Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 213 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit

Chapter 213 The Snipe and the Clam Compete for the Fisherman's Profit (1)

Sui Wu was silently observing Er'er's expression and reaction. After hearing her talk with Su Jinghao, he couldn't calm down for a long time, but he didn't know how to ask her.

Judging by her reaction now, she really doesn't look like Xinxin. If it was on weekdays, she would definitely call Yin Ansheng to question him, but today she is very able to hold her breath, even though she looks very angry. angry.

Er'er took a big bite of the meat in his hand and burned it, feeling angrily in his heart.

As soon as she raised her head to meet Sui Wu's gaze, she pursed her lips with an expression of grievance, "Brother..."

"Yin Ansheng is such a bastard!"

"That's it!" Er'er chewed the meatloaf in his mouth, as if he was talking about Yin Ansheng, "I was rejected by me yesterday, and I'm going to be engaged to Ni Ya tomorrow, what a bastard! How shameless! The key point is Ni Ya." Still my friend!"

It seems that she is his heart now, Sui Wu suddenly smiled when he saw her appearance.

Because he suddenly felt that she changed into Ni Er for a while, and changed back again for a while, as if switching with one button, doing whatever she wanted, interesting!
He is a doctor. Although he is not a psychologist, he also knows some symptoms of people with dual personality or even multiple personality disorder, so it is not surprising, but it is the first time that someone around him has such similar symptoms.

Er Er frowned, "Brother, what are you laughing at?"

Sui Wu suppressed his smile, did not explain, and said softly: "Xinxin, what are you going to do tomorrow?"

"I'm going to wreak havoc!" Er'er clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, "I'm going to take a group of people and smash up the engagement banquet scene! It's smashed to pieces!"

"Just smashing things? Not Yin Ansheng? If I were you, I would skin Yin Ansheng."

Er'er's eyes lit up, and he thought about it, "That's right! I'll strip off Yin Ansheng's clothes tomorrow, and I think he's shameless enough to be engaged to my good friend!"


The corners of Sui Wu's mouth twitched fiercely, what he meant by stripping the skin was not stripping the clothes, this kid.

"Brother, can you get me some medicine?"

"What medicine?"


Er Er squinted his eyes, and his eyes were fierce, "I want to put the laxative in Yin Ansheng's wine glass, water glass, and rice, and I want to make him have diarrhea! Yes! That's it, let's see what he does tomorrow Go get engaged!"

After hearing this, Sui Wu not only didn't stop, but also nodded repeatedly, "Okay! I think it's okay!"

"Then it's settled! Brother, go get me medicine now."

"it is good."

Sui Wu got up to leave, Er'er's big eyes narrowed into a line, imagining Yin Ansheng's embarrassing appearance tomorrow, and thinking about it, he actually laughed, and he couldn't stop laughing until his stomach hurt.

"Xinxin, why are you so happy?" Eryuan didn't dare to appear in front of her these two days, but now he heard her laughing, thinking that she was in a good mood, so he came in.


Er'er couldn't wait to share his "vicious tactics" with others, "Father, let me tell you, I thought of a good way to punish Yin Ansheng!"

"Ah? Oh! What can I do?"

Her "Dad" just now really shocked Er Yuan, because he had already prepared for the worst, thinking that she might never ask him to call him Dad again.

But just now she called him daddy again, tears filled his eyes and he was very excited.

"Xinxin, call Dad again."

Er Er frowned, not knowing why, but he still called obediently, "Dad, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?"

Eryuan quickly lowered his head and wiped away his tears, "Dad didn't cry, Dad was just happy, happy."

"Why are you happy? I'm going to fix Yin Ansheng? Haha, Dad, let me tell you, I've come up with a good idea!" Er'er smiled heartlessly, covering his mouth, "I asked my brother to find laxatives for me. , Tomorrow I will put laxatives in Yin Ansheng's tea and food, so that he has diarrhea and can't get up. Let me see how he will get engaged to Niya tomorrow! Even if I decide not to have him, he will not be good to me Friends get engaged!"

"Okay! This method is good! Dad supports you! You must not be soft-hearted towards Yin Ansheng!"

Er Yuan's reaction was almost the same as Sui Wu's, it really wasn't that the whole family didn't come in!

With the support of his elder brother and father, Er'er's little heart beats fast, eagerly looking forward to tomorrow and getting tired soon.

She couldn't wait to see Yin Ansheng's panic!
Haha, Yin Ansheng, just wait!
"Er, why are you laughing? What good happened?"

As soon as Su Jinghao got out of the elevator, she heard her laughter, which made her happy.

Doesn't she know about brother Niya's engagement tomorrow?

Fortunately, she was worried and came here today to remind her, otherwise tomorrow would be a one-man show.

"Jing Hao, you are here! Bring me something delicious? Let me see, I'm starving to death!"

Su Jinghao glared at her, "Are you starving to death? Is that a stone in your hand?"

"Ah?" Er'er looked down at his hands, eh?He was actually eating meat and burning it!

She was a little embarrassed, smiled, took a bite, and said, "You came just in time, I have something to do with you!"

"Why don't you call me? What's the matter?"

Su Jing put the things she bought on the table, and then turned to greet Er Yuan, "Hello, Uncle Er."

Er Yuan nodded, turned around and went out, girls always have endless topics to talk about when they get together, let them have a good chat, he won't disturb them.

When Basil came back from the outside, he was obviously in a good mood, so he thought for a while and asked, "Did you encounter something happy, sir?"

The corner of Eryuan's mouth couldn't hide a smile, "Xinxin is not angry with me anymore! You just asked me to call you Dad!"

"That's great! Sir, I can finally sleep soundly tonight."

"Come on, walk downstairs with me."

"Good Le!"

In the ward, Er'er held the meat on fire in one hand and squeezed a box of yogurt in the other, eating and drinking very comfortably.

"Quiet, Yin Ansheng is really engaged to Xiaoya tomorrow?"

"It should be true. You know about the [-]th year, right? Uncle is probably under pressure and can't do anything about it, but your stepmother, I think she is very human!"

When Gao Jing was mentioned, Er'er's eyes suddenly dimmed. She used to think that although Gao Jing was not her real mother, she was better than her own mother, but what happened recently changed her view of Gao Jing completely.

She suspected that Gao Jing was responsible for her father's car accident!
Before Yin Ansheng and Xiaoya's incident, she had never doubted it, but through this incident, she saw Gao Jing who was very scheming, step by step, and unscrupulous in order to achieve her goal, so the idea of ​​doubt is particularly strong now.

It's just that she can't be discharged from the hospital now, so she can only endure it. After she is discharged from the hospital, she will definitely investigate her father's car accident in person.

"According to you, tomorrow's engagement is a foregone conclusion?"

"It should be. I didn't see my brother today. Uncle is so angry that he doesn't even talk to me now. But you, what do you think? Are you really going to let my brother get engaged to your sister? Are you willing?"

"I..." As the words came to his lips, Er'er's eyes froze suddenly, and he glanced at Su Jinghao, "Try me!"

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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