Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 183 Blood-Stained Country

Chapter 183 Blood-Stained Country

Killing after another!
Chen Ning's killing order was so abrupt that even the people standing beside him didn't react, let alone those outside.

In an instant, all kinds of aurora burst out, the sky, the ground, the water, the trinity, a complete explosion, the endless rays of light intertwined into a net, and shuttled through the crowd in an instant.

It's just this time, many people who didn't react have already been pierced by the light, cut off, and completely disappeared.

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground also awakened the crisis in people's hearts. At this moment, the people from the four regions surrounding Langya Sword Sect finally came to their senses!

They looked at these "monsters" who seemed worthless to them with horrified eyes, but now it was these "monsters" that gave them a fatal blow!
The bloody smell soon wafted up. Although the remains of severed limbs on the ground were relatively few compared to the densely packed crowd, the fear was enough to amplify various senses. Now these pungent smells completely detonated everyone's anger. Their cultivation bases exploded one after another!

At this moment, even if they want to knock down the mountains where Langya Sword Sect is located, I am afraid they will not hesitate!

And those who have seen Chen Ning fly a plane in the secret realm of Huanglongyu are full of fear, and some even have the idea of ​​​​retiring!
They can clearly see that these strange things are much more gorgeous than what was manifested in the secret realm of Huanglongyu last time!
It's also much more terrifying!

The rays of light intertwined again, this time, not only the aurora, but also the sword light, and the phantom shadow of the real dragon wandering, and the phoenix fluttering its wings!
The attacks came in a blink of an eye. In fact, these attacks are not very powerful. They are all comparable to the power of the Jindan level. Not everyone can resist it!

"Come on!"

"Kill Langya Sword Sect, kill Chen Ning!"


The cultivators broke out with all their cultivation and tried their best. In an instant, magic weapons flew all over the sky, intertwined with light, and collided with the beams of light emitted by Chen Ning's technological army.

The void oscillated, the space was broken, the land shook a few times, the mountains rumbled even more, rocks rolled down, and ancient trees collapsed.

Strands of cracks like spider webs appeared in the void, which made people startled, for fear that a hole would be opened and they would be blown to death by the storm of nothingness.

But they are all red-eyed. Not many people are still thinking about this kind of problem. Everyone is fighting, but they soon discovered that the horror of technological warfare is not that there are many people who have an advantage, even if they are Cultivator!
In the face of all kinds of weapons made of this special material, some people's magic weapons can't even hurt them in the slightest!

The screams kept coming and going, and after a while, there was already a layer of corpses lying on the ground, and the blood flowed, dyeing the water system not far away into a blood red color, and the strong smell of blood floated in the air, even if they were separated Far away, Chen Ning and others in Langya Sword Sect finally smelled it.

They saw the tragedy outside—Chen Ning also exchanged for a device similar to a holographic projection device, which captured the horror scene of blood-stained mountains and mountains for everyone to watch.

Everyone was silent, even Li Furen and Heihuang, who kept yelling that they were all slaughtered, remained silent, watching this scene with serious expressions.

This can no longer be described as a battle, this is a unilateral massacre!

What's more, they know that those things are "dead things" and have no life!
This is like exchanging human life with a lifeless "dead thing"!
It's easy to understand, just like a battle between monks, magic weapons and formations are used to kill the enemy, all of which are "dead objects" to kill.

But they have never seen such a terrible scene, this is massacre, it is killing!
Those people were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, without the slightest strength to fight back. Even if a few powerful ones smashed, broke, or even destroyed those strange weapons, it took a lot of energy, and they were tired of dealing with others.

"Little... boy... where did you get these things..." Li Fugui's teeth were chattering, and his face was a little pale. Even though he was mature, he was still terrified by the terrifying scene in front of him.

The overseas old man beside him was also short of breath, and his old eyes were full of fear. Now he felt a little bit of the rest of his life in his heart, and even thanked Chen Ning for not killing him before.

"Damn, how can this be human? This is a devil, a devil from hell, without the slightest respect for life, killing people is as simple as eating and drinking water!"

He has forgotten that he has grown up to this day, and he has also stepped on the flesh and blood of countless people...

Chen Ning ignored Li Fugui, and just looked at the scene in the picture with a cold expression, a cold breath permeated his whole body.

At this moment, everyone felt that this Chen Ning was the real him, and the laughing Chen Ning before was just a shadow, a mask.

Su Yingxuan, Nie Xuanji and Liu Ruxian didn't feel anything. In their view, these people came to kill their husbands, so there was nothing to say, they just deserved to die!

There was a deafening sound in the distance again, as well as various roars, some were out of breath, some were fearful, some were desperate, and some were regretful...

Many people have regretted it, and regretted that they should not have taken this muddy water. Now that they think about it again, it is true that so many masters went to the Underwater Shrine, but only three escaped in the end. Such a terrifying fact has not been dispelled. Greed in their hearts.

But there is no medicine for regret in the world, and now the bitter fruit can only be swallowed with tears, and even my life will be thrown here.

Chen Ning really got angry this time. The trinity of sea, land and air is not because he doesn’t want to spend too much. He even wants to exchange for the kind of interstellar rail gun used in space and shoot it directly from the universe, but that thing is too expensive. It's expensive, and it's too terrible. It's a bit suspected of killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

The smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger, and there are more and more broken limbs. However, not all the equipment on Chen Ning's side is intact. Even now, they have lost a lot. Self-destruct, life and death with a plane, or sink a warship.

However, Chen Ning didn't feel any distress. Anyway, these things can be recycled by the system. When the time comes, they can be repaired and they can still be used.


Finally, someone couldn't hold on anymore and begged for forgiveness loudly, even with a bit of crying in his voice.

There are also people who are hastily constructing teleportation formations, hoping to escape.

Of course, some people ran straight away, bursting out at full speed, and wanted to escape this space, but this situation was too difficult, at most three out of ten people could escape, and the rest were locked and killed.

(End of this chapter)

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