Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 130 I Don’t Dislike You When I’m Sick

Chapter 130 I Don’t Dislike You When I’m Sick (4)

Er'er didn't expect Yin Ansheng to say that about her at all, and for a while, his tongue was tied and he couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

Yin Ansheng saw that she was ashamed and angry, but he couldn't do anything about him, and he was in a crazy mood, which made him feel unspeakably good.

It seemed that all his happiness was based on her pain.

Well, speaking of it, he's kind of an asshole.

But since she provoked him first, she should understand that there is a price to be paid for everything.

Of course, he is not so heinous, he just has some evil tastes.

"Okay, no matter how hard you stare, the balls of your eyes will pop out. I admit that my eyes are not as big as yours. Hurry up and eat, and I will send you to school after eating."

After all, Yin Ansheng compromised first, otherwise this little thing would stare at him all morning.

Er Er snorted, and sat down to eat breakfast again.

Before I ate a few bites, I heard Yin Ansheng say: "Er Xinxin, can you have the virtue of respecting the old and loving the young? Uncle, I am still hungry, go and feed me!"

"You have hands and feet yourself, why don't you go by yourself?"

"You also know that you have hands and feet? You use my chopsticks and spoons, and you eat the rice I have eaten. Are you embarrassed?"

Erton paused, only to realize that he had swallowed his saliva again without thinking.

Who cares, anyway, sooner or later it has to be stirred in a pot and bowl, what difference does it make between a few days earlier and a few days later!
"Of course I'm embarrassed. This is my own home. Why should I be embarrassed? But you, you are sitting in the dining room of my house swaggeringly, eating breakfast made by my brother. Are you embarrassed?"

"If your brother hadn't called me and begged me, do you think I would come over and make you yell at me? Er Xinxin, it's fine if you don't know how to repay your kindness, you have to be polite, right? Obedient, go and serve me a meal , I will send you to school when you are full."

Yin Ansheng looked at the little thing beside him with crooked eyebrows. At this moment, the handsome face with sharp edges and corners seemed to soften the edges and corners, and the whole person became gentle and charming.

Er Er admitted that he was worthless, so he was bewitched by him, and he went to the kitchen to serve porridge for him, and took chopsticks and spoons.

"Here, eat."

"Good boy." Yin Ansheng raised his hand and stroked her hair naturally, "Hurry up and eat, or you will be punished to stand again today."

Crow mouth!Erbai glanced at him, bowed his head, but couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips, and the look in his beautiful big eyes was compelling.

After breakfast, the driver also brought Yin Ansheng's car over, and he drove Er'er to school himself.

Due to time constraints, the speed of the road was not low. Fortunately, there was no traffic jam, and we arrived at the school at [-]:[-].

"Er Xinxin, you still have 2 minutes."

Of course Er'er knew, she opened the car door and ran away. After two steps, Yin Ansheng called her to stop.

"Er Xinxin, come here!"

Er'er thought he forgot something, turned around and ran back, "What's wrong?"

Yin Ansheng stared at her, but didn't speak.

Time is urgent, uncle, can you hurry up and say it?

Er Er frowned, thinking inwardly, could it be that he forgot to wash his face when he got up early?

Yin Ansheng waited for a few more seconds before calling her out with a serious face.

"My heart!"

"Well, you said I listened."

I saw Yin Ansheng smiled slightly, with a bit of cunning in his eyes, "The bell for class is ringing, you are late!"


Er'er screamed, punched him, turned around and ran towards the school, shouting, "Yin Ansheng, you're playing tricks on me! Just wait for me, and I'll clean you up after school!"

(End of this chapter)

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