Chapter 14

Chen Ning murmured: "Does she have a younger brother named George?"

"Joe what?" Zhu Shijie was puzzled, and then said: "She has no younger brother."

Chen Ning curled his lips when he heard the words, who the hell cares about whether she has a younger brother.

"Have you thought about it?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't rush. If you weren't always disturbing me, I would have already remembered." Zhu Shijie lowered his head, with a constipated look on his face, Chen Ning thought he was going to shit, Back in a hurry.

"Fog grass!"

"its stuck!"

"Why don't you really shit anymore?!"

"Ranima coins! This pig god is stuck with his memory!"

When Chen Ning heard this, he immediately stepped forward with glaring eyes, good guy, you are so courageous, how dare you scold your mother?


He spat on his hands, rubbed his left and right hands together, thinking, if I don't slap your pig's head off with this slap, my surname is not Chen!

But before he could make a move, Ten Rings of Pigs suddenly jumped up, "Ahahahaha! I remember this pig god, Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion, huh, this time, this pig god will definitely be ashamed!"

"Boy, hurry up, come with me, I remembered, there is a gap in the guardian array of Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion!"

"Ah? You didn't lie to me? Are you kidding me? For such a big sect, there will be problems in the guardian formation?" Chen Ning squinted, looking like a fool.

"What's the point, the gap was left by the God of Pigs back then. After so many years, I almost forgot it. If it wasn't for this interest, I'm afraid I can only remember it when someone breaks through the Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion in the future, but according to this pig God sees, there is no one in the world who can easily break through the Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion."

When Chen Ning heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, good guy, this pig is not simple, it can actually leave a gap in the formation of a powerful force.

Awesome!Really awesome!
"Let's go, hurry up and take me in to see what's going on in this big sect."

Chen Ning couldn't wait, not only him, but also the ten rings of pigs. He only heard him laugh twice, and shouted: "Peppa, the pig god is here to save you!!"

One person, one pig, wind and fire.

In the woods.

The fruit body men and women are unconscious.


"Dead pig, have you arrived yet!"

On the top of Cangming Mountain, Chen Ning changed into a snow-white auspicious suit, which he exchanged from the system mall, not precious, ordinary clothes, just a point.

At this moment, he was lying on the snow, if he didn't look carefully, he would not be able to see that there was a person here at all, and Zhu Shijie was beside him, he was dressed in white, so he didn't need to pretend, he was like that back then, he had fooled the wind, flowers, snow and moon patrolling the mountains Pavilion disciples, the journey is smooth.

"It's coming soon, I don't have to look for it carefully? So many years ago, let me leave you alone, can you remember it clearly?" The Pig Ten Precepts spoke confidently.

Although he was still a little timid, he was afraid that Chen Ning would suddenly get violent and yell that he would slap his pig's head off, but now he is the leader after all, and Zhu Shijie also has a little confidence in his heart.

Holding grass?

Chen Ning stared, this dead pig is good at it!

What the hell, after this matter is over, you see, I won't slap your pig's head off!
Zhu Shijie twisted his buttocks and walked slowly. After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly shouted: "I found it!"

As soon as the words fell, he quickly covered his mouth, looked around with his small eyes, and saw that no one had found it, he was relieved, and said to Chen Ning: "I found it! It's here, the gap left by the pig god. look!"

Chen Ning also became excited.

Emma, ​​finally found it.

Hey, isn't this journey of robbing the rich and helping the poor a big step forward?

I saw Zhu Shijie's two front hooves sliding quickly, and a white light entwined, and then the space fluctuated, visible to the naked eye, and a corner of an illusory barrier appeared.

"This is the guardian array of Feng Hua Xue Yue Pavilion?!"

"That's right, hehe, I didn't expect Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion to have not discovered it after so many years. Also, how can ordinary people be able to detect the backhands set up by the pig god himself?"

Zhu Shijie smiled proudly, Chen Ning looked at it and wished he could open his big mouth up and twist his big mouth.

Damn, it's on me to pretend to be coquettish, you're afraid it's lighting a lantern in the toilet—look for shit!

at the same time.

In a palace, a voice suddenly sounded, vague and indeterminate, "The fish has been hooked. After staying for so many years, it is finally here. I will definitely smash that perverted pig to ashes!"

Neither Zhu Shijie nor Chen Ning knew that their every move was under the observation of others.

One person, one pig, working in full swing.

"Hurry up, hurry up, it's about to pass."

"Silly pig, you are the first to rob the rich and help the poor this time. The poor people in the world will definitely remember your contribution!"

"Hmph, what are you talking about, I, Pig Ten Precepts, are you the kind of people who are greedy for fame and fortune? Boy, stop saying such things, how can such words come out of your mouth?"

Chen Ning: "..."

I am so angry!

With a soft sound, a hoof of Pig Ten Rings actually passed through the barrier, "Haha, it's clear!"


One person and one pig quickly got into the barrier.

It's just that they didn't see that after they passed through the barrier, the gap that was opened was slowly closed.

As soon as he entered the Feng Hua Xue Yue Pavilion, Chen Ning was shocked immediately.

"Hold the grass? What a strong aura!"

The aura here is more than ten times richer than outside!
"God is not fair! These big dogs are soaked in the sea of ​​​​spiritual energy every day, but I am working hard outside, stupid, it seems that this time stealing from the rich and helping the poor is the right choice!"

Chen Ning flicked his sleeve, and the last bit of concern in his heart was gone.

"Swine, hurry up and take me to the medicine garden!" He said through voice transmission.

"No, there are too many people here, and this pig god's physique can be seen through at a glance!" Zhu Shijie panicked, and Ma Dan was still too complacent to forget to transform his body.

Knock your mom!
Chen Ning almost ran away, and lost the chain at a critical moment. This dead pig is really unreliable.

"System! Invisibility Talisman!"

"Ding! An invisibility talisman can only be used for one hour."

Chen Ning held the talisman and stuck it on Zhu Shijie's body, "Hurry up and change it for me, it's best to make it as small as possible!"


Zhu Shijie was shocked, he could feel that his body had disappeared, "Boy, do you still have such a good thing?"

But the shock was the shock, and he quickly used the technique of transformation, and immediately, a snow-white little piglet appeared in front of Chen Ning.


Chen Ning looked at it, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously twitched.

Fuck, why do you want to laugh so much?
Is this snow-white little pig still the ten rings of pigs?
Chen Ning took back the invisibility talisman, then hugged Zhu Shijie, suppressed a smile and said: "Little pig, now you are my demon pet, don't reveal your secrets."

"Damn it, why can't you be the favorite of this pig god!?"

(End of this chapter)

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