Chapter 226 Love Rival (4)

I have never waited for a message from that stranger.

Bai Ying put away her mobile phone, went back to the company with a heavy heart, and met her father Bai Jun.

"What's wrong with Xiaoying? Is there something on your mind?"

Staring at his daughter for a few seconds, Bai Jun laughed, "Are you having trouble with Mu Feng?"

Bai Ying's tears came out again immediately, feeling very wronged.

Bai Jun only had this precious daughter, and when he saw her crying, he felt very distressed, and quickly hugged her to comfort her.

"Tell Dad, did Mu Feng bully you? Dad will deal with him in a while!"

Bai Ying cried extremely wronged, but she didn't speak.

Bai Jun couldn't get any information from her, so he had to call Ning Mufeng.

"Dad don't hit!"

When Bai Ying saw that he was about to make a call, she quickly stopped him.

"Then tell Dad what's going on."

Bai Jun helped his daughter to his office, closed the door, sat down on the sofa, took out a pack of chocolates that girls love to eat from the drawer, opened it, took out one, pulled one out, and stuffed it in. in her mouth.

"Now tell Dad what's going on."

Bai Ying stopped crying, slowly ate the chocolate in her mouth, first turned on the phone, and let Bai Jun read the information on the phone.

She is 25 years old, not a fool, not to mention, she started to work in the company with her father, who hasn't seen it?
Intrigue, ulterior motives, what hasn't she encountered before?
So what the person who sent the message meant, she is not a fool, it is impossible not to guess.

On the surface, it seems that it is for her own good, and letting her look at Ning Mufeng is helping her, but in reality?It was just to let her and Ning Mufeng separate quickly.

Such a small trick really underestimated her.

Bai Jun looked at his phone, his expression was not very good.

When he got up, he wanted to call Ning Mufeng to question him, but Bai Ying stopped him.

"Dad, don't you think this is interesting?"

"Interesting? Ning Mufeng, he actually dared to do something I'm sorry for you openly! What a bastard!"

"Father, calm down first and listen to me."

At this moment, on the contrary, Bai Ying was very calm, she smiled and pulled Bai Jun back to sit on the sofa, swallowed the last bit of chocolate in her mouth, to be honest, the taste is not very good, she has never particularly liked chocolate, I don't understand why Almost all girls love to eat it so much, anyway, she doesn't particularly like this taste.

Bai Jun calmed down, "Then tell me, Dad, listen."

"Is Dad just angry that Mu Feng may have done something wrong to me behind my back?"

"What else could it be?"

"Dad, you are 30 years older than me and have more life experience than me. I don't think you can't fail to see the purpose of the person who sent the message."

Hearing what his daughter said, Bai Jun was taken aback, and turned on the phone again.

"This is the virtual address of the network."

"Yes, has Dad ever thought about it, if it is an ordinary person, who would think of using a virtual address?"

"What do you want to say?"

"That person wanted me to break up with Mu Feng. I was like my father just now. I was very angry when I first saw these photos, but now I calm down. I feel that I was stupid before. What kind of person is Mu Feng, Dad It is also clear, so whether he will do something sorry to me is not important, what is important is who is the person who sent the message? Why does he want to tear me apart from Mu Feng?"

Bai Jun nodded and said nothing, because he thought what his daughter said made sense.

"Father, between Mu Feng and me, no matter where we go in the future, I don't want you and Mom to intervene." Bai Ying said again.

"But...forget it, Dad doesn't care about you anymore. You have had your own opinions since you were a child, but if Ning Mufeng bullies you, you must tell Dad."


After chatting with Bai Jun, Bai Ying went back to her office and got busy. She didn't receive any strange messages all morning.


Here, the person who received the same message is Yin Ansheng.

He had been in meetings in the morning, and when the meeting ended at noon, he returned to the office only to realize that there were several messages on his phone.

He opened it and looked, the expression on his face didn't change at all, but the bottom of his eyes was burning with anger.

Immediately, he made a call without hesitation, but suddenly woke up after dialing.

They hadn't been in touch for a while, and hadn't seen each other since she regained her memory after surgery.

He was about to hang up, but the other side has already picked up.

"Hello? Who are you looking for?"

There was a man's voice on the phone, Yin Ansheng frowned, "Who are you?"

"Who do you care about me? Who are you looking for? Did you make a wrong call? It's okay to hang up!"

The man over there spoke with a strong foreign accent and hung up the phone muttering.

Yin Ansheng's face couldn't hold back any longer at this moment, it was extremely ugly.

He asked someone to check the number of "Er Xinxin" that was still stored in his mobile phone, but he learned that the owner of the phone had changed his name.

In other words, she changed her number without telling him.

Yin Ansheng felt unspeakably uncomfortable at the moment, and he even had the urge to go directly to Er Xinxin to deal with her, but he gritted his teeth and finally held back.

She will take the college entrance examination in a few months, and even though he knows that she will not fail in the exam, he still doesn't plan to look for her.

After she takes the college entrance examination, they will settle accounts between them!

After eating him up and wiping him clean, can he change his identity and pretend that nothing happened?She thinks beautifully!
"An Sheng, let's go, let's go eat."

Wu Lue opened the door and came in, seeing Yin Ansheng's cold Yan Luo face, his heart trembled.

"Who...who is messing with you again? It's really bad! Tell me who it is, and I'll fix it for you!"

Although Wu Lue didn't know who it was, he could figure it out with a little brainstorming. Apart from Er Xinxin, no one else could make him so emotionally unstable.

During the recent period, the pressure in the entire company was extremely low, especially the little girls in the secretarial department, who chased him and asked questions all day long with gossip faces.

What, Yin Dong, what happened?Why are you so angry?Although she was unsmiling before, she wasn't as scary as she is now?
What else, Wu Lue, you are closer to Yin Dong than we are, you ask, is it that Yin Dong is not in harmony?I heard that a man in his 30s, if his life is not harmonious, is as easy to be irritable as a woman's aunt.

And some more, wait, he handles so much work every day, and listens to their gossip, his head is going to explode!

Yin Ansheng gave him a cold look, took his coat and left the office.

Wu Lue touched his nose and followed.

In the elevator, Yin Ansheng closed his eyes and rested his mind, Wu Lue lowered his head and picked his phone, as if he was sending a message to someone, but he even laughed out loud!
Yin Ansheng raised his eyelids suddenly and glanced over, Wu Lue closed his mouth instantly.

Bow your head and continue sending messages: Er Xinxin, your man's aunt's period is a bit long, I suggest you take him to see a doctor, otherwise it's too scary! !
 There is an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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