One Piece Navy Swordsman

Chapter 29 029. Hammer Dennis

Chapter 29 029. Hammer Dennis

"The teacher's defense is invincible after transforming, and he can't even hurt bullets." After seeing Dennis transforming into a black-armored orc, Iris showed a gleam of joy on his face: "Rocky will lose this time!"

"Then... that is... what's going on!" Linus stared blankly at the transformed Dennis: "Could it be the legendary devil fruit ability user?"

The East China Sea is the most peaceful sea area among the four seas plus the great sea route. It has the lowest limit and the highest upper limit that other sea areas do not have. There are fewer people with devil fruit abilities here than those who have the domineering color of the king. Many people in the East China Sea even think that devil fruit Just hearsay.

"Can Rocky defeat the Devil Fruit user?" Linus asked worriedly.

"Trust Rocky, he has always been able to perform miracles." Nami said so, but when she was paying attention to the battle situation, her face showed nervousness and worry inadvertently.

The battle continues.

Dennis' physical defense was extremely high after his transformation. Even if the point of the sword hit Dennis' body, it was just a white spot. Rocky's sword strikes couldn't break his armor at all.

Although Dennis was in so much pain when he was hit by the sword, could it be shown?

Certainly not!
Moreover, from Dennis's scaled black face after transformation and no expression, Rocky thought he didn't feel it at all.

Therefore, Rocky can only use all his strength.

Although Dennis's strength and agility have greatly improved after turning into an orc.

But after Rocky went all out, he found that he was no weaker than Dennis after transforming.

Moreover, Rocky is already very close to the sword hero realm.

His swordsmanship is a bit stronger than Dennis.

Ding Dang Dang~ Rocky's sword strikes kept falling on Dennis.

Rocky still suppresses Dennis!
Gradually... Rocky's swordsmanship became more and more perfect... Dennis was blasted!
"How can Kid Rocky be so strong!" Dennis kept lying in his heart. Although Rocky's attack couldn't hurt him, he said he was very uncomfortable.

He was the one who scolded Rocky for being arrogant before, but now he discovered that Rocky was not being arrogant, but telling the truth.

Do you think others are pretending?Others are so awesome!
There was a burning sensation on Dennis's face.

"I didn't read it wrong, did I! The teacher is still suppressed!" Alice looked at the battle with a look of disbelief.

He is well aware of Dennis's terrifying strength after transformation, it is impossible to be suppressed!

What exactly is going on!

Could it be that this boy Rocky can really make such a big improvement in a month?
Ellis shook his head, he had improved so much in a month, he couldn't even think about it!

"I won't fight anymore. If I continue to fight, I won't be able to come back. I lost this round." Dennis took a few steps back and said to Rocky.

"What? Stop hitting?" Rocky blinked, a look of regret flashed across his face, and then said sincerely: "Admit it."

Dennis saw the regretful look on Rocky's face from time to time, and couldn't help but get wild.

Shouldn't you be happy that you won?
what! ! !
If it's not that I can't beat you, I have to let you know the consequences of acting good when you get cheap...

Dennis left with a gloomy face, and Alice followed silently, not daring to speak. He knew that the teacher had lost face just now, and now he was angry and could not be provoked.

However, Rocky is really sorry!

Dennis is a fighter with extremely high physical defense. Fighting against him can not only sharpen his sword skills, but also don't have to worry about killing him with a single sword. It is simply the best whetstone.

It's a pity...the whetstone has slipped away, and he hasn't fully grasped the theoretical knowledge of swordsman-level swordsmanship to become a swordsman.

Nami and Linus ran over quickly, no, it was Nami who brought Linus' rhythm, she ran fast.

Clean up the battlefield, let's start!
Nami skillfully groped around the pirates, searching for spoils.

Suddenly, Rocky noticed that the two of Dennis who had walked away stopped again. Dennis hesitated for a while, then turned and walked over again.

Rocky looked at Dennis. Dennis looked normal at the moment, and it seemed that his anger had disappeared.

"Senior is back?" Rocky asked tentatively.

"Boy Rocky, are you going to destroy the Aaron Pirates next?" Dennis asked, looking directly into Rocky's eyes.

"That's for sure." Rocky replied simply.

Dennis nodded, took a deep breath and turned his head to look at the sky: "Aaron is a little stronger than you now. However, if he hasn't improved in the past six years, the gap between you and him is not too big."

"I have been taught. Thank you, senior." Rocky bowed sincerely.

"Also, murlocs don't like to go into the mountains. If you miss... remember to run to the mountains." Dennis thought for a while and continued.

"I remember. Senior, is there any more?" Rocky was like a studious student, waiting for the teacher to explain the secrets of solving problems.

"You thought you were buying Chinese cabbage." Dennis glanced at Rocky and cursed with a smile.

"Senior, you have a problem with the Aaron Pirates, right? I want to ask you to do me a favor." Rocky looked at Dennis seriously.

"What are you busy with?"

"Hmm~ I'm only one step away from being a swordsman. I hope that senior can practice swords with me and help me become a swordsman!" Rocky said sincerely, with an extremely respectful attitude.

"Sword master?" Dennis stared.

"Well, swordsman!"

Dennis stood there in a daze, like a sculpture.


One Piece world swordsman has a total of three general realm divisions, namely swordsman, swordsman, and great swordsman.

Although the swordsman is not the most powerful realm, many people can't become a swordsman in their entire life.

Even a strong man like Dennis is not a swordsman.Of course, he once had a chance to become a swordsman, but he was distracted after getting the devil fruit, and he has not practiced in recent years.

"How long have you been learning swords?" Dennis asked suddenly.

"Three months."

"..." Dennis gasped, not knowing what to say for a while.

Almost becoming a swordsman in three months, this speed is really too fast!

He couldn't even imagine it!

"Come on. I'll practice swords with you." Dennis couldn't help feeling a little excited when he thought that he would soon witness the birth of a swordsman.

"Senior's kindness, I will remember it in my heart." Rocky said earnestly and sincerely, remembering another hatred for Aaron in his heart.

Nami continued to clean the battlefield, and Rocky and Dennis didn't even bother to watch the battle.Rocky's safety is worthless in front of Bailey... Only Alice ran back with a learning attitude and watched intently.

Dennis kept feeding moves, and Rocky's swordsmanship was gradually perfected.


"I can feel it!"

"Breath of steel!"

Rocky held the Taidao in his hand. This sword collided with Dennis's iron-hard armor countless times, and even shook the sharper Liangjian Gale several times. The blade was covered with countless large and small gaps.

Luo Qi obviously couldn't see the blade, but he actually felt the gap on the blade.

He felt the breath of steel!
(End of this chapter)

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