Chapter 16 Holy Medicine
Chen Ning wanted to cry but had no tears. He ran back and forth, and finally got 2000 points. It has not been a day, and there are only 550 points left.

"System, you are so vicious, do your parents know?"

"Ding! There are no parents in this system."


Chen Ning scolded angrily, "I'm so crazy, this thing is an orphan, how could it have parents?"
Forget it, I don't care about it.

"Open a special treasure chest."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host's special treasure, Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, which comes from the world of Dou Break Firmament."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 1 points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 500 taels of gold."

"Qinglian's heart fire?!!" Chen Ning exclaimed in his heart, what the hell, even opened this thing?
Qinglian's heart is on fire!

It can be said that it was a popular term in the entire Internet literature circle back then!

Was he driven out like this?
Chen Ning can't wait to scream up to the sky, this time he came to Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion is too right, even if he doesn't do anything, he will make a lot of money!
As for the 1 point in the back, 500 taels of gold, he ignored it directly. This treasure chest opened a Qinglian Dixinhuo, which has already fulfilled its glorious mission!

"System, I want to refine Qinglian's heart fire!"

"Ding! It takes 50 points to refine Qinglian Earth Heart Fire. Does the host decide to refine it?"

"Ham, isn't it just 50 points, refining it for me!"

"Ding! Refinement starts, five, four, three, two, one! Refinement succeeded!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Chen Ning's eyes. He glanced left and right and found that no one had noticed him. He breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hand secretly, only to see a ray of light blue flame appear on his chest. Fingertips, beating slightly.

And just when he was getting excited, Zhu Shijie said again, "It's here! Look, it's right in front of you on your left!"

Chen Ning came back to his senses in an instant, and the green fire on his fingertips was retracted by him. Looking up, the cloud and mist shrouded in the front left, the divine light was brilliant, and the colorful light flowed. The scent!
"Damn it, what is this thing? Why is it so fragrant?" Chen Ning couldn't help but took two deep breaths, feeling refreshed.

"It should be the holy medicine. In the whole world, only the holy medicine and the legendary magic medicine can exude such a strong medicinal fragrance. It's just that the magic medicine is rare. With the vicissitudes of life and the changes of time, I don't know if there is any magic medicine in this world."

When Chen Ning heard that it was a holy medicine, his eyes glowed green.

"System, how many points can a holy medicine be exchanged for?"

"Ding! The holy medicine is the most precious treasure in the world. It contains astonishing divine power. It can save life and death. It can be exchanged for 1000000 points."

"What?! 1000000 points!!"

Chen Ning went completely crazy, his eyes were no longer glowing green, but red, especially from his nose, two thick white puffs came out, which shocked Zhu Shijie.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

"Steal the rich and help the poor! Dead pig, we must take the holy medicine away this time!"

"Fuck...?!" Zhu Shijie was startled, he didn't expect Chen Ning to be so crazy.You must know that the holy medicine is the lifeblood of Fenghua Xueyue Pavilion, if it is touched, I am afraid that there will be no peace in the future, and you will face overwhelming pursuit.

"Boy, have you thought about it? Feng Hua Xue Yue Pavilion is not easy to mess with."

"Fart, do you think we've harmed the medicine garden, and we'll be fine if we don't use the holy medicine? Anyway, it's a slap in the face, why don't you slap it yourself!?" Chen Ning was already crazy, and he couldn't listen to any persuasion. This is 1000000 points what!
Zhu Shijie was silent for a moment when he heard the words, his pig face was full of contemplation, after a while, he gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! This pig god will fight it out, damn it, let that old witch back then force her Breaking up the destined relationship between Ben Zhushen and Page, hmph, then don't blame Ben Zhushen for being cruel!"

Pig Ten Rings stretched out a pig's hoof in Chen Ning's arms, patted Chen Ning on the shoulder and said, "My good brother, even if it's a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, this pig god will accompany you crazy once!"

He thought that Chen Ning would be so moved, and then vowed that he would never hit him on the head again, but even though Zhu Shijie wanted to break his head, he didn't expect that Chen Ning not only didn't look moved at all, but instead slapped him on the head. It hit the top of his head, slapped him, and he was stunned, feeling like his head was going to fly out.


Pig Ten Precepts was completely enraged, no matter where he was, he was going to attack, but before he got up, he was immediately suppressed, and could only make pig noises.

Full of unwillingness and anger.

"Why did you hit the pig god again!"

"I'm a human, you are a pig, you can't be brothers."


Pig Ten Rings is speechless, so why?You just beat me up?

Absolutely inhumane, insane!
"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and see how you can enter the medicine garden." Chen Ning looked around, but fortunately, this place seems to be relatively remote, with few people passing by, and it is easy to "commit crimes".

The ten rings of pigs were filled with grief and indignation, and they jumped off Chen Ning's embrace, and sang as they walked: "I am a pig, a pig that no one loves, beaten and scolded every day, a pig with a rough life~~~"

The corner of Chen Ning's mouth twitched, I am damn, this dead pig is so shameless!
However, he still consciously assumed the task of releasing the wind, looking around with treacherous eyes.

at the same time.

A voice came from that palace again: "The order is passed on, no one is going to scare the snake, I will definitely catch the turtle in the urn this time, hmph, I want to get the idea of ​​​​the medicine garden, I will let you come and go this time, Completely cut off Paige's thoughts!"

The reason why the people in the palace didn't do anything in the sect was because she knew the tricks of the ten precepts of pigs. Back then, that perverted pig escaped under her nose, and the sect guards' formation was useless, unable to keep him at all.

And the medicine garden is an important place of the sect, with many restrictions, even if she entered, if she wanted to get out from it, she would not be able to get out for a while, which just gave her time to catch the turtle!
In this way, Chen Ning and Zhu Shijie entered the medicine garden very easily.

"Broken pig, do you feel something is wrong? Everything seems too easy. The sect guarding formation is because of the gap you left in the past, so what is going on with this medicine garden? It is impossible to have an early warning mechanism in the place where the holy medicine is stored." None?"


The ten rings of pigs are in meditation.

But out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the elixir spraying out the spiritual energy all over the garden, and his heart suddenly became hot.

"Don't care about him so much, Jin has come in, hurry up and do it!"

When Chen Ning heard it, haha, it is indeed such a rationale.


He laughed loudly and said, "Steal the rich and give to the poor! Steal the rich and give to the poor! Steal from the rich and give to the poor!"

I don't know if I am looking for reasons for myself, or I am paralyzing myself.

"What about the holy medicine?"

Chen Ning was puzzled. He had looked all over the medicine garden, but he didn't see the so-called holy medicine.

"System, let's find out which one is the holy medicine."

"Ding! Start the detection, 3, 2, 1. The detection is complete."

"Ding! The holy medicine is at the host's feet..."

"Hold the grass?"

Chen Ning hurriedly looked up, and saw that a grass had been stepped into the soil by him, just like the weeds on the side of the road.

"Is this a holy medicine??"

(End of this chapter)

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