Chapter 223 Love Rival (1)

"Where did this kid go?"

Sui Wu whispered, but she wasn't worried that she would get lost, after all, she was much more familiar with Yunhan City than he was.

It's just that he was curious, what did she see?
Sui Wu looked around, but there was no sign of her as far as he could see.

It's only a blink of an eye, how could it disappear?She will not hide.

Just wondering, a parked van on the side of the road slowly started to leave.

Afterwards, Sui Wu saw "the brat who disappeared in the blink of an eye".

She was hugging someone at this time, to be precise, it was a man, and to be more precise, it was a man he knew.

Ning Mufeng was at a loss for this sudden hug, although he and Er Xinxin did know each other, but to tell the truth, they were not familiar.

Especially since he got engaged during this period, and Ning Cheng no longer clamored to pursue her all day long, he hadn't seen her for a long time.

"Er Xinxin...what's the matter with you?"

Ning Mufeng's first feeling was that the child must have been stimulated by something.

So he didn't dare to push her away for a while, not to mention, in his heart, he also liked this child, like a pistachio, talking to her would make people feel comfortable, just like Er Er.

He can always see Er Er's shadow in her, such as now.

This hug made his heart beat inexplicably fast, as if it was going to jump out of his chest.

This feeling made him both familiar and strange, but he was also flustered.

He is very clear that he just misses Er Er too much, so whenever he meets someone who looks a little bit like Er Er, he can't help but substitute for him.

But he understood that he couldn't do this, he was already engaged to Bai Ying, and they would get married soon.

Er Er, can only be hidden in his heart forever.

Sui Wu didn't go forward, but just stood not far away and looked at the two of them. At first he was puzzled, but soon he remembered something.

The only relationship Ni Er had ever had was with Ning Mufeng. It is said that the two had a very good relationship when they were together, and they were each other's first love, but they broke up suddenly for some unknown reason.

Because he thought it was irrelevant at the time, he didn't investigate it carefully.

At this critical moment, if you want to know, you can only be anxious.

Ning Mufeng also noticed Sui Wu, smiled at him awkwardly, and put his hand on Er'er's shoulder.

"Er Xinxin, you, can you get up first? If you have something to say, speak slowly, okay?"

Er'er refused, and used a little more strength to hug his waist tightly, tears streaming down his face.

During the period of recovering her memory, she had a lot of things going on every day, and she forgot that she had met him when she was Er Xinxin during the period of amnesia.

"My heart——"

Er'er raised his head to interrupt him, pursed his lips, and said in a crying voice: "Don't call me Er Xinxin, you call me Er Er, call me Er Er."

Seeing her crying like this, Ning Mufeng didn't dare to disobey, and nodded quickly, "Er Er, Er Er, don't cry, okay? Tell me what's the matter, is someone bullying you?"

Er'er shook his head, looked at him with his mouth flattened, and the tears flowed more and more fiercely.

As if to shed all the tears of missing him in the past three years.

"Err..." Ning Mufeng had no choice but to ask Sui Wu for help, not knowing what to do.

But Sui Wu acted as if he had nothing to do with himself, and refused to step forward no matter what.

Ning Mufeng was even more certain that it should be Sui Wu who bullied her, but...even if Sui Wu bullied her, he doesn't know her well, right?Wouldn't it be a little... inappropriate for her to do this?
Of course, these were just thoughts in his mind, and he didn't say them directly.

He thought for a while and said, "Er Er, why don't you stop crying, have you had breakfast? I'll take you to eat delicious food, okay?"

Er'er cried for a while, then nodded, let go of the hand holding his waist, but instead grabbed his hand, holding it tightly with both hands.

"You can't lie to me, and you can't leave me alone."

"..." Ning Mufeng opened his mouth and nodded helplessly. In fact, he has something to do today. There is a meeting in the morning, and he has to rush to the company.

But right now, it looks like he can't go.

He whispered to Er'er: "I won't lie to you, I won't leave, so can I make a call?"

"Just fight in front of my face, and you are not allowed to go anywhere."

"Okay." Ning Mufeng laughed, and felt more and more that this child was exactly the same as Er Er when he made trouble for no reason.

He took out his mobile phone, called his secretary, and explained that the meeting was postponed, and the exact time was to be determined.

After hanging up the phone, I looked down at her, "What do you want to eat?"

Er'er looked at the breakfast in his hand, "Eat what's in your hand."

Ning Mufeng smiled, "Steamed buns with chives and eggs, do you like them?"

"I like it! As long as you buy it, I like it!"

"Okay, I'll eat it for you."

Ning Mufeng put on disposable gloves, squeezed out a small bun from the bag, and handed it to Er'er, but she didn't reach out to take it, but lowered her head and took a bite.


"You're pretty lazy!"

Ning Mufeng teased, seeing that she finally stopped crying, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked up to see Sui Wu, but found that there was no one there.

Just throw his sister to him?Isn't that unkind?
Er'er chewed the leek and egg buns, his eyes were so beautiful that they narrowed into a line, "It's delicious!"

"Eat more if it tastes good!" Ning Mufeng looked at her softly, remembering Er'er's way of eating steamed buns before, almost the same as her, squinting his eyes and enjoying it.

Moreover, the steamed stuffed bun with leek and egg is also Er'er's favorite. In fact, he refused to eat this stuffed steamed stuffed bun at first, but there was no other way, she liked it, and he followed suit and found it delicious.

After that, I gradually got used to it, and every time I eat buns, I always have this stuffing.

"Do you want to drink soy milk?"


One bite of steamed stuffed bun and one bite of soy milk, Er Er felt that this was the most delicious meal he had eaten in a long time!

After a while, she finished all four steamed buns and a cup of soy milk.

After eating and drinking, she rubbed her belly contentedly, "I'm finally full!"

Ning Mufeng smiled, and couldn't help but pinch the bear ears on her hat, "You, you can eat it! This is a big man's breakfast like me."

Er'er laughed, not feeling embarrassed at all, in fact, if she hadn't eaten breakfast, she could still eat two more buns!
"Go! I'll treat you to breakfast!"

"Okay! Then I want to eat something delicious! I won't eat steamed stuffed buns or drink soy milk."

"no problem!"

Er'er dragged him to the snack bar just now, and asked the boss for a large order of wontons, and another order of finger cakes.

Ning Mufeng looked at the big bowl of wontons and finger cakes in front of him, and his eyes instantly moistened.

Those sweet memories of the past suddenly surged in his heart, and he couldn't help but his eyes were red.

Er'er tugged at his sleeve, "Amu, what's wrong with you? Eat quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Ning Mufeng's tears burst out instantly, and the next second he hugged her forcefully, "Er..."

 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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