Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 189 The most poisonous woman's heart

Chapter 189 The most poisonous woman's heart (8)

It was evening when Niya woke up, and she lay on the ground for several hours. Even though the heater was turned on in the room, she was still icy cold to the bone.

Gao Jing was not there, and the ward was very quiet, so quiet that she felt as if she had died.

She was in so much pain that she couldn't even move, she lay on the ground without moving, and it took a long time before she sat up little by little.

She came to Ni Changtian's hospital bed, lay on his body, sobbing.

"Dad, when will you wake up?"

"Dad, I'm so scared. When you wake up, I won't be able to see you again."

"Father, I miss my sister so much. It would be nice if my sister was still alive..."

Now in this family, no one is her umbrella anymore.

My sister is dead and my father is a vegetable.

Hang Hang was abroad, his father was injured and his mother refused to let him tell him that he has not come back yet.

The days to come will be even more difficult than now. She really wanted to die, but she didn't have the courage to commit suicide.

She admitted that she was cowardly, not even daring to die.

So this is her fate?

Ni Ya smiled wryly, and fell asleep on Ni Changtian's body.

She had a dream, dreaming that her sister was still there. At that time, the family was full of laughter and laughter every day. Although her mother was very strict, she still loved her...

"Don't pretend to be asleep! Get up!"

With a sharp pain in her waist, Niya opened her eyes.

In the room at dusk, she raised her face to look at Gao Jing. She had seen this face for 18 years, but today she suddenly felt so ferocious and terrifying.

Er Xinxin said that her father didn't like her, but today she clearly saw that man loved her so much. Although that man was very cold, when he looked at Er Xinxin, his eyes were full of doting and tenderness.

This is something she has never seen in her mother's eyes.

Er Xinxin is so happy, Doctor Sui loves her so much, her father loves her so much, Yin Ansheng treats her so well, even her own father treats her so well, and she...

Niya suddenly lowered her head, tears streaming down her face.

But she quickly raised her hand to wipe it off, gritted her teeth and stood up from the ground.

The whole body was in so much pain, and when she moved, the wounds were tearing and hurting, and she staggered and couldn't stand.

Gao Jing kicked her again, "What? Want to rebel? Why are you dawdling when I ask you to get up? Do you want to die?"

Niya fell to the ground, gritted her teeth tightly and dared not make a sound, because she knew that if she dared to snort, she would be greeted with a severe beating.

She struggled to get up, and stood there with her head bowed tremblingly.

"Mom, I'm sorry."


Gao Jing stretched out her hand and slapped her without any explanation, just slap her when she was upset.

Bright red blood flowed from the corner of Niya's mouth, her mouth was full of fishy sweetness, and her ears were buzzing.

"Go home and wash yourself. I'll go back later. If you don't clean yourself up like a human being, watch how I clean you up!"

Gao Jing's sharp voice sounded harsh and disgusting.

Niya nodded and left in a hurry.

When she got home and locked the door, Niya cried for a while, but she didn't dare to cry for too long, because she had to clean herself up, otherwise she would be beaten.

I just took a shower and dried my hair, and there was the sound of a car coming back from the yard downstairs.

Niya hurriedly went to change her clothes. Gao Jing had already arrived at the door just after getting dressed and before she had time to comb her hair.

"Bitch, you actually locked the door!"

Gao Jing kicked the door hard.

Niya turned pale with fright, and hurried over to open the door.

"What are you locking the door for? What are you doing in the room?"

Gao Jing stretched out her hand and was about to slap her, but Ni Ya didn't dare to dodge, she just closed her eyes, but after waiting for a long time, the slap didn't come down.

"Give you half an hour!"

A white dress was thrown on Ni Ya's face, Gao Jing turned and went downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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