Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 168 Don't Look, He's My Man!

Chapter 168 Don't Look, He's My Man! (2)

"Old man, what's the matter with you, old man?"

Seeing this, the nanny hurried forward, her face pale with fright.

Yin Zhenyun leaned on the sofa, looking uncomfortable and in pain. After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I, I'm going to be so pissed off by this traitor! Ouch! My heart hurts! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

"Master, don't say unlucky words, you can live a long life! I'll call the young master and ask him to take you to the hospital."

"Don't call him!" Yin Zhenyun roared, causing the nanny to tremble in fright, and looked at him with a puzzled face, "Old man, you are in such a bad mood, you must go to the hospital immediately."

"I don't want to see him. I will die sooner if I see him. You call Dr. Sui and ask him to come to the house. Hurry up, ouch, it hurts me to death!"

The nanny didn't dare to delay, so she hurriedly called Sui Wu.

Since the last time Yin Zhenyun was hospitalized, Sui Wu took over Yin Zhenyun's previous family doctor and became Yin Zhenyun's current family doctor.

The nanny spoke on the phone very urgently, Sui Wu didn't dare to delay, so he hurried over with his assistant Xiao Chen.

"How is Mr. Yin?" Sui Wu asked while walking.

"Lying on the sofa, complaining of heartache all the time, Dr. Sui, didn't the last checkup say that the old man is in good health? Why does the heartache hurt? Could it be that there is some disease that has not been detected? After all, he is getting old .” The nanny looked worried.

"Sudden heartache?"

"Yeah, no."


"It's just that the young master's heart hurts after he came back. The young master and the old man quarreled. I reckon he must be angry."

Sui Wu paused, even if he hadn't seen Yin Zhenyun yet, he could be sure that he was tricked!

This father and son, a pair of bastards!
Indeed, like father, like son!

The nanny walked a few steps and found that the person hadn't followed.

"Doctor Sui, what's wrong?"

Sui Wu gritted his teeth, really wanted to leave, but after thinking about it, he went into the house bravely.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard Yin Zhenyun moaning, which sounded quite painful.

"Old man, old man, Dr. Sui is here."

The nanny came to Yin Zhenyun's side and called him softly.

Yin Zhenyun slowly opened his eyes. In fact, he had already heard the sound of the car, and knew that Sui Wu was coming.

"Doctor Sui, you are here."

The nanny helped Yin Zhenyun to sit up with difficulty, and he leaned on the sofa. He looked weak, his face was pale, and his forehead was still covered with dense beads of sweat.

It also looks like it!
Sui Wu stepped forward with a half-smile, "Old man, what's wrong with you?"

Yin Zhenyun put his hands on his heart, "My heart hurts, like a needle prick."

"Let me check it for you. There should be no major problems, so I just checked it."

The implication is obvious, you don't want to make trouble anymore, old man.

Yin Zhenyun pursed his lips, but in the end he seemed to have given up on explaining something, and closed his eyes feebly.

This time he really wasn't pretending, his heart really hurt, like being pricked by countless needles.

Due to limited conditions, Sui Wu gave him a simple examination, halfway through the examination, his complexion changed and became extremely serious.

"How about Dr. Sui? What's wrong with me?"

Sui Wu put away the instrument with a solemn expression, "Master, you need to go to the hospital for a detailed examination."

"I..." Yin Zhenyun's face turned pale again, even his lips turned pale, after a long while he nodded, "Okay."

But he was muttering in his heart, don't be really cursed by his crow's mouth, he is really going to die.

(End of this chapter)

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