Reborn 1990 has room

Chapter 221 Find Her a Companion

Chapter 221 Find Her a Companion ([-])

Wen Jingxuan took Xi Jinyao to a hot pot restaurant for dinner, and then went to see a movie with her. It was already 11 o'clock in the evening when we came out of the movie theater.

While eating, she used Wen Jingxuan's mobile phone to call Jiang Lan. What surprised her was that Jiang Lan hadn't called to remind her when she didn't go back so late.

"Would you like to go to the night market?" Wen Jingxuan naturally hugged her into his arms. It is not uncommon for the two of them to have such close contact before, but the little deer in Xi Jinyao's heart is still running around.

She glanced at her watch and said, "It's late now, let's go home first."


Xi Jinyao shook her head: "I'm not tired, I'm just afraid that my mother will worry."

Wen Jingxuan looked at her, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing, letting the car drive at the slowest speed on the way home.

When they got home, Guan Xi was still asleep, and was sitting in the living room playing games. Wen Jingcan should have played with him before, but now she was lying on the sofa and fell asleep, and she was still covered with a thin blanket.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the two people at the door. Xi Jinyao asked softly, "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

Guan Xi picked up the remote control and said casually, "Can't you just play a game for a while?"

"I didn't say no, it's just that you want to play by yourself, why don't you take Cancan with you? Why don't you know how to tell her to go back to the room to sleep when she's sleepy?"

Guan Xi turned to Wen Jingcan, who was lying on the sofa, and said, "Is it different to sleep here? Here, she can see me when she opens her eyes. Isn't it convenient to drink water or something? Why do you have to go to bed?" , besides, I am a big man, and I carried her into the room in the middle of the night, what kind of words did it sound like?"

Xi Jinyao didn't understand, but Wen Jingxuan saw it, he was beating around the bush and saying that he brought Xi Jinyao back so late, it was outrageous, he patted Xi Jinyao lightly: "Go and wash up, I will carry Cancan back to the room. "

Xi Jinyao nodded, and when she came out after brushing her teeth and washing her face, Guan Xi had already left the living room, and Wen Jingcan was already lying on the bed.

Seeing Wen Jingxuan walked into the bathroom, she didn't greet him again, locked the door of the room, walked to the other side of Wen Jingcan, lifted the quilt and lay down.

Before turning off the lights, she thought about it, picked up her mobile phone and sent a text message to Wen Jingxuan, and seeing that the text message was sent successfully, she turned off the lights and went to sleep with peace of mind.

Wen Jingxuan came out of the shower, closed the doors and windows in the hall, checked whether the door was locked or not, and after confirming that there were no potential safety hazards, he returned to the room, picked up the mobile phone thrown on the bed and took a look. There was a text message, and he opened it. , A line of words soon appeared in his field of vision, it was Xi Jinyao who sent it, except for the address, there were only nine words.

The content of the text message is: Brother Jingxuan, I am very happy with today's date.

Wen Jingxuan lay down with the corners of his lips curled up. Looking at the information in the text message, he fell asleep in a good mood.

The next day after Wen Jingxuan got up, he prepared his breakfast and picked up the three test answers on the table to read.

One is for Xi Jinyao, one is for Guan Xi, and the other is for Wen Jingcan.

Except for the last free question, both Xi Jinyao and Guan Xi copied all their answers. Only Wen Jingcan, maybe due to lack of time, so she only kept the answers to the multiple-choice questions.

Taking the three answers for comparison, he believed that Xi Jinyao would not do badly in the exam, so he naturally took her answer as the standard.

Most of Guan Xi's answers are the same as hers, but Wen Jingcan's, although not too bad, but her grades are estimated to be only two books.

After the exam is over, the next step is to wait for the scores. During the period of waiting for the scores, they tacitly did not mention anything about volunteering. If the weather is good, they will go out during the day. If the weather is not good, they will read books and watch TV quietly at home. Or play games.

On the day when the grades came out, I don’t know how many families exploded. The Wen family and the Guan family were almost ringing up the phone by their relatives, almost all of whom were asking about their children’s grades.

On the day Jiang Lan learned of her grades, she was so happy that she shed tears. Without a word, she went back to her room to get her wallet, and planned to go back to the city by car.

She was stopped by Guan Xi in time, and under the persuasion of the siblings, she smiled and said, "Look at me, I'm so excited, I just want to tell your father and grandparents the good news as soon as possible."

Xi Jinyao held her hand: "Mom, let's go back together tomorrow and tell them."

"Okay, okay." Seeing a pair of sons and daughters who are so sensible and caring, Jiang Lan's tears flowed more and more.

After returning to their homes in the city for two days, they should be back. They can only complete their journey when they hand in their applications quickly and finally get the admission letter.

With the scores of Xi Jinyao and Guan Xi, it is no problem to go to Zhongshan. Jiang Lan has no intention of interfering with them in their choice of school. As long as they like it, they can go to any city they want to go to, and which university they want to go to. Just go to any university.

Seeing her relying on her in everything, while Xi Jinyao felt relaxed, she also felt sorry for her.Only if you feel that you owe too much, you will be so indulgent, right?
"Mom, if we go to Zhongshan, isn't it too lonely for you to be alone at home?" Thinking that she will be alone every day in the future, Xi Jinyao is full of reluctance: "Mom, why don't you go out with us?"

Jiang Lan smiled and shook her head: "I just want to stay in a familiar environment right now. Don't worry about it, my mother is not alone. When I am bored, I can still visit Cancan's house."

Xi Jinyao still wanted to persuade her, so she said, "Mom, come with us to see the outside world. If you don't like it anymore, you can come back anytime."

Jiang Lan looked at her lovingly, and reached out to stroke the hair on the top of her head: "Mom won't go, you are all grown up now, and you will not be able to spend your whole life with me in the future. When you are young, do whatever you want go a head."

The mother and daughter discussed for a while on the sofa whether Jiang Lan should stay or go out, and Guan Xi, who was sitting next to him and had been silent all this time, said, "Xiaoyao, listen to your mother."

Because of his utterance, Xi Jinyao finally stopped persuading her. After Jiang Lan went out, she immediately pulled Guan Xi aside and asked in a low voice, "Why don't you persuade mom to go out with us? She is at home alone, in case Can you rest assured that no one will take care of you when you get sick? You can let it go, but I can't let it go. "

"Mom is right, she can't be with us forever, so instead of asking her to go out with us, it's better to find her a companion now."

His words brightened Xi Jinyao's eyes, but thinking of Jiang Lan's infatuation with her father and her own inferiority complex, she asked without confidence: "Will she be willing?"

Guan Xi raised his eyebrows: "How will you know if you don't try?"

"How do you want to try?"

In the following days, apart from waiting for the admission notice, the siblings were also busy with matching Jiang Lan.

(End of this chapter)

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