Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 166 It’s better to have a psychological preparation

Chapter 166 It’s better to have a psychological preparation (8)

"Excuse me, Mr. Yin, what is your relationship with this lady?"

"Mr. Yin, this lady seems to be your ex-girlfriend's cousin, are you sisters eating together?"

"Miss Su, may I ask you to steal your sister's boyfriend, don't you feel guilty for doing so?"


Without giving Yin Ansheng and Su Lanshan a chance to breathe, one reporter after another bombarded them with questions like cannonballs.

Su Lanshan had never encountered such a scene before, her face was already pale with fright, she covered her face with her bag, and hid in the corner.

But these reporters didn't give her a chance to dodge at all, and kept asking questions.

The entire room was filled with reporters. Obviously, this was definitely not an accident, but a well-planned round.

Yin Ansheng didn't show any panic, but was stunned for a moment at the beginning.

At this time, he stood expressionlessly under the spotlight, even though he was wearing a hotel white bathrobe, he still exuded a natural dignity and majesty.

About 10 minutes later, in the lively room, the sound gradually died down, and after a while, there was no sound at all.

The reporters who were as excited as if they had been beaten just now were all terrified at this time. They all said that this man was terrible, but it was just a rumor. Now that they saw it, it turned out to be true!

He just stood there without saying a word, those sharp and sharp eyes were enough to pierce a thousand arrows through one's heart!

Some were timid, their legs trembled and they couldn't stand upright.

However, there are also those who are not afraid of death. Although they are afraid in their hearts, when they think of being able to get the exclusive headlines and become a serf from now on, they don't care about anything and go all out!
"Mr. Yin, please explain your relationship with Miss Su!"

If there is the first one, there will be the second and the third.

The room that had been quiet for a while was once again as noisy as a vegetable market.

Yin Ansheng paced to the sofa, just wearing a bathrobe in such a calm manner, leaning on the sofa and smoking a cigarette.

It wasn't until the buzzing in his ears finally disappeared that he lazily raised his eyelids and glanced at the door.

The bodyguard who came in a hurry but was not instructed to stand at the door squeezed in from behind the crowd, "Sir, what are your orders?"

"Leave no one to avoid future troubles."

The simple eight words, even when he said these words, the man's face was as calm as talking about the weather.

All of a sudden, the group of reporters turned and ran towards the door like frightened birds.

It's a pity that Yin Ansheng's bodyguards have already blocked all the exits, and none of them can get out.

After all the reporters were taken to another room and the surroundings finally quieted down, Yin Ansheng's face seemed to be covered with a thick layer of ice, which was horribly cold.

After a while, Wu Lue walked in with his clothes on his hands, and joked, "An Sheng, what are you doing? It's fine to spend the night with Su Lanshan in the hotel, and let the reporter take pictures. Tell me, why are you so careless?" ? Are you not afraid that your little ancestor will chop you with a knife?"

After speaking, he left the clothes in his hand on the sofa, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

What was shown on the TV was exactly what happened in this room just now.

Yin Ansheng's eyes suddenly darkened, and the uncontrollable raging anger ignited in the deep eyes.


The glass coffee table in front of him immediately turned into shards of broken glass under the feet of his Hercules.

Wu Lue took a deep breath and walked away. The city gate was on fire, so don't hurt him, an innocent!

(End of this chapter)

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