I will cherish you all my life

Chapter 102 Which of us will die first

Chapter 102 Which of us will die first

No one has ever done this for her, no one has worked so hard.

Why is it the man she hates the most?
Ai Xi is a person who is easily moved, but it shouldn't be Huo Chengting who moved her, it shouldn't be this man!Why is it him?
She didn't want to be moved by Huo Chengting, she couldn't be moved by him.

After saying these words, Ai Xi's whole body seemed to be exhausted.

She squatted on the ground, her eyes glazed over, and she was trembling all over.

In the dark night, Huo Chengting's tall figure was sitting there, and from time to time the light flashed by the fireworks blooming in the sky spread over his handsome face.

Like Satan jumping out of the molten slag.

Fatal danger.

Huo Chengting stood up and came to Ai Xi's side.

The night was covered with another layer of darkness by his tall figure, and Ai Xi raised her head.

Ai Xi stood up from the ground, her eyes glazed over.

She doesn't even have the desire to scold him now.

Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and pulled her body into his arms.

His stern voice came from next to his ear: "Ai Xi, are you sure what you just said is true?"

Ai Xi raised her head and looked at him, with a flash of coldness in her eyes, and said coldly: "Huo Chengting, no matter what you do, I don't care! Even if you die now, I won't blink my eyes. I don't believe you You can try it!"

With a sound of "bang", the last row of fireworks bloomed, and in a flash, it turned into dust, sprinkled in the air, and slowly receded.

The whole world fell into silence again.

Under the dark sky, a man and a woman stood facing each other.

Huo Chengting held her wrist tightly, with such strength that he almost crushed her bones.

Ai Xi felt pain all over her body, resisted it, and stared at him through gritted teeth.

Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blew up, and Ai Xi shivered all over.

The leaves rustled, the willow branches swayed, and waves were blown out of the lake.

Suddenly, Huo Chengting's right ear twitched, he glanced lightly from the corner of his eye, and looked into the darkness.

The surrounding area was terribly quiet, with the occasional sound of cool wind coming.

Like sharp arrows aiming at people.

Suddenly, Ai Xi shivered, her heart trembled, and she was a little cold, not only her body, but also her heart.

For some reason, she feels insecure now.

The feeling of panic that made her not entirely come from Huo Chengting, it was like countless pairs of eyes staring at her in the dark.

That feeling made her scalp tingle.

She really wanted to leave this place.

Ai Xi was a little distracted.

Suddenly, her body was pulled violently, and her neck was strangled.

Huo Chengting pinched her neck with one hand, clasped her waist with the other hand, stared at her condescendingly, his eyes were full of coldness and murderous intent: "Ai Xi, are you courting death?"

Ai Xi was strangled by his neck, coughed a few times, and began to be out of breath, instinctively grabbing his wrist.

His hand became stronger and stronger, and her neck seemed to be cut off by him.

She stared at him, and said with difficulty: "I hate you, I hate you!"

Suddenly, Huo Chengting smiled, with a chill in the corner of his mouth, and said coldly: "Even if I die, you won't blink your eyes, will you? Very well, Ai Xi, I want to see the two of us Whoever dies first!"

After the words fell, Huo Chengting dragged Ai Xi to the lake.

Ai Xi felt ominous when she saw the pool of water.

God, what is this man trying to do?
(End of this chapter)

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