cannon fodder queen

Chapter 31 Zhuo Hao

Chapter 31 Zhuo Hao (2) (1)
The car drove out slowly, Zhou Tingting looked in the rearview mirror, and the figure had disappeared. "You like her, right?" She turned her head and looked at Zhuo Hao who was concentrating on driving.Zhuo Hao didn't speak, but the subtle expression on his face had already betrayed him.It turned out to be true, Zhou Tingting lowered her head and smiled silently.

No wonder, I heard that Lin Xiawei fainted in "Dancing World" last night, he was the first to rush out to pick her up, and ran downstairs as if to get ready for a car.This incident spread in circles in less than half a day, but it was heard that he only sent people to the car, so the scandal was not dug too deep, she thought it was just a whim that he wanted to be a hero to save the beauty.

She used to think that she was the luckiest woman in the world. She shot her first movie at the age of 15 and became famous in one fell swoop. In the past 12 years, she has always been like a star in this circle, and there are countless flashlights and lights everywhere she goes. focus on.She was named the Jade Girl, and she is the goddess in the hearts of countless young boys. She is very fortunate that the company has positioned herself in this way, because in this way, she does not need to act in some passionate movies or dramas like Zhao Zi or Xia Meng. Take some nude photos and covers to maintain popularity.

The identity of the jade girl also made her the only girlfriend that Zhuo Hao publicly admitted. If she hadn't been drunk while watching a show in Paris, was dragged into bed by that bastard Yue Zhongjun and accidentally became pregnant, her current fate might not be as bad as it is. so bleak.Or maybe she shouldn't take chances at the beginning and want to make mistakes, and lie to Zhuo Hao that this is his child trying to force the marriage, maybe Zhuo Hao can help her when she is in trouble.

But there is no what-if in this world, if she makes a wrong step, she is already wrong to the end.Since God refused to fulfill her, she could only accept her fate.

It's just that she didn't expect that Zhuo Hao's love she longed for with all her heart was finally given to Lin Xiawei.She frowned, as if remembering the first time she saw her.At that time, she was a small character whose name was not well known to the public, and she was too reserved to know what to do when she was watching a show, and Xu Jingying casually played around with the applause.

Feng Shui turns around.Zhou Tingting smiled helplessly.

Zhuo Hao concentrated on driving the car.This section of the road is very empty, and there are no forks. In fact, there is no need to be so focused.He was deliberately concentrating on driving, just because he didn't want to think about the person he just met by chance.

He didn't want to admit that when he opened the door of the yard that day and saw her figure floating on the water, he knew he was in love with her.This cognition resolved his confusion during this period of time, just like the wind blowing away the fog on the lake, everything became clear and clear.

When I saw her feeding the birds with Aunt Jiang on the balcony that day, I felt the faint softness in my heart; that night in Shangri-La, I saw her and Lu Qi appearing side by side at the door of the inn. The strong sourness, and a little further, maybe it can be traced back to his agreeing to her absurd nurturing request, and there are reasonable answers to all the behaviors he can't let go of.

He didn't know when he fell in love with Lin Xiawei, maybe it was at the sunset that night, when she watched her dance happily in the wind, and he had a stubborn thought of going against her Maybe it was when I saw her standing on the balcony on the second floor feeding the pigeons and talking softly with Aunt Jiang, when she suddenly raised her plain face.He himself does not know.

Zhuo Hao sent Zhou Tingting downstairs to her apartment.This is an old apartment in the fifth ring outside the fourth ring, and the environment is quite elegant.It is said that she bought it for herself when she earned the first sum of money when she first debuted. Later, when she became popular, her net worth also increased, so she moved naturally, but the house has been kept and not sold. Once the incident happened this time, She sold all the properties under her name, her jewelry, and those brand-name bags and shoes, and she barely paid back the liquidated damages.

"Thank you." Zhou Tingting thanked him with a smile when she got off the car.These days she has no makeup, her face is dull, but her smile is much purer than before.Zhuo Hao shrugged: "It's just on the way." Zhou Tingting shook her head: "No, thank you for speaking for me and leaving this apartment, otherwise I would really be homeless. I'm sorry that you got hurt because of my affairs .”

Zhuo Hao smiled: "Why did you go so early, I feel sorry for coming now."

Zhou Tingting also laughed: "Didn't you say that you won't cry when you see the coffin? I always want to give it a go until the last moment. I know you don't like me and women who play tricks. Now you are helping me just to be humane." That's all. In fact, you are really a very smart and mature person, although now the Internet calls you a playful person and calls you the second generation ancestor."

“How come you see?”

"You will protect the woman you like. Lin Xiawei told me that you rejected her. When I saw her at your house that day, I thought she was just the next me, but she told me in the elevator that you rejected her confession I just understand. I know you are afraid that she will follow my path, because you know very well in your heart that you can't promise her." Zhou Tingting got out of the car after speaking, and walked slowly into the apartment building.She wasn't wearing high heels, and her back looked haggard.

Zhuo Hao didn't expect Zhou Tingting to know him so well.

When she got home, Aunt Jiang said that her father's secretary had called home several times and asked why Zhuo Hao's number couldn't be reached.Only then did Zhuo Hao remember that he was annoyed to death by a group of old people in his family a few days ago, so he turned the phone into whitelist mode in a rage, and only a few people, Xiaokang and Judy, could call in.

"You'd better go to your father early and admit your mistake. If he is really angry, he will peel your skin." Aunt Jiang taught him a lesson while peeling edamame, while watching the replay of "Dancing World" with relish: "Oh, look at this Xu Jingying, what's the name of this dress? It's really offensive to be so revealing, tsk tsk..."

