Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 127 I Don’t Dislike You When I’m Sick

Chapter 127 I Don’t Dislike You When I’m Sick (1)

The next morning, Yin Ansheng drove Er'er to school. When he arrived at the school, he was about to get off the car and looked at her seriously.

Seeing Er'er with this look made her feel a little apprehensive, what's wrong with this man?Or did she do something else to make him unhappy?

Thinking about it carefully, she has been very obedient and obedient since early in the day, so she didn't provoke him.

"Yin Ansheng, early in the morning, can you stop being so serious, it's scary, you know I'm timid."

Yin Ansheng couldn't hold it back, laughed out loud, raised his hand and roughed up her disheveled curly hair, making it even more messy now.

"Er Xinxin, you tell me you are timid? You treat me like an idiot!"

"How smart do you think you are!" Er'er rolled his eyes and opened the car door to get out.

But listening behind him, this person changed again, and a chilly voice sounded.

"Er Xinxin, the one hundred and eighth rule of the Yin family, you must keep it in your heart."

Er'er snorted, hit the car door, raised his head, and dragged away.

Don't let her fall in love early, she is already eighteen, if you don't fall in love with her, she will be old!

He will marry her when no one wants her?
It's okay to marry, but what if you don't marry?Does she want to be a big girl who will stay out of the court for the rest of her life?
Puppy love should be early, don't regret it when you are old!

Yin Ansheng looked at her arrogant back, and cursed in a low voice: "Little thing! You need to clean up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he received a call from Sui Wu.

"Yin Ansheng, I'm back!"

In a word, Yin Ansheng's good mood was extinguished at once.


After school at night, before Er'er reached the school gate, he saw people waiting there.

She paused, her eyes widened.

He quickly raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, making sure he read it right.

The next second, she screamed and ran towards the man.

"elder brother!"

"elder brother!"

She was as happy as a child, ran over and jumped on Sui Wu's body.

"Brother, you're back! When did you come back? Why didn't you call me?"

Sui Wu hugged her and just smiled without saying a word. Seeing her happy face, it was as if honey had flowed into his heart, which was extremely sweet.

With his older brother, Er'er completely forgot about Yin Ansheng.


"An Sheng, something is wrong with you today, what happened?"

In Yemei's private room, several men were drinking, but looking around, except for Yin Ansheng, the rest of them were all beauties in their arms, and they were proud of their spring breeze. He was the only one who remained silent and only drank.

Xu Dongfeng couldn't stand it anymore, so he put aside the beautiful woman in his arms and sat beside him.

"Did you quarrel with Miss Liang?"

In the eyes of this group of people, even if Yin Ansheng and Liang Qiluo broke up, they were a match made in heaven, and they would be together sooner or later. Liang Qiluo's return this time is the best proof.

Yin Ansheng ignored him, and continued to drink strong wine, which was basically stuffy.

"An Sheng, stop drinking!"

If you continue to drink like this, it will be strange if your stomach is perforated!
"Let's go, I'll take you back." Xu Dongfeng picked up his coat and helped him stagger out of Ye Mei.

In the car, Xu Dongfeng called Liang Qiluo.


In the early morning of the next day, Er'er opened his eyes and realized that he was not at Yin Ansheng's house, but at his own!
Yesterday when her brother came back, she didn't go to Yin Ansheng's house again, and even forgot to say hello.

She hurriedly called Yin Ansheng, wondering if that cheapskate was angry.

The phone rang for a long time before it was picked up slowly, and Liang Qiluo's sleepy voice came over.

"Er Xinxin, I'm Liang Qiluo, An Sheng is still asleep, if there's nothing wrong, I'll ask him to go back to you when he wakes up."

(End of this chapter)

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