Chapter 147 Abnormal (5)

"An Sheng, I forgot to tell you something. I heard from Wenwen this afternoon that Er Xinxin was hospitalized. She was still unconscious when she was sent to the hospital—"

Before he finished speaking, Wu Lue heard the sound of the chair being kicked away, and he smiled with his lips curled up, "I just suddenly remembered, if you know it, forget it, I'll hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Lue didn't leave right away. He looked at the time, and in 2 minutes, Yin Ansheng appeared at the door of the company and walked over with great strides.

The cars of the two were parked side by side, and Yin Ansheng didn't notice that his car hadn't left.

It seems that his guess is right, this guy who never hits the south wall and never looks back is finally enlightened, and plans to start the second spring of his life, not bad!

Yin Ansheng left the parking lot and rushed all the way to the hospital, but when he arrived, he was told that Er Er had been discharged from the hospital 10 minutes ago.

He called Sui Wu, Er Er answered.

"Yin Ansheng, brother is driving, why do you want to ask him? I have turned on the speakerphone, so tell me."

The more Yin Ansheng thought about it, the more he felt that this was wrong, why?If it's okay, he can't make a phone call to say hello to Sui Wu?

Also, what tone is this?impatient?

That's right, with a new love, I don't need him anymore!
The more Yin Ansheng thought about it, the angrier he became, and he pressed the hang up button forcefully.

Er'er frowned when he heard the sound of "beep beep" coming from the phone, why did he hang up?
She turned her head to look at Sui Wu blankly, "Brother..."

"Don't pay attention to him, crazy!"

"That's right, crazy! Called and didn't speak!"

The siblings reached an agreement that Yin Ansheng is a big psycho!
After hanging up the phone, Yin Ansheng was in a terrible mood. Whenever he thought of the photo he received on his phone, he wanted to beat someone up!


Yin Zhenyun was doing Tai Chi in the yard after dinner, when Yin Ansheng got out of the car and opened the door, the old man felt a chill.

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

"Why, can't you come back?"

Yin Ansheng choked on his father, and went straight into the house.

The nanny asked him if he had dinner, but he didn't answer with a cold face, and went upstairs to his bedroom with the cold wind all the way.

Yin Zhenyun stood in the yard in a daze for a long time before recovering, "Boy, I have something on my mind tonight!"

He couldn't remember how many years his son hadn't been as emotional as tonight. He always had an attitude of indifference to everything, and sometimes it really made people hate it.

Tonight, it's different!

who is it?What's the matter?What caused his emotions to fluctuate so much?
Yin Zhenyun thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out, and finally decided to call Wu Lue to ask.

The call was connected quickly.

"Wu Lue, uncle asks you, is something wrong with the company?"

"No, uncle, why do you ask that?"

"An Sheng just came back to me, and his temper was quite violent, so I wanted to know what happened."

Wu Lue frowned, didn't he go to the hospital to see Er Xinxin?

So he wasn't sure, so he said ambiguously, "Could it be related to Er Xinxin?"

After hanging up the phone, Yin Zhenyun called Er'er in a hurry.

He opened his mouth and asked, "Er Er, did you quarrel with that kid An Sheng?"

"No, we haven't seen each other for two days. I called him and he didn't answer. What's the matter? What's the matter with him?"

"When you came back to me just now, your face was very smelly. I thought you might have had a fight."

Er'er pursed his lips, "It must have been a fight with Liang Qiluo, they've been together these two days."

Liang Qiluo?
Yin Zhenyun hung up the phone in a hurry, and hurried back to the room with a stern face.

Standing downstairs, shouting: "Yin Ansheng, get out of here!"

 The second update is uploaded, and there is another update today!At 20 o'clock, everyone will watch it at night, okay, remember to [Favorite] it, it will be convenient to watch at night~

(End of this chapter)

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