I will cherish you all my life

Chapter 105 Kill Huo Chengting

Chapter 105 Kill Huo Chengting
One of them said coldly: "As expected of Mr. Huo, in such a situation, you can still stay in danger. We killed a lot of people, and you are the first one who has such backbone and is so cold-blooded and ruthless."

Next to him, his partner said: "That's right, we saw clearly just now. Mr. Huo, you still have such a habit of torturing a woman."

Some killers have a bottom line. Under normal circumstances, as long as the other party doesn't make trouble, they won't kill women who have nothing to do except for tasks.

Therefore, they disdain and look down on Huo Chengting's ungracious behavior just now.

Huo Chengting frowned, as if a little dissatisfied: "In such a tense situation, what kind of woman are you talking about? What a disappointment. You still talk to me, who is going to kill me? Who really wants that thing all the time?"

This question is very broad.

Because, as long as anyone who knows that this thing exists, wants it all!
After all, after that incident 20 years ago, it is said that there is only one left in the world!

One of the killers said: "I'll say it again for the last time. Are you going to hand it over? If you hand it over, maybe your life will be spared today. At most, you will be crippled. You can choose for yourself."

Huo Chengting sighed softly, with a panicked expression on his face, but it seemed more provocative: "It really scared me to death."

After a while, suddenly, he sneered: "I won't give it, what?"

He grew up so big that he didn't know how to write the word "fear".

Two people stood there, holding their guns, and they didn't fire.

They communicate with their eyes and with their lips.

Lip language, only they can understand each other, Huo Chengting can't see or hear clearly from a distance.

"The boss ordered that you must get that thing and kill Huo Chengting. You have to do both, but now that you haven't got the thing, if you kill him directly and go back empty-handed, what should you do if the boss blames him?"

The other party said, "How about arresting him first and extorting a confession through torture?"

"Huo Chengting is treacherous and cunning. If you don't kill him now, you won't have a chance in the future. If you take him away, his subordinates will find him soon."

The two held their guns and were thinking.

At this time, suddenly, a sharp female voice came: "Hey, what are you two still doing there? Hurry up and shoot him!"

The three people by the lake heard the voice and turned their heads to look at the same time.

Ai Xi walked over from not far away.

Her face was full of anger.

When Huo Chengting saw Ai Xi, his expression darkened immediately!Very serious!
The two killers recognized the woman in front of them and communicated with their lips: "Isn't this the one who was abused by Huo Chengting just now?"

"That's right, what is she here for? Looking for death?"

"Get ready, if she dares to make trouble, kill her."

Ai Xi was covered in water, her hair was messed up, her clothes were torn in a mess, and she looked very embarrassed.

She came directly to the two killers and said, "Hey, when will you two be able to shoot? I've been waiting for a long time, and I'm so anxious! Can you still kill people?"

Ai Xi stomped her feet angrily.

Her face can be described in one sentence: hate iron but not steel!

Huo Chengting's face was terrible and ugly, he frowned tightly, and said sharply: "Bitch, what are you doing here? Get away, I don't want to see you, don't dirty my eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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