Chapter 156

"Old boy, are we too slow? Going this way, I'm afraid we'll be in the Year of the Monkey!"

"Yo, you still know? I thought you were so bewitched by beauty, you couldn't see it!"

"The Beiming Sea Eye will be opened in just a couple of days. If it is at our speed, let alone looking for treasures, there may not even be a single hair!"

"Fuck! Then don't fucking say it!" Chen Ning was anxious, and now he doesn't care about any beauties. Just kidding, what is more important than one's own evolution?Only the strong deserve to have everything!
Not to mention……

"I'm the one who wants to worship those big bosses!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he immediately shouted: "If that's the case, then I will fight it out!"

"I hope this time, Li Furen's formation will not go wrong!"

As for the formations made by Zhu Shijie and Heihuang, he directly ignored them. Just kidding, those two products are more unreliable than the other. After more than a month, he has a deep understanding. I was pitted to death by those two pits!

"I have a large teleportation array here! As long as you have accurate coordinates, you can arrive in an instant!"

Li Fugui was very surprised when he heard this, even Liu Ruxian at the stern showed curiosity... Not everyone can have such a large formation!

At least the top sect forces are eligible to refine or purchase.

Could it be that he is a disciple of some top force?

At this moment, both Li Fugui and Liu Ruxian's eyes lit up. The former was probably curious, while the latter was filled with some unknown meaning...

"Hurry up, don't delay so much, I still want to finish this ticket and fly to the sky!"

Impatient, Chen Ning directly set up a platform on the big river, and the light was shining instantly, the wind was strong, the water splashed, and waves were raised, hitting the rocks on both sides of the river, making a rumbling sound like thunder.

In the blink of an eye, a colorful portal appeared in the sky, and the scene inside could not be seen clearly, but the outside was incomparably miraculous, filled with colorful light, making people convincing, no, at least Chen Ning was convincing.

"Damn, finally here's a reliable one, it looks like that old clapper Li Furen deserves a reward!"

He turned his head and found Li Fugui and Liu Ruxian staring blankly on the boat, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious, it was Liu Ruxian, she was like a pink skeleton to him, to prevent him from cutting chicken heads and burning yellow with those big guys A stumbling block to paper worship.

"Hurry up, what are you still doing stupidly!"

Chen Ning let out a loud roar, regardless of the two of them, he took the lead, rushed into the void, and plunged into the colorful portal.

After his figure disappeared, Li Fugui and Liu Ruxian came to their senses. They looked at each other, then flew up into the sky and entered the colored portal.

Afterwards, the square portal gradually closed until it became a small dot and disappeared.

The turbulent river instantly became quiet, leaving only a solitary boat wandering on the water surface...

at the same time.

Su Yingxuan and the others who were in the Eastern Region also left, but this time they did not use the cross-region teleportation formation in Tiancheng, but asked Li Furen, Heihuang and Zhu Shijie to jointly arrange a large formation.

All three of them have brought out their housekeeping skills. In addition, Fenghuaxueyue Pavilion has a strong family background, and they also have the materials needed to arrange a large formation, so there are no twists and turns in the process.

As for why they didn't go to Tiancheng to take the cross-domain teleportation formation, well, it was entirely because of Li Furen, Heihuang and Zhu Shijie, the three of them were afraid of being blocked by others, and they didn't want to go if they were beaten to death.

And the rest of the sect forces are also on their way. The development of Beiming Haiyan is not weaker than the situation of the original wild dragon domain secret realm, and even worse.

I don't know how many people went there, I just hope to get a share.

However, there are also many people who are secretly guarding against Chen Ning. After all, this guy has a criminal record - in the secret realm of the wild dragon domain, he was almost bald by him!
The Tianjiao who entered did not say that the good luck was not taken, and even hundreds of people even threw their lives into it!

So this time, many people kept their eyes open and secretly guarded against Chen Ning.

Someone even secretly went to the Tianji Shenge to invite the Shattering Void Mirror
This mirror has the ability to see through emptiness. It only takes one photo, and no one can hide!

This is their disguise technique to guard against Chen Ning.

After several losses, some people also figured out Chen Ning's routine and knew what his reliance was, so they paid a huge price to invite Poxu Jing!
Of course, at first Tianji Shenge did not agree with anything, but there were many people who couldn't bear the pressure, and their reasons were justified - who made Tianji Shenge run away last time?The point is that you are too careless about running around, you only care about your own family, and everything else is thrown away!
This incident made Tianji Shenge feel wronged, and the contemporary fortune teller groaned for a long time, unable to speak, and finally had to take the broken mirror with him, and went to Beiming together.

But this old boy is also a thief, he not only brought the Shattering Void Mirror, but also secretly brought another magic weapon of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, planning to run away when the nameless immortal emperor reappears.


Chen Ning and the others are in the space channel, which can be said to be tens of thousands of miles away, and the inside is full of colorful lights, like colorful colored glass, and people who shine on it can't open their eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, the three of them felt a sense of dizziness, followed by a bright light in front of their eyes, and a salty smell of seawater came to their nostrils.

Opening his eyes, Chen Ning opened his mouth wide in shock at the scene in front of him, and saw the endless sea rolling, the waves were rough, and the vastness of the sky, there were no living creatures to be seen at all!
The three of them were as insignificant as ants, and in front of the vast sea, it seemed that a single wave could overwhelm them.

"What the hell? Didn't you mean the Beiming sea eye? What about the sea eye? Could something be wrong again?!"

Chen Ning looked around, except that the waves were a little bit bigger in this sea area, and there was no sea eye? !

Is it possible that Lao Tzu understands Haiyan wrong?Isn't that majestic, huge vortex?
His face darkened, if this deviated from the track, I'm afraid it would be a problem to go back, because they don't even know where it is!

Just when he wished to strangle Li Furen to death, Li Fugui at the side said, "That's right, this is the destination, but we came early, and Haiyan hasn't appeared yet!"

"Ah?" Chen Ning was puzzled, does the sea eye need to appear at a special time?
As if seeing his doubts, Li Fugui smiled and said: "Yes, it does take a special time for Beiming Haiyan to appear, wait a minute, boy, who would have thought that your teleportation array is so accurate, even the slightest deviation nothing."

Chen Ning smiled awkwardly when he heard that, he wanted to kill Li Furen just now!
"Damn it, it seems that the old clapper really has two tricks!"

He touched his chin, and from the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a complicated expression on Liu Ruxian's face.

(End of this chapter)

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