Chapter 202 He's Getting Engaged (6)

Yin Ansheng didn't find Er'er, he was in a hurry to chase her just now, and he forgot his mobile phone, so he couldn't call her, so he had to go back to get his mobile phone.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard a quiet voice from inside, "Mr. Yin, what should I say about An Sheng and Xiao Ya? They were all drunk, but who knew that a reporter would report this incident, and it is now known to everyone. Xiaoya kept crying at home, I am a woman, I can only come up with this way."

Yin Zhenyun said: "Mrs. Ni, I don't know what happened last night. I haven't seen An Sheng today."

"Mr. Yin, what do you mean by that? You mean I'm lying?"

"Mrs. Ni, I don't doubt you, but you also said that you didn't see the two of them on the bed when you went, did you?"


Gao Jingyu concluded that she originally thought it would be on the same bed, and then her relatives and friends were all there. Yin Ansheng couldn't deny it if he wanted to, but that bitch was actually hiding in the bathroom!

But so what, sleeping is sleeping, lonely men and widows are in the same room, and there are traces on their bodies, isn't it conclusive evidence?

But she really underestimated Yin Zhenyun's shamelessness. When encountering such a thing, he can still say such a thing!

Yin Zhenyun looked up and saw Yin Ansheng coming in, and waved to him, "Ansheng, you came just in time, and Mrs. Ni happened to be there too, so please tell me what happened last night in front of everyone. Are you really messing with Miss Ni?" gone?"

Yin Ansheng didn't make a sound, just sat down on the chair in silence, closed his eyes and meditated.

"Master, do you want to serve you food?" The old housekeeper didn't care what they were talking about, and came over and asked softly.

"Come on, Uncle De."

"Good Le!"

"What's the matter with eating?" Yin Zhenyun scolded, "An Sheng, I'm asking you something!"

Yin Ansheng raised his eyelids to look at him, and said lightly, "Father, your son, don't you understand?"

"It's because I know you well that I don't think you would do such an outrageous thing, but since Mrs. Ni has found her here, please explain again."

When Gao Jing heard it, her face turned dark immediately, and she couldn't care less about the image of a wealthy lady at this moment, so she stood up abruptly and glared at Yin Zhenyun angrily.

"Mr. Yin, I respect you, but you can't bully people like this!
what do you mean?Your son slept with my daughter, and now you don't admit it, what about my daughter's innocence?

I originally considered your Yin family's face, and instead of going through legal procedures, I asked them to hold a press conference to disclose their relationship, and then choose a date to get engaged. Face, I didn't expect you to encourage your son like this!
Simply too much!
Do you think that Changtian is lying half dead in the hospital, we orphans and widows are easy to bully?

Let me tell you, there is no door!I, Gao Jing, don't need anything, but I will definitely seek justice for my daughter! "

Yin Zhenyun was neither angry nor angry, and waved his hand, signaling Gao Jing to sit down.

"Mrs. Ni, look at how excited you are. Am I just asking An Sheng? Why are you in a hurry? Besides, I don't like to hear you say that we are bullying. An Sheng and I didn't help you after Changtian's accident. ? Without us, you can enter the board of directors so smoothly? It’s okay to be a man who doesn’t know how to repay you, but to be afraid is to be afraid... Sigh, it’s ugly to say.”

"Yes, I am very grateful for your help, but one matter is one matter, and your Yin family must give me an explanation for this matter."

"Sit down, it's not good to quarrel when it's Chinese New Year."

Gao Jing moved her mouth, then sat down reluctantly, and as soon as her butt touched the chair, she said again: "I didn't come here to quarrel today, but this Spring Festival is really difficult for me! Xiaoya is dying at home Yes, there are a lot of things going on in the company, and sometimes I'm really on the verge of breaking down."

As he said that, he began to sob.

Yin Zhenyun's face was blackened, and he was not allowed to live in peace during the New Year's Eve, so why cry!If you want to cry and go back to your own home, no one cares how you cry!
But he endured and endured these words, and did not say it.

He could only turn his head and stare at his son, seeing that he still ate it, he was furious immediately.

His fire has been suppressed all day, and he is uncomfortable!
"Put it down! You can still eat it!"

Yin Ansheng glanced at him and said lightly, "Why can't I eat? I haven't eaten all day."

"Yin Ansheng you..." Gao Jing was so angry that her face was livid, she simply ignored any image, and burst into tears.

"Yin Ansheng, how can you bully people like this, how can you do this!"

Anyway, just a few words, like singing, with a low tone, which makes people very uncomfortable to hear.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound outside the door.

Everyone in the room was taken aback and looked towards the door.

The old butler trotted out to check, and after a while, came in with a person.

"You little girl, what do you think you are climbing so high for? Are you trying to steal something?"

Er'er covered his face and was ashamed to see people, but he was still recognized by people at a glance.

Yin Ansheng just took a sip of porridge, and when he saw that it was her, he swallowed it hastily, wondering if he was too anxious, he actually choked and coughed violently.

"Err?" Yin Zhenyun frowned, got up and walked forward, bent down to look at Err's face, "What are you doing with your face covered? You can't see anyone? Where did you fall? Let me take a look."

Earl lowered his hand slowly.

"Did you fall?"

Er Er rubbed his butt, nodded tearfully, "I fell on my butt, it hurts."

"I..." Yin Zhenyun blushed, turned his head and glared at someone who was coughing angrily, "Er Er fell on his butt, rub it!"

Yin Ansheng paused and stopped coughing.

The old butler was embarrassed, and after a long time, this girl is Er Er?He also said that he was looking for a chance to meet this girl, who knew that he would meet in this way today, how embarrassing!

After thinking about it, he hurriedly turned and left.

Seeing that Yin Ansheng was standing there in a daze, Yin Zhenyun scolded: "What are you doing in a daze, rub it!"

Yin Ansheng had no expression on his face, but his eyes flickered. He turned around and looked at Er Xinxin without leaving his chair.

"come over!"

Er'er walked over with his mouth flattened, two tears still hanging on his face, looking very cute.

"Yin Ansheng, you bastard! You actually slept with my friend!"

"..." The corners of Yin Ansheng's mouth twitched vigorously. He didn't intend to respond to her, but when he saw that Gao Jing was still there, he said, "Did you see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears?"

"I... Then what do you mean by what you just said? You are going to be engaged to Niya!"

This made Yin An very angry, "Er Xinxin, are you a pig's brain? What's going on with your neck?"

Just now when Uncle De brought her in, he saw the mark on her neck at a glance, but now that he got closer, he could see it more clearly.

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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