Chapter 97

Ai Xi glared at him angrily, tears fell down, aggrieved and angry.

Huo Chengting frowned, pulled Ai Xi's body violently, pressed her on the bed, and let her lie on her stomach.

He lifted off her nightdress and raised his hand!

Ai Xi turned her head and said sharply: "You hit me! You pervert! I hate you!"

With his hands hanging in the air, he looked at Ai Xi's buttocks which were still red.

After dropping his hand, he didn't hit her, but lightly covered her and patted her.

The voice became softer unconsciously: "Okay, don't be angry."

He didn't seem to be coaxing her, but rather an order.

Ai Xi hugged the pillow and lay there, gritting her teeth.

Huo Chengting frowned slightly, turned her around, and pinched her chin: "Have you had enough trouble? What exactly do you want?"

Ai Xi sneered in her heart.

This man still has the nerve to ask her what she wants?
She still wants to ask him what he wants!He bit her tightly, and treated her like this, treating her like a pet.

No, she is not as good as a pet. A pet is hugged and loved by its owner every day. She is like a prisoner who is imprisoned and will be abused casually.

Ai Xi twitched from crying.

Huo Chengting sighed softly and got off the bed.

Not long after, he came back again.

With her face pinched, Ai Xi opened her eyes and saw the man in front of her. He had already put on his suit and seemed to be about to go out.

Ai Xi grabbed his hand, took it away from her face, turned coldly, and turned her back to him.

Huo Chengting sat by the bed, his eyes were a little lonely, he withdrew his hand, his voice was indifferent, but he was a little worried: "Isn't it good to stay by my side? Eat well, live well, no one will bully you anymore, what are you doing?" What else is there to dissatisfy?"

Isn't all this what women want?But why the woman in front of him, he just couldn't figure it out.

Huo Chengting smiled wryly, stood up, and left the room.

Ai Xi turned her head and glanced at him, closed her eyes, and wrapped herself tightly in the bed with the quilt.

She stared at her hands, thinking of what happened last night, covered her face, and began to cry.


Huo Chengting drove to the company.

He Mu stepped forward to greet him: "Mr. Huo."

After Huo Chengting got out of the car, he took off his sunglasses and asked coldly, "How is Ai Xi's grandma?"

He Mu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Huo Chengting to ask about this matter.

He then said, "Mr. Huo, I'll ask them to investigate right away."

Huo Chengting walked forward and said, "If the old man has any difficulties, please help her."

He Mu nodded: "Okay. Mr. Huo, does Miss Ai know?"

Huo Chengting turned his head, glanced at He Mu, and said coldly, "You care too much."

He Mu resented, and then said: "Alright Mr. Huo, I understand."

Judging from Huo Chengting's face, he knew that Ai Xi must not have done it yet.

He really doesn't understand, he can use communication to talk about and solve the problem well, but Mr. Huo insists on taking it by force, making the little girl reluctant in his heart, to show his domineering and majesty?

Use the wrong place!

A big man who is clearly in charge of the market, but he can't deal with a little girl.

Facing Ai Xi, all methods turned into low IQ.

He Mu thought about it and couldn't help laughing.

That's right, he was laughing at the big boss, even if he made a move, he wouldn't make it as bad as Mr. Huo.

(End of this chapter)

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