

She took out a tissue from her bag, took out one and handed it to Ni Changtian, "Uncle, don't cry."

In fact, Er'er didn't know why she got out of the car and came to comfort a person she had never met before, but when she saw tears on his face, those crystal clear tears stung her eyes and hurt her heart of.

This feeling is very strange, very strange, she can't explain it clearly, but she just can't watch him cry.

"Uncle, Yin Ansheng has a bad mouth sometimes, he must have said something that made you look bad, right? Don't worry, I will tell his father when I go back at night, and let his father take care of him!"

After finishing speaking, she raised her head and glared at Yin Ansheng, then pushed him, "Stay away, you really don't understand manners at all! Don't you know how to respect the old and love the young?"

Yin Ansheng choked on the cigarette in his throat and coughed suddenly.

What an untidy little thing!
How dare you push him and say such outrageous things to him!
Isn't he her elder?Isn't it Uncle Yin that she keeps calling?

"My heart——"

"You don't talk to me now, get back in the car!"

Really, how can I make an elder shed tears? It's really unreasonable!
Er'er glared at Yin Ansheng again, without looking at his ugly face, and helped Ni Changtian to sit down on the flower bed by the roadside.

(End of this chapter)

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