Aunt Jiang seemed to like Lin Xiawei very much. After watching the TV trailer, she knew that Lin Xiawei was going to participate in "Dancing World". She didn't like to watch this kind of show, but she wrote down the live broadcast time in her notebook and planned to watch it.I saw the news of Lin Xiawei fainting on TV last night, and followed him to question the situation.When he was annoyed to say that he and Lin Xiawei had broken up, Aunt Jiang's expression was that of iron and steel: "What? You dumped the girl? Oh, I see what kind of eyesight you have, so you say foreign countries Capitalism destroys young people, don't just hang out with that kind of girl Xu Jingying!"

Aunt Jiang fell silent as she spoke.Zhuo Hao knew that Aunt Jiang also knew in her heart that it was impossible for him and Lin Xiawei.

Three years ago, he set up his own business and entered the entertainment circle with half a foot. His father had clearly warned him that if he wanted to play, he could play but not go too far. Allow him to marry a woman from the entertainment industry. "The flowers that bloom in the muddy mud, can there be any clean ones? If you dare to marry a woman in the entertainment industry, I will shoot you through the head and then drink a bullet to apologize!"

Zhuo Hao stood up, went to the cloakroom, and opened one of the row of shoe cabinets. There were all his shoes in the cabinet, except for a pair of shoes.It was a pair of single shoes with gold sequins, and there were two chocolate-colored bows on the front. There was an orange light in the cloakroom, and the gold sequins reflected a soft light under the light.The shoes are still new, as the insoles are clearly marked "M&R".These are the shoes that Lin Xiawei left in his car that day. He threw them into the trash can, but Aunt Jiang picked them up.Aunt Jiang said that the shoes looked new, comfortable and fit her size, so she kept them, but she thought they were too bright, so she didn't wear them.

He closed the shoe cabinet, took the shoes and walked into the yard, raised his hand, two dim lights flashed under the moonlight, and instantly disappeared into a bamboo forest under his feet.Early the next morning, he spent half a day to retrieve the pair of shoes from the large bamboo forest.He was walking in the bamboo forest with his shoes on, and suddenly felt that he was ridiculous.

When she was sleeping, Aunt Jiang brought milk from the refrigerator, and Lin Xiawei's face was printed on the milk carton.Zhuo Hao remembered that Zhou Tingting was printed on the milk he drank about a week ago. It seemed that Huayu planned to train Lin Xiawei to be Zhou Tingting's successor.He thought for a while and said, "Aunt Jiang, I'll go home tomorrow."

Home refers to the grandfather's home.Grandparents are all retired, and they have settled in a remote yard on the outskirts of the city for a long time, so this can be regarded as a home.Unlike his father, who often moves between provinces due to job transfers, and changes his residence every one or two years, it is not called home.

Zhuo Hao didn't inform anyone before he came back, he didn't want the two elders to prepare their emotions and teach him a lesson.So when Grandma Zhang saw him when she knocked on the door, she was taken aback: "Xiao Hao is back? Why don't you call first?" Living with yourself can be regarded as having a companion.Grandma Zhang kept calling him "Xiao Hao", but this time it made him feel a little bit in his heart. He couldn't help thinking of Zhuo Xiaohao and the woman who brought it back, but he still had a grin on his face: "Thinking of you doing it!" The duck soup with salted vegetables is back. Where is grandma?"

Grandma Zhang wrinkled her face with a smile: "I'm watching TV at home. Linlin is with her."

Zhuo Hao frowned when he heard the word "Linlin". "Linlin" is Qian Duoduo's nickname. At the beginning, the Qian family was considered a wealthy family. The Qian family's grandma and grandma had a good relationship. For a while, the two families were neighbors, and they often brought Qian Duoduo to visit Zhuo's family. After being defeated, the elders of Qian's family passed away one after another, leaving Qian Duo Duo, and her grandmother often asked her to come to play.Probably out of self-esteem, Qian Duoduo never mentioned her relationship with Zhuo's family outside, nor asked him for help in private, and he admired her very much.

After entering the house, grandma was indeed sitting on the sofa watching TV, beside Qian Duoduo, who was peeling oranges, when she saw him coming in, she raised her face and smiled: "Yo, Young Master Zhuo."

On the contrary, grandma just gave him a stern look, deliberately ignored him, and just watched TV with her legs crossed.What was broadcast on TV was "Dancing World", but it was a selection of the past six months, and it happened to be "Sleeping Beauty" by Lin Xiawei at this time.Zhuo Hao looked at the beating and spinning Lin Xiawei on the TV, and smiled wryly in his heart, she was really popular, and she could be seen everywhere.Zhuo Hao glanced at Qian Duoduo, who was peeling the orange with lowered eyelashes, indicating that there seemed to be nothing wrong.

Zhuo Hao walked over and sat down next to his grandmother. The atmosphere was weird, and he didn't know how to speak, so he started chatting with Qian Duoduo first: "I haven't seen you since I left in Shangri-La last time, and I haven't seen you either." What activities did you attend, did you retreat recently?" Qian Duoduo replied: "No. I went to the United States to order a wedding dress. Zhuo Hao was startled: "Are you going to get married?And that Lu Qi? "He remembered that night at the entrance of Shangri-La's inn, when Lin Xiawei and Lu Qi appeared side by side in front of everyone, and Qian Duoduo went up to give him a slap. When Lu Qi pulled Lin Xiawei to confess his love outside the restaurant, he was very puzzled by the sudden news of Qian Duoduo. He believed in Qian Duoduo's IQ and EQ. She should be very clear about how Lu Qi treated her. Will you be single-minded about getting married?
(End of this chapter)

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