Reborn 1990 has room

Chapter 81 Step 1

Chapter 81 The First Step

Three more to ask for a recommendation ticket~~~

"I just said, you don't want to pounce on someone of the opposite sex when you see someone of the opposite sex. Now you have encountered a problem, right?" Li Xin, who came with Guo Haitian, said with a smile.

Seeing Li Xin's schadenfreude smile, Guo Haitian turned his head to look at Wen Jingxuan and said, "Jingxuan, I won't take you with me. I'm not a tiger or beast, so I'm afraid I'll eat your sister?"

Wen Jingxuan ignored him, lowered his head and asked Xi Jinyao, "Is your dish delicious?"

Xi Jinyao replied without raising her head: "It's not very tasty, I won't order this next time."

"Well, do you want to try mine?"

After Wen Jingxuan finished speaking, she saw her looking up at him suspiciously, thinking that she disliked her saliva, and explained: "I haven't started eating yet."

Xi Jinyao shook her head: "No need, actually mine is not bad, but the taste is not as good as at home."

She's not Wen Jingcan, how could she have the nerve to exchange what she had eaten with him?
Wen Jingxuan didn't force it, but asked, "Then can I have a taste?"

Xi Jinyao didn't know what he wanted to do, but if he said no, he would look petty, so he nodded: "Yeah."

Wen Jingxuan picked up a dish from her lunch box and put it on her own box, and then chewed it slowly in her mouth.

Seeing that he was ignoring him, Guo Haitian thoughtfully stopped trolling himself, bowed his head and began to suck his noodles.

Because he sucked the noodles too loudly, people who ate them didn't feel anything, but those who listened felt uncomfortable. Xi Jinyao subconsciously looked up at him, and Wen Jingxuan also looked over, and then put his feet under the table. He lifted it inadvertently and hit Guo Haitian's calf.

Guo Haitian was startled, and as soon as he raised his head, he heard Wen Jingxuan say calmly, "It's a bit noisy."

Guo Haitian knew the reason now, and looked at them embarrassedly: "I forgot in the moment of excitement, I will pay attention now."

Guo Haitian and Li Xin ate very quickly, and they were not in a hurry to leave after they were full. They put down their chopsticks and sat there waiting for Wen Jingxuan. Wen Jingxuan was worried that when Xi Jinyao saw that she was the only one still eating, she would be embarrassed to put it down early. Chopsticks are not like at home at school. If you don’t eat enough, you will be hungry at night, so he himself ate every bite.

The content of the chat between Guo Haitian and Li Xin was very unnutritious. They talked about which class and which girl were good-looking and so on.

After today, every afternoon after school, Guo Haitian and Li Xin would give them two seats in the cafeteria, and Xi Jinyao gradually became familiar with them.

Although Wen Jingxuan's attitude towards them is lukewarm, Xi Jinyao knows that the two of them are Wen Jingxuan's close friends; it is precisely because they know each other well enough that Wen Jingxuan can handle them every time; and they don't mind at all Wen Jingxuan's unreasonableness, how should we get along with each other in the next second?

In the blink of an eye, the National Day came again. During this time, Yi Qingxuan and Wen Sheng also returned to their old lives. On the surface, nothing seemed to happen, but when Xi Jinyao returned to live in Wen’s house on weekends, she got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, vaguely listening to Yi Qingxuan's crying sound came from their room, or it was Wen Sheng's soft soothing voice.

During the National Day holiday, the courses of the specialty class were on schedule, and because they had a holiday, they arranged two extra sessions.

On this day, Xi Jinyao put down her paintbrush to go to the bathroom, and Ding Xianggao followed her out again.

It was the same as what Xi Jinyao saw that time, when she came out of the toilet, she saw Guan Xi guarding the door of the men's room, but this time her heart was no longer disturbed.

After Xi Jinyao walked away, Guan Xi walked in and "released" Ding Xianggao from the toilet.

Ding Xianggao looked at the mop in his hand, raised his finger and said to him with comprehension: "It turned out that you kid did the trick. Last time you lied to me about your beautiful sister. I was puzzled. We There is no beautiful sister here, but there is a beautiful sister."

As soon as he finished speaking, the mop in Guan Xi's hand accidentally "dropped" on his calf.

"Hey, what happened to you?" Ding Xianggao immediately bent over to cover him in pain, and after he calmed down a bit, he looked at Guan Xi and said, "You are so small, why are you so thoughtful? Say, why did you lock me up?" In the toilet?"

Guan Xi blinked his big eyes, looked at him and said innocently: "I saw this kind of tricking people on TV, so I want to try."

"Then you go to punish others, why do you punish me? It's in vain that I treat you so well."

"It's because you are kind to me that I want to punish you. Otherwise, what if someone finds out and they beat me?"

Ding Xianggao looked at him: "Hey, are you still afraid of being beaten? I really can't tell."

After speaking, he suddenly remembered that the last time he came out with Xi Jinyao, he was locked in the toilet by Guan Xi.

"Damn, don't you have a crush on that little girl too, kid? You said it earlier, why bother to play tricks on me behind my back?"

"I don't understand what you said, I'll go back and ask the teacher now."

As Guan Xi said, he turned around and was about to go out, but Ding Xianggao hurriedly pulled him back: "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, tell me, what can you do to let me go?"

After getting along for such a long time, Ding Xianggao also likes Guan Xi. After all, he is not a bad boy, and he can't do it if he is asked to haggle over a child who is a little younger than himself.

Seeing the two of them entering the studio one after the other, Xi Jinyao looked at them twice more.This time, Guan Xi didn't block Ding Xianggao again. When Ding Xianggao saw her looking over, he immediately smiled at her.After Xi Jinyao responded with a smile, she lowered her head and continued to draw.

Xi Jinyao didn't know about the episode in the specialty class that day, but it was the first time that Guan Xi successfully guarded her unrecognizable sister. The first step to pick a responsibility on your shoulders.

When she was in the Taekwondo gym, Wen Jingcan didn't bother to target Guan Xi anymore, because she had been tossing for so long, but she didn't succeed once, and Guan Xi never found fault with them again, so their current way of getting along is relatively good. happy.

On the 6th, the last day of the National Day holiday, when they dragged their tired bodies back home from the Taekwondo gym, the atmosphere at home was not as usual.

Even Jian Xiaoyu and Wen Sheng didn't open the door in the store, except for Wen Hao who picked them up by car, all the adults were sitting in the living room together.

When Xi Jinyao got into the car just now, she noticed that Wen Hao's mood was not right, but she didn't think deeply about it. Now it seems that something big should have happened.

Before they could ask, Wen Zhengcheng raised his head and said to them, "Jing Xuan, take your younger siblings to your room to play."

Wen Jingcan turned his head three times at every step, wanting to ask them out loud what happened to the fight?But seeing that Wen Zhengcheng's expression was not good, she didn't dare to ask.

Seeing her like this, Xi Jinyao held her hand and said, "Chancan, I learned a lot about drawing today, how about I show you some drawings later?"

Wen Jingcan nodded absently: "Yeah."

(End of this chapter)

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