Reborn 1990 has room

Chapter 240 Roommate's Love History

Chapter 240 Roommate's Love History (Pregnancy) ([-])
"Nana, tell me." Ke Jiayu looked at Zuo Na and said.

Zuo Na was a little embarrassed, and she blushed before she even started talking: "I'm still in the crush stage."

When they asked who it was next, she gritted her teeth and did not reveal.

Li Xiaoyin wanted to pursue the victory, but was stopped by Xi Jinyao: "We will know when Nana reaps the fruit of love one day."

Although they seem to have a good relationship, everyone hasn't reached the point where they can talk about everything, just like herself, she doesn't want to tell them every bit about Wen Jingxuan.So any problem should be done in moderation. Since others are unwilling to talk about it, there is no need to hold on to it.

When it was Ke Jiayu's turn, they didn't need to ask, she had already started talking about her first ex-boyfriend.

"My first boyfriend was when I was in the sixth grade of elementary school. Although I didn't understand anything at that time, I said on the surface that I was a boyfriend and girlfriend, so it should be counted."

"Elementary school? You fell in love early enough, so how did you talk about it?" Li Xiaoyin's eyes were full of gossip.

Ke Jiayu said with a smile: "What did you know at that time? Love at that time was just writing love letters, saying something that you were fond of and I was fond of you, and then you were teased and given various nicknames by the classmates. But when you broke up, especially Interesting. Speaking of which, the man is also a big carrot, and he is my boyfriend and girlfriend. He even hooked up with other female classmates. One day, the parents of the female classmate came to the school and said that my boyfriend took her daughter I got pregnant. I was so angry at the time, I broke up with him immediately."

"That man is only eleven or twelve years old, right? Can he still make people pregnant?" Xi Jinyao asked suspiciously.

"No, it was just an oolong incident. Although we had already reached the sixth grade at that time, we were not as smart and precocious as today's children. They were so stupid that they didn't understand anything, and they didn't know anything about the relationship between men and women. At that time When the school heard that a student was pregnant, this is not an honorable thing, and it was the mother of the female classmate who came to the school to tell, so the teachers thought it was true, so they contacted my ex-boyfriend. Parents. Presumably every parent will be very angry when they hear that their son has made someone else's belly bigger. At that time, his father was very cruel. He rushed to the school immediately after receiving the call, and gave my ex-boyfriend a meal hit."

Speaking of this, Ke Jiayu remembered what she saw at the time, and she was out of breath from laughing, and they could only sit there looking at each other and wait for her to laugh enough.

Ke Jiayu laughed for seven or eight minutes, then gradually stopped, took two deep breaths, and then continued: "Later, my ex-boyfriend bowed to the female classmate, knelt down, and apologized. The other side finally agreed to sit down and have a good talk. Everything was settled, and when the female classmate was taken to the hospital to abort the child, the doctor said that she was not pregnant at all, and what kind of pregnancy was performed. Seeing the fighting between them, the doctor said Pointing to my ex-boyfriend, I asked one more question: Is this the father of the child? After seeing my ex-boyfriend nodding, the doctor said: It should be impossible, he is clearly still a child, how could he have the ability to make people pregnant. At this time, guess what the female classmate said?"

"What did you say?"

Ke Jiayu lay down on the table: "Hahaha, she said, she said that my ex-boyfriend held her hand. They just held hands, and they got pregnant. Hahaha"

At this time, Wen Jingxuan's phone call came.Xi Jinyao hurriedly got up and walked outside. She was infected by Ke Jiayu, and when she answered the phone, there was a deep smile in her tone: "Brother Jingxuan, are you off work yet?"

Wen Jingxuan was still sitting on the chair in the office: "Not yet, I'm ready to leave. I know you don't have class now, so I want to call you."

"oh, I see."

"Did you miss me?" Wen Jingxuan asked cheekily.

Xi Jinyao was standing by the window at the end of the corridor, and it was cool with a gust of wind. Hearing his question, she smiled and said, "I think about it, so during the two-day weekend, you have to take me to eat delicious food."

"No problem. How are you getting along with your classmates? Are you still on good terms?" Wen Jingxuan said, looking at the desk calendar on the desk. Two big circles were drawn on this weekend, with the word "Hugh" written on it.This was something he expected a long time ago, so he transferred Hugh with his colleagues early on.

"I just said it casually, if you are busy with work, it's okay." He promised so readily, Xi Jinyao felt embarrassed.

"It won't affect, I have already adjusted the rest time with my colleagues."

"That's good."

When she returned after listening to the phone, the three people in the dormitory locked their eyes on her at the same time. Li Xiaoyin smiled and said, "Looking at your happy face, could it be your boyfriend calling?"

"Want to know?" Xi Jinyao looked at the three of them and asked.

After they nodded, she pulled her chair beside them and waved to them: "Listen up."

Zuo Na looked at Xi Jinyao smiling like a fox, and stood up hesitantly: "Well, I think it must be nine out of ten. There is no doubt about the answer. I'll go and put away the clothes."

Seeing that Zuo Na stopped listening, the remaining two also sensed that Xi Jinyao might have a trap, so they also found an excuse to leave.

Xi Jinyao said triumphantly, "Well, you didn't listen to this."

She just played tricks on them just now, and sure enough, they immediately thought of what she said yesterday, and now they ran away by themselves.

Soon it was the weekend, Xi Jinyao got up early, and tied a ball head for herself after washing. Seeing this, Zuo Na hurriedly asked, "Xiaoyao, are you going on a date?"

"No, I'm just going to have dinner with my brother." She sent a message to Guan Xi last night to ask, and he said that he was going too, so it wasn't a date.

"Your brother? Where are you going to eat?" Zuo Na asked nervously.

Xi Jinyao was combing her hair in front of the mirror, so she didn't notice anything strange about her, so she replied, "I don't know yet, I guess it's nearby."

"Just the two of you?" Zuo Na continued to ask.

"No, three people." At this moment, she tied her hair tightly, looked up at Zuo Na inadvertently, found that her face was a little weird, and asked suspiciously: "Nana, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

Zuo Na raised her hand and touched her face: "It's not so obvious, is it? I suffered from insomnia last night, does it look like the dark circles under my eyes are particularly serious?"

Xi Jinyao shook her head: "There are no dark circles under my eyes."

"Pfft, Xiaoyao, I don't want you to comfort people like this." Zuo Na smiled, and was about to wash up.

"Then pay attention to yourself. If you feel uncomfortable, go to the doctor. I'll go first. I'll see you tonight." After she finished speaking, she put on her bag and started to walk outside.

"See you tonight." Zuo Na replied from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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