Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 132 I Don’t Dislike You When I’m Sick

Chapter 132 I Don’t Dislike You When I’m Sick (6)

Er Er was concentrating on ordering food when the door opened from the outside and a person walked in.

"Ning Shao is here, please sit down."

Someone stood up and hurriedly gave up his seat to the person who came, but the person was not polite, and continued to do so, and the seat was on Er'er's right.

After ordering the meal in one go, Er Er breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and handed the order book to the waiter, glanced at the people around him, and was taken aback.

Turning his head, "Ning Mufeng? When did you come here?"

Ning Mufeng was actually quite surprised, he opened the door and saw her there, but he was not surprised because Yin Ansheng was there.

Mr. Zhang from Fengying was treating guests to dinner today. As investors, it was reasonable that he and Yin Ansheng were invited, but he didn't expect this girl to be there.

"I arrived when you ordered, how is it? Been here?"

Er'er shook his head, "This is my first time here, but I think the dishes on it are all delicious, so I ordered a lot, and I don't know if I can finish them all."

After finishing speaking, I went to see Yin Ansheng, hey, why did this man's face become so ugly?
It was clear just now that it was a sunny day, but in a blink of an eye it was covered with dark clouds.

While other people at the table were chatting, Er Er quickly moved to Yin Ansheng's ear.

"Yin Ansheng, are you jealous? I can smell jealous."

Yin Ansheng ignored her, and leaned on the chair with his eyelids downcast, with a face that should not be approached by strangers.

Er'er pouted, "Don't deny it, I'm talking to Ning Mufeng, you're jealous! You even said you don't like me, you're duplicity!"

"Xinxin, do you have no class this afternoon?" Ning Mufeng asked suddenly.

Er Er sat up straight and shook his head, "Yes, I will go back to school after dinner, and I only have an hour."

After finishing speaking, he frowned, "I don't know if the food will be served soon, but don't wait for the food to come, I'm going to school too."

Turning to look at Yin Ansheng again, "Yin Ansheng, go and help me urge the vegetables, okay?"

Yin Ansheng slowly raised his eyelids, without a moment's pause, "Okay."

The people present all stared wide-eyed.

Leaving aside the fact that the girl called Yin Ansheng directly by name, just say that Yin Ansheng answered "Yes" without hesitation just now, which is simply unbelievable to the extreme!

You must know that Yin Ansheng has always been a loner, and the number of times he was able to agree to invite him to dinner like today and go to the appointment is very few in the past few years!Not to mention bringing a girl with her, and doting on this girl so much that she didn't even feel displeased when she called her by her first name.

Everyone here became more and more curious about Er Er.

Yin Ansheng went out to urge the food, and Er Er followed him out.

After a while, Ning Mufeng also got up and went out.

Leaving the three people in the box, you look at me, I look at you, they all come to a conclusion: there is a story between these three people!
It was true to urge food, but Yin Ansheng's purpose was to go to the bathroom.

It's not easy for Er Er to go to the men's bathroom, but he went to the bathroom again, so it was convenient by the way.

Just about to open the door and come out, I heard Ning Mufeng's voice outside: "Yin Ansheng, don't you think you are going too far?"

"I don't think so!" Yin Ansheng's voice was cold, and Er'er couldn't help shivering.

This person looks like a human being when he is well, but when he is cold, he is frightening!
Ning Mufeng clenched his fists, "Why did you suddenly withdraw capital from Ning An? What good does it do you?"

Ning'an Group is a company owned by Ning Mufeng's family, and has always had a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship with Yin's company. A few months ago, the two companies jointly invested in the construction of a film and television base in Dongcheng, Yunhan City.Yesterday morning, I suddenly received a notice of Yin's withdrawal of capital, and Yin's representative also said that he was willing to compensate for the loss according to the contract.

But the agreed compensation is far less than Ning An's loss this time!
Yin Ansheng took out a paper towel, wiped his hands gracefully, and threw the ball of paper into the trash can. When he walked to the door, he said lightly: "The Yin family is so poor that they only have money left."

(End of this chapter)

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