Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 115 You Are Not My Girlfriend, and You Will Never Be

Chapter 115 You Are Not My Girlfriend, and You Will Never Be (5)

Er'er scratched his head and scratched his head for a long time, but he couldn't think of a reason to convince Yin Ansheng.

But she really wanted to go home, and she might not be able to help her when she went home, but there was a saying that shared blessings and difficulties.

She couldn't just sit and watch her loved ones suffer while she was eating, drinking, and having fun.

She is going home!

From the moment this idea was born, it grew like a broken bamboo, and even at this moment, she wanted to fly home directly.

"Yin Ansheng, I have no reason to convince you, but I just want to go home, so forget it if you don't come home with me, I will go home by myself!"

After finishing speaking, Er Er jumped out of bed and walked directly to the door.

She didn't believe it, and he would rest assured to let her go back alone.

During this period of contact, although she can't say that she knows this man well, she also knows that this man is still a responsible person.

Since he promised his brother to take care of her, he would definitely not ignore her life or death.

She is gambling.

Unfortunately, she had already walked out of the ward, and he didn't stop her.

He could only bite the bullet and continue walking, walked out of the ward, and came to the corridor.

He still didn't call her, not even the sound of footsteps behind him.

This old man, wouldn't he just let her go home by himself?

Er'er stopped angrily, and just stopped when he heard Yin Ansheng's voice coming from the ward unhurriedly.

"Isn't it quite capable? Why don't you leave?"

Er'er turned around quickly, only to find that Yin Ansheng was not at the door. Could it be that this man has sky eyes and can see him through the wall?
She pursed her lips, snorted, and turned her head to continue walking.

"Er Xinxin, there is a saying that I don't know if you have heard it before."


Earl stopped again and turned around completely.

A few seconds later, Yin Ansheng appeared at the door of the ward, playing with the lighter with one hand, and slanting the other in his trouser pocket. He was dignified and lazy, yet sexy.

Er Er admitted that she was attracted by his good skin, there was no way, everyone likes beautiful things, not to mention that there were too many beauties around her since she was a child, she almost thought that her vision was going to be tired, but he Appeared.

So, if she wanted her to just let him go, she couldn't do it.

She took back her previous thoughts. Although her eyes are a little blind, it doesn't matter. The key is that her heart is blind, and it can't be cured.

"Do not die."

He deliberately emphasized every word.

Afraid that her IQ would be difficult to understand, she explained it in plain language.

"no Zuo no Die."

Of course Er Er knew what this meant, she was not an idiot!

It's just that she didn't expect this man to say that about her. Is she doing it?Make him a big head ghost!
"You're really right, I just love to do it."

Er'er sneered again and again, walked up to him, jumped on him while he was unaware, wrapped his arms around his neck, and wrapped his legs around his waist, hanging firmly on his body like a big sloth. body.

"Yin Ansheng, actually I don't want to do it."

She looked into his eyes, moved her mouth closer to him little by little, until there was less than one centimeter between her lips, and stopped.

"I just want to be you. Yin Ansheng, you said that if I put you to sleep and cooked raw rice, will your old lover still be with you?"

Even at this moment, Yin Ansheng still didn't change his face and his heart beat, he didn't even take out his hands from his trouser pockets, his posture was still elegant and charming.

He scanned her up and down with his eyes, and said lightly: "Er Xinxin, do you think you can do it with your small body? Don't you don't take advantage of it at that time, but you will be sleepy instead."

 Five more ends today!See you tomorrow, remember to collect it, okay~

(End of this chapter)

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