Chapter 228 Love Rival (6)

After the exam at noon, Yin Ansheng saw Er Er running towards Sui Wu and Er Yuan alive and kicking. Er Yuan was holding a box of food in her hand. into the mouth.

Probably because she didn't wash her hands, Er Yuan told her, she stuck out her tongue mischievously, and when Er Yuan wasn't paying attention, she squeezed another one and stuffed it into her mouth.

After that, Sui Wu took a bottle of hand sanitizer, poured it into her palm, and asked her to rub her hands.

After washing her hands, she held the food by herself, and even sat on the hood of the car next to her, gorging herself.

Sui Wu was probably scolding her, but Eryuan was just smiling, she looked so happy.

She didn't care at all whether she got good or bad in the morning exam, as if everything was not worth mentioning to her.

Just like him, she can put it down easily.

After lunch to the afternoon exam, there are still several hours in between.

The other students either squatted at the school gate to read, or went back to the hotel or dormitory to study after eating, but Er Er, after eating, actually clamored to go to the supermarket and said that he wanted to buy some snacks.

Er Yuan didn't follow, only Sui Wu and Er Er.

"How was the exam?" Sui Wu asked.

Er Er saw the chocolates, took a box and put it in the shopping cart, "Jing Hao's birthday will be soon, what gift do you plan to give her?"

Sui Wu was not fooled. When he saw the lollipop, he took a pack and put it in the car, "I'm asking you about the exam, don't change the subject."

"What can I do? That's it! I'll know when the results come out. Now you ask me, I don't know."

"Don't you know? Or do you not want to tell brother?"

"I really do not know."

"I heard that you have an agreement with your teacher Liang."

Er Er frowned, "My ugly words are up front, you are not allowed to control me! Otherwise, I will turn against you!"

Going on foot in the desert was something she had always wanted to do when she was Nier but had never done it. If she didn't do it in this life, she would definitely die of regret.

"You can't take our concern for you as the liver and lungs of a donkey. Do you know how dangerous it is to walk in the desert?"

"Of course I know, but it is the danger that makes me want to challenge. If there is no danger, who will go!"

Er'er didn't take it seriously, "You are not allowed to tell Dad about this, or my fate with your brother and sister will end here."

Sui Wu gritted his teeth, "Can you cut off ties with me every now and then? Is it childish or not? No matter how old you are, you still look like a child!"

"Hmph! You can say anything if you don't care about me, and I'll annoy you when you control me. I said you are really serious. If you have time to control me, you can cultivate more relationships with Jinghao. It's not that I scare you, it's just that you don't know how to do it." If you speak sweet words to please girls, sooner or later, you will be snatched away!"

"You can't say something nice!"

"I don't understand honest advice? There is too much generation gap with you, it's hard to communicate! You hurry up and don't bother me! I still have English in the afternoon. If I fail the exam, it's all your responsibility!"

After Er Er finished speaking, he pushed the shopping cart and left.

Originally planning to get rid of Sui Wu, unexpectedly, just as he turned around a shopping shelf, the shopping cart bumped into a person.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I really didn't mean it, are you okay?"

The man turned his back to her, no matter how he looked at him, he felt that this figure was familiar.

Er Er dropped the cart, stretched his neck and turned to face the man.

Smiling lightly, he sarcastically said, "Who am I! Yin Ansheng, I don't know that you have a habit of eavesdropping on people's conversations!"

Yin Ansheng looked down at her, wondering if it was an illusion, feeling that she had grown up a while ago.

"Er Xinxin, you have grown taller."

"Ah?" Er'er was stunned for a moment, then looked down at himself, then looked up again with a smile on his face, "Really? Is it so obvious? I also feel that I have grown a lot taller these days. The jeans I just wore last year, It’s been a bit shorter this year.”

Yin Ansheng nodded, with a calm expression on his face, but the corners of his lips were slightly raised, "Well, I have grown a lot taller."

Er'er rolled his eyes twice, walked forward, leaned against him, put his hands on his head, and made a gesture.

"Is this fair?"

Yin Ansheng raised his hand, held her palm, moved from the top of her head to his body, and then held her hand without letting go.

"to here."

Er Er took a step back, and after reading it, the smile on his face became even brighter.

"It's really grown a lot! It's almost reaching your chin! I guess it will reach your chin by the end of the year, right?"


"What's the same? It's for sure!"

Yin Ansheng didn't say anything, but what he actually meant was that she was about the same height now, and it didn't matter if she wasn't long.

Er Er was very happy, and stood on tiptoe to compare with him again. He felt that he would be about five centimeters longer, and it would be fine if he didn't grow any longer.

But when he lowered his head, he realized that something was wrong, and immediately withdrew his hand in the next second.

"Yin Ansheng, you actually took advantage of me!"


Yin Ansheng had black lines all over his head, and he didn't bother to talk to her anymore, so he turned to leave.

"Stop! Who told you to go, you took my hand and took advantage of me. Explain this to me clearly, or I will tell your fiancee!"

"It's okay, Xinxin, there is no reason to talk to this kind of person. Let's go, don't you want to buy crispy rice? Don't you?"

"Forgive you today, and next time, let's see how to deal with you!"

Err poked Yin Ansheng on the back, pushed into the shopping cart, and left with his chin raised.

Yin Ansheng looked at her back and couldn't help but laugh.

She is still the cutest at this time, but when she becomes Nier, she is not likable at all!
At the same time, Ni Ya received a few photos on her mobile phone. The angle of the photographer was chosen very cleverly. The photos taken seemed like Er Er was kissing Yin Ansheng on tiptoe.

Even though she knew that Yin Ansheng didn't like her at all, and even hated her very much, in the past few months, Ni Ya had already adapted to being Yin Ansheng's fiancée. It can be said that this identity had turned her life upside down.

Now, whether she is at school or outside, she is like a goddess who is surrounded by stars and moon, which greatly satisfies her vanity.

Therefore, she absolutely does not allow anyone to take away everything that belongs to her now, and neither can Er Xinxin!
In the afternoon, Niya took a taxi to the school where Er Er took the exam. She originally planned to have a good talk with Er Er after the exam.

Who knew that Yin Ansheng was seen among the crowd of parents waiting at the school gate. How could he be here?

Waiting for your heart?
Ni Ya's heart felt worse than swallowing a fly at the moment, she even wanted to go up and ask him what he meant!
Even if he didn't like her, but he announced the news of their engagement back then, and he said it himself to let her live in his home. Why did everyone think that she was already his woman, but now he Here with Er Xinxin?
She disagrees!

Ni Ya took a deep breath, before Yin Ansheng noticed her, she lowered her head and left the crowd.

Then she called a magazine.

 There is an update today, and there is an update!

(End of this chapter)

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