Chapter 131
When he reached the door of the bathroom, he put his hand on the doorknob, and suddenly turned his eyes away, but he didn't look at her, and said coldly: "I don't want to see you before I come out, let them send you back."

After speaking, he opened the door and walked into the bathroom without making a sound.

"No, Brother Ting!"

Feng Moli was in great pain, and she cried bitterly on the bed, soaking the sheets.

Suddenly, she was startled, and immediately wiped the sheets, then wiped away the tears on her face, got out of bed, and picked up the clothes on the ground.

I'm confused, Huo Chengting doesn't like women who pester her, she can't do this.

Enduring the humiliation, she put on her clothes and left with her violin.

It must be because of that Ai Xi, it must be because of her, that's why my brother is unwilling to want me!
Ai Xi, you'd better not let me see you, otherwise, I will never let you go!
I will, tear your face off!

She is only 19 years old, but there is a viciousness in her eyes that does not match her age.


Feng Moli came out, and Zhang Shen was already waiting.

"Miss Feng, I'll send the driver to take you back now."

"Wait a minute, I want to go to the bathroom first."

"Okay, Miss Feng, I'll ask the maid to take you there."

Afterwards, Zhang Shen waved to a maid not far away.

The maid came over and led Feng Moli to the bathroom.

When they walked to the bathroom, Feng Moli took out a wad of money from her pocket and handed it to her: "Tell me, what happened recently."

The maid was taken aback, "No, no, Miss Feng, what are you doing?"

"Who is Ai Xi?" Miss Feng asked again.

The maid has some doubts.

Feng Moli said: "You should know that brother Ting can't leave me. If I tell him that you bully me, do you think he will fire you?"

"No, Miss Feng, you can't do this!"

"Then tell me, who is Ai Xi? And you still have the money!"

The maid wasn't all for the money, she also knew that Feng Moli was very important to Huo Chengting, so she didn't dare to offend her, for fear that Feng Moli would gossiping in front of Huo Chengting and lose her job.

So he could only tell her truthfully what happened during this period.

After Feng Moli heard this, her face was very ugly.

"So that's it. It seems that that woman is very important to Brother Ting."

"Miss Feng, Miss Ai has left now, so you don't have to worry."

"Really? She has already left!" Feng Moli sneered, with a raging flame gathering in her eyes, "But why is Brother Ting still calling her name? Did she really leave? No more are you back?"


"Xixi, you eat more, why have you lost weight during this time?"

Early in the morning, Wang Shuhua got up and made breakfast for Ai Xi.

Ai Xi came back yesterday, just like that out of nowhere.

Wang Shuhua was very surprised, Ai Xi just told Wang Shuhua that the exchange student was over and she came back to class.

Wang Shuhua was half-believed, and saw that she had injuries on her neck and hands, and was very worried, so she asked her what was going on.

Ai Xi casually made up an excuse, saying that she had some quarrels with a female foreign student and had a fight, but she was fine.

Wang Shuhua was very excited after hearing this, and reprimanded Ai Xi, telling her not to fight with others in the future, and not to have such a bad temper.

Ai Xi accepted everything, and didn't tell grandma too much.

(End of this chapter)

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