Reborn 1990 has room

Chapter 227 Fire

Chapter 227 Fire ([-])

Wen Hao reported the case, and Wen Jingxuan greeted Zou Wenshuai after knowing about it. Soon, news came from Zou Wenshuai's side. Wen Hao couldn't leave here, so he asked Wen Jingxuan and Wen Jingli to go and see.

When they started rushing this way, the two people in the room were still confronting each other, Guo Lianrong kept talking, but she refused to say what she wanted to do.

Wen Sheng obviously had no patience, stood up and was about to go outside.

Seeing this, Guo Lianrong hurriedly said: "Stop. Are you not afraid that I will go to your parents to judge?"

Wen Sheng turned around when he heard the words, and sneered: "Now, my wife is gone, and my two children are nothing to me. My parents also think that I have ruined the family style. Do you think I still care? Don't blame me for not warning You, if you push me into a hurry, at worst, we will die together."

When Guo Lianrong heard him talking about his wife and children, she began to growl uncontrollably: "You only have your wife and children in your eyes, what about me? I followed you first. I didn’t want a title at the beginning, so I was so sneaky. For you, I even killed our child. Later, I was finally willing to let go. I finally had my own life. Why do you want to Come to provoke me? Now I am ruined by your son, completely ruined"

Hearing her words, Wen Sheng lowered his head. It was true that he provoked her first, and it was his son who caused her to become what she is now.

As Guo Lianrong was talking, she began to swear: "Wen Sheng. Hahaha. You bastard, you have the ability to cheat on your wife, but you don't have the ability to bear the consequences. Fuck you MD Liu Lubin, you cheated on my wife once Once again, didn't you fucking say that when I got that stinky man's money, you would go away with me? Then where did you hide with my money?"

After she finished speaking, she suddenly stared at Wen Sheng: "It's all your fault, it's all your son's fault, that little bastard, if he didn't ruin my appearance, would that bastard Liu Lubin run away with my money? Can?"

Wen Sheng, who was still feeling guilty towards her, suddenly burst into laughter when he heard that she said the name of another man, and that she approached him only for money.

That's right, he thought too simply, she Guo Lianrong is young and has a decent job, why should she fall in love with him who can be her father?Isn't it because of money?I blame myself for being blinded by lust all the time, and for hurting Yi Qingxuan and the child so deeply.

He turned his head to look at Guo Lianrong, and suddenly thought of dying together.

At this time, the child next to Guo Lianrong was woken up. After opening his eyes, he raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. Wen Sheng was taken aback by his dazed look. He remembered that Wen Jingyu was like this many years ago.

When Wen Jingxuan and Wen Jingli arrived, the house was on fire.

The main reason why the fire ignited so quickly was because Guo Lianrong had already prepared a large pot of gasoline in the house. The moment Wen Sheng saw the gasoline, Wen Sheng suddenly understood what she was thinking.Since they both feel that pain, let's go to hell together.

The fire was so intense that there was no way for outsiders to go in and save people. After all, going in now would mean death.Then a boy's cry caught their attention.

Hearing the sound and looking over, he could see a little boy sitting on the ground more than 20 meters away from the house in front of him.

He stared at the burning house and cried loudly, "Dad, Mom."

Wen Jingxuan recognized at a glance that this was the child Guo Lianrong took that day, Wen Jingxuan ran to him, hugged him and comforted him gently.

Wen Jingli didn't have the slightest liking for the child born to his father and a woman outside. When the fire truck arrived, the fire was on his face. After they went in and carried out the two charred corpses, he stared at the male corpse. After a while, he was helped to lift him into his own car.Take it in the direction of the funeral home.

Wen Jingxuan looked at the boy who had gradually stopped crying, and handed him to Zou Wenshuai: "Go and find out the parents of this child, and send him back."

He only found out about this matter by overhearing the conversation between Guan Xi and Xi Jinyao. At that time, he was going to ask Zou Wenshuai to help investigate, but because Huang Zi was out of line, he delayed it.As for how Guan Xi knew that this child was not born by Guo Lianrong?He no longer wants to explore, but subconsciously chooses to believe him.

Huang Zichao hadn't been buried yet, and there was another coffin for Wen Sheng in the funeral home. Xi Jinyao and the others sighed, this year is really eventful, good things and bad things happen one after another.Although she hated cheating men, Wen Sheng never treated her badly since she was a child. She once intentionally alienated Yi Qingxuan and Wen Jingyu's family because of their relationship.Seeing Wen Sheng lying here now, she felt very complicated.

Guan Xi saw through her thoughts, stood up and lit a few sticks of incense, then handed them to her.

Xi Jinyao looked up at him, then reached out to take the incense in her hand, walked to the coffin, knelt down, and kowtowed.
Wen Jingli knelt on one side wearing sackcloth and filial piety, his eyes were slightly red, and said nothing; on the other hand, Wen Jingyu, he was wearing black clothes, but he didn't wear sackcloth and filial piety like Wen Jingli, let alone kneel down.

Wen Zhengcheng took a look at Wen Sheng's body, and then left. Xi Jinyao knew that the old man must have been heartbroken, and now she secretly went to hide and cry.

Luo Yuexin was sitting on a bench beside her, crying out of breath, Wen Jingcan also had tears on her face, and cried with Luo Yuexin.

When Wen Zhengcheng walked out, Wen Jingxuan had already followed up worriedly.Now everyone is crying inside and out, so everything is on Wen Hao's shoulders alone. While he is busy greeting people who come to express condolences, he also has to arrange Wen Sheng's funeral. When you are in distress, go to comfort your family.

Huang Zichao and Wen Sheng were buried on the same day. After the two funerals, everyone was exhausted physically and mentally.

With so many things happening, Xi Jinyao and Guan Xi couldn't hold on to the university banquet. Every morning when they got up, they went to accompany Wen Zhengcheng and Luo Yuexin to relieve their boredom, lest they think about Wen Sheng again and feel sad.

Wen Jingli is also living in the old house now, and Wen Jingcan is also at home with the two old people. Even Jiang Lan goes shopping every day after getting up, and returns after eating dinner here.

Wen Hao and Jian Xiaoyu stayed at home for a few days, and were urged by the elders to open the door of the store.Thinking about the expenses that everyone needs now, they didn't shirk any more, and they passed it after getting up in the morning.Fortunately, with Jiang Lan's help at home, they can feel at ease.

Wen Jingxuan was still busy working outside every day, and sometimes he didn't see him once in two days. On this day, he had just returned home, before he had time to sit down and drink a glass of water, a phone call came, and he hurried out again.

(End of this chapter)

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