Chapter 165
To Chen Ning, the super-grade magic weapon seems to be a bunch of points, and the most sense is whether there are more points or less, but for these people, the super-grade magic weapon is the real fortune!

Especially for some people who don't have weapons at hand, their desire for super-grade magic weapons has reached the extreme at this moment!

"Huh? Here is a kid who has caught this pig god, boy, what should we do now?" The words of Zhu Shijie were ambiguous, and Chen Ning almost kicked him off when he heard it.

He said with a dark face: "You just need to say silently in your heart to take back the illusion! However, my uncle advises you, it is best to send the kid who grabbed your help away, or when he lets go, maybe you can still get back the illusion!" Grab the Mermaid Statue."

"Oh~~ So that's the case, boy, I didn't see it, you're so full of bad water!" Pig Ten Rings was very excited, "But then again, if you let the three of them go in to find good luck, won't there be any problems?"

Hearing this, Chen Ning looked back at the palace, and asked Liu Ruxian to take Su Yingxuan and Nie Xuanji into the palace together, and they just stood outside to block those who climbed up.

Li Fugui was a little embarrassed at first, but Chen Ning promised that after he got out, he would go to Langya Sword Sect to help him set things right, and this old boy started fishing with them.

"It's okay, Liu Ruxian is here, she is a mermaid, and we don't want to steal her fortune, just go in and get something she doesn't like." Chen Ning shook his head, not thinking that anything would happen to the three of them.

"Be careful, don't let them come up!"

Chen Ning asked.

"Otherwise, the five of us will each conjure a magic weapon of a perfect level. I won't believe that my grandma has legs. Five magic weapons of a perfect level can't drive them into madness!"

He gritted his teeth and said, according to his guess, when the five magic weapons of perfect level come out, I am afraid that even the older generation of monks will be red-eyed. At that time, there will definitely be a storm on the mermaid statue!
"good idea!"

"I can see it!"

"This pig god has no objections!"

"Wang! This emperor's bell is a magic weapon of the perfect level!"

The five goods glanced at each other, and then each pointed out a finger and hit the fishing rod in their hands. Immediately, the fishhook below shone brightly, and all of them burst into immeasurable light. At this moment, even this deep sea was covered by It shines brightly!

"What the hell?!"

"What happened??"

"Is there a trap?"


Everyone who was climbing on the statue showed a look of surprise, and looked up at the five bright sources like the sun above.

"What a powerful spiritual power! This is a super-grade magic weapon! No! Even if it is a super-grade magic weapon, it is also perfect!"

Someone let out a startled cry, and then went berserk, bursting out of his whole body's cultivation, and crazily grabbed one of the five suns!
"Don't think about it!"

But someone didn't want him to get it easily and launched a snipe.

"Damn it! Blind Huang, do you want to die?!"

"Hmph, treasures with virtue live there, each depends on fate!"


There is nothing to say, the blocked person roared angrily, and with all his cultivation bases erupting, he was able to move his hands under the immense pressure of the mermaid statue!

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"


At the beginning of the war, both of them were members of the older generation. At first, they were hiding their cultivation, hoping to enter the shrine, and then do it when they found good fortune. But now that the perfect magic weapon is in front of them, is there any reason not to take it?
Feeling the turbulent energy storm below, Chen Ning and the others couldn't help laughing.

Especially Zhu Shijie, this guy danced and danced, almost stepped on the air in excitement and fell down.

"Boy, it's still your cunning!" Li Furen sighed with emotion: "The trick I used back then was nothing short of a joke, but you're the best!"

Chen Ning knew what he was talking about. Back then in Beiyuan City, it was this old man who pretended to be him and aroused enough hatred in Beiyuan City. He was almost mad at him.

Just when the few of them were laughing, two terrifying auras erupted from below again. Although they did not reach the Nascent Soul Realm, they still had the power of the late Jindan stage!
And this trend didn't stop. When these two auras mingled together, several golden elixir auras erupted. In the middle and late stages, a terrifying energy storm erupted!

Not long after, the bottom has become a mess.

"Tsk tsk, why are people from the older generation fighting? What about the younger generation? Damn, are you so tolerant?"

"Boy, do you think that in the hands of Jindan cultivators, they can grab the magic weapon of the perfect level?" Heihuang's faint voice came.

"It's true, it seems that we can only wait for these old immortals to fight first."

Chen Ning rubbed his chin, and looked at the radiant energy below with relish, like fireworks, colorful, these old guys have long been red-eyed, and broke out all their power for the five perfect level magic weapons.


Finally, the first person who retreated appeared. It was the monk who was called Huang Blind before. He was knocked off the statue with a palm. Even though they were far away, Chen Ning still heard his unwilling roar.

If there is one, there are two, and soon, another person was beaten down, and during the landing process, someone secretly gave him two more palms, which made him cough up blood again and again, and almost died during the fall.

"Okay! Good fight!" Li Fugui yelled, his face was full of joy, as if he saw his enemy being executed, his eyes were bright, the fault was not because of the wrong occasion, Chen Ning was afraid that he would want to look up to the sky laughed out loud.

"Damn it, what kind of hatred do you have with Langya Sword Sect? Aren't you also from Langya Sword Sect?" Chen Ning asked curiously.

"You'll know when you go, hehe, the Langya Sword Sect used to dominate Beiming, but now it's sunset, and it's almost drowned in the long river of time!" Li Fugui's tone was full of anger, and it was obvious that he could not wait to Go out personally and kill all the members of Langya Sword Sect.

Hearing this, Chen Ning showed a look of contemplation, but soon he said: "Wait, I will take them to Langya Sword Sect once they are out of Haiyan, don't worry, don't look at our trash, but the ability to make trouble It’s definitely not bad, and I’m sure it will set you right!”

The righteous words he said actually had other thoughts... The dungeon mission given by the system was to let him conquer the three top powers. Although I don't know if the current Langya Sword Sect is considered a top power, but I think it probably won't be. Difference.

Chen Ning withdrew his thoughts, and turned his attention to the battle below. The older generation of monks had almost been knocked down, and the remaining threes and threes were already at the end of their battles. Even the huge pressure of the mermaid statue could hardly bear it.

"It seems that it's time for the younger generation!" Chen Ning's eyes flashed, showing excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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