Chapter 138 Special Relationship (4)

Back in the bedroom, Er'er lay on the bed and turned on his phone, and checked the time, it was almost ten o'clock.

Liang Qiluo should have gone home early, right?

Just as the words fell, the phone rang.

It was Liang Qiluo who called!
Er'er sticks out her tongue, isn't this person still waiting for her in the cafe?
As soon as the phone was connected, Liang Qiluo's roar came out, "Er Xinxin! You're playing tricks on me!"

Seeing that the door of the room was open, Er'er went down barefoot, and quickly closed the door. If the two people outside heard her bullying the woman they once held in their hands, they might work together to deal with her!

"Liang Qiluo, you are too stupid, okay? You are in your 30s, why are you still so stupid? Why did Yin Ansheng fall in love with you back then?"

"Er Xinxin, you are so proud! Even if Yin Ansheng won't be with me, he will definitely not be with you!"

"Oh, Liang Qiluo, not only do you have no brains, but you also have a particularly bad memory! Is it because you are old? Oh, Yin Ansheng and I are together now, haven't you seen it all? We live together!

There was no sound for a long time, and Er'er knew that she must have pissed Liang Qiluo to death.

It's better to be mad, and save her from doing it.

Back then she swore that if she saw Liang Qiluo one day in the future, she would definitely make this woman pay the price!
Can't stand it just now?Liang Qiluo, what's waiting for you, you can't bear it even more!

Liang Qiluo hung up the phone first, Er'er sneered and put the phone on the table.

Liang Qiluo, it's really time for you to come back. I was worried that I was bored and had nothing to do, so you sent it to my door by yourself.

So, if I don't greet you well, I really shouldn't.

A good night's sleep, and even a good mood to wake up the next morning.

"Brother, morning!"

"Morning, come over for dinner."

"Good Le!"

When I arrived at the restaurant, I found breakfast for three people on the table, "Huh? Brother, why is there another breakfast? Is there any guest coming?"

"What? You have eaten my meals for so many days, so why don't I eat your breakfast?"

Behind him, there was a chilly voice, Er'er turned around suddenly.

"Yin Ansheng, you... did you not leave last night or did you just come here?"

"you guess!"

Yin Ansheng dragged his chair away and sat down, picked up the millet porridge on the table and took a sip. How could the porridge made by cooks be so delicious?

After a warm breakfast, without doubting him, Yin Ansheng was once again targeted by Sui Wu.

"Yin Ansheng, you go to the company on the way faster than me, Xinxin please send it to school. Ah! I have another operation in the morning, I have to leave quickly, or I won't be able to catch up!"

After Sui Wu finished speaking, he strode towards the garage.

Yin Ansheng glanced at the little thing standing next to his car, and gave her an angry look, "Your brother is an asshole! I'm not your driver!"

Er Er nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at rice, "Of course you are not our driver!" You are the man I have my heart set on, and the richest son-in-law of our family in the future!
The atmosphere along the way was not particularly good, but we got to school smoothly.

As soon as Er'er got out of the car, the car made a "boom" and drove away in dust.

"After eating breakfast at my house, I asked you to drop me off. It's really a big opinion! I won't let you eat it next time!"

Er'er turned around while muttering, and just a few steps away, he saw Liang Qiluo standing at the school gate, obviously waiting for her!

(End of this chapter)

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