Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 194 The Wonderful Warmth

Chapter 194 The Wonderful Warmth

"The Patriarch just wants to make the Nie family better. Looking at it now, it's anyone's choice, and the third generation was beaten to the ground by this kid." The elder stroked his beard and smiled, with a smile on his face. The look of Zhizhu holding it.

"Judging from this battle, it's not that there is no one behind this kid, no, it should be said that it is a force, and it is a force far stronger than me!"

"Look at his martial arts, it's so strong that it's unrecognizable, and it's unheard of, never seen before. Besides, his special magic weapon, it has never been heard of anyone in the four regions who forged such a strange treasure, even the puppet sect has never heard of it. This magic weapon."

"The head of the family can think about it, it's just a matter of saving face, not to mention that this kid can find a powerful existence at the level of an immortal emperor, which can already explain a lot of problems."

The Great Elder persuaded that, in his opinion, Chen Ning is the best choice and the only choice for the Nie family at present, not to mention the relationship with Nie Xuanji. Maybe the final result is far better than what he obtained in the hands of the third emperor. many!

At their level, they are basically old-fashioned people, and they can think clearly about the cause and effect with a little bit of tweaking, and they can see through everything.

Nie Wudao's face was dark, although he felt that what the elder said was right, but now he couldn't change his mentality, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that Chen Ning was not a good person.


And Chen Ning, who was lying in front of the Nie's mountain gate, was speechless. Looking at the empty gate, he complained in his heart: "Damn, even if I don't welcome you, you still put on a show."

He rolled his eyes, picked up the loudspeaker and yelled again.

Nie Xuanji on the side was a little embarrassed, she put her eyes on Chen Ning beside her, and said softly: "Husband, why don't you forget it? Father definitely doesn't want to see me now..."

Her voice is getting lower and lower, and it can be heard that she is a little depressed now.

That's right, anyone who encounters such a situation will be sad.

I took my lover home full of joy, but I didn't expect that I would not be welcomed by my family at all.

Seeing that Nie Xuanji was depressed, Chen Ning winked at Liu Ruxian and Su Yingxuan who were on the side. The two women understood, and came up to hold Nie Xuanji's jade arms on the left and right, and began to distract her.

As for Chen Ning, his face was a little dark and numb, this f*ck was too embarrassing.

Is it possible that I still want to bombard me with cannonballs?

Just as he was about to yell "Pull out my Italian cannon", there was finally movement in front of the mountain gate.

I saw ripples in the space, and then Nie Wudao's stinky face appeared in front of everyone, followed by Nie Chen and the Great Elder.

"Sister!" Seeing Nie Xuanji, Nie Chen immediately yelled happily, and then galloped like a wild horse running away.

"Sister! You miss me so much!"

A sincere smile appeared on Nie Chen's face, and it could be seen that his relationship with Nie Xuanji was really good.

"Brother!" Nie Xuanji was also very happy. She hadn't seen Nie Chen for a long time. She remembered the last time when she was captured by Chen Ning in the secret realm of the Wild Dragon Domain.

Thinking of Chen Ning, she blushed again, then held Nie Chen and said, "Call me brother-in-law..."

After finishing speaking, she felt embarrassed herself, she lowered her head, not daring to look at the eyes of everyone.


Who knows that Nie Chen doesn't seem to buy it: "Brother-in-law? Where is it? Why didn't I see it? Hehe, I just saw a shameless guy!"

"Oh, you son of a bitch!" Chen Ning became angry when he heard it.

"Hey, look, this kid is so bad that even his brother-in-law can't stand it anymore." Zhu Shijie gloated at the side, grinning wide, pretending to speak in a low voice, but his voice, everyone present could probably understand I can hear you.

Of course, Li Furen would not let go of this great opportunity to make trouble, and followed Zhu Shijie to "whisper" and said: "Well, from my point of view, this kid is dead, I guess my father-in-law doesn't agree with this marriage! Hey, it's broken, you Let’s talk about it, let this kid know he’s doing bad things all day long, and see, there’s nothing good about him.”

"Wang! That's right, you still can't be too stinky and shameless! For example, the little bastard snatched my Phoenix Tianyan!" The Black Emperor also came out to join in the fun.

After listening to these three forced words, Chen Ning only felt that the back molars were hurting, it's just crazy, isn't this crazy?
A Phoenix Tianyan, this dead dog can still remember it so clearly!

But when he thought about the nature of the Black Emperor in the world of Shrouding the Sky, he immediately felt relieved, asshole, this dead dog is greedy by nature.

His face was dark, his eyes widened, and he was about to open his mouth to turn into "Big Brother Zu'an" to fight three against one, but he heard Nie Chen speak again.

"Hehe, this young master already knows that this guy is stinky and shameless, sister, look, he can't even look down on the people around him!"

This kid is not a good bird either, he is teasing Nie Xuanji.

"Sister, in my opinion, you'd better leave him. There are countless arrogances in the Four Regions. If you don't want to look for anyone, there must be someone better than him!"

"Fuck?!" This Chen Ning couldn't take it anymore, shit, I've always been the only one who poached other people's corners, and I haven't seen anyone so arrogant who actually wanted to poach my corners.

He immediately said: "You son of a bitch, stand aside quickly, be careful that I will cut you, don't think that you are my brother-in-law, I will not dare to fuck you, anyway, you can't beat me!"

Chen Ning was gearing up, threatening.

Nie Xuanji's originally tense and depressed mood was "corrected" by these live treasures, and now she looks like she can't help but laugh.

She knew about Nie Chen, and her younger brother knew it well. Even though he was usually out of tune, he was still very protective of his sister.

They have had a good relationship since they were young, otherwise she would not have fought Chen Ning for Nie Chen at the beginning. If there was no such battle, many things would not have happened after that.

Thinking of this, she snorted and said, "Stop making trouble, husband, don't you have something you want to talk to your father about? You go."

Nie Xuanji looked at Nie Wudao who was waiting not far away, and there was a bit of embarrassment in the depths of her eyes.

"Oh! That's right! I almost forgot the business! It's all your fault, you dead boy!"

In the end, Chen Ning still slapped Nie Chen, just like slapping ten commandments on pigs.

"Fuck?! Kid, can you bear this?" Ten Rings of Pigs jumped out, offering fire beside him and said, "Pull this pig god, this pig god will definitely fight this kid!"

His little eyes were full of joy, as if he desperately wanted to see the scene where Chen Ning fought with his brother-in-law.

But Nie Chen wasn't fooled, he glanced at him directly, then snorted coldly, tilted his head and led Nie Xuanji away.

"Fuck, is this pig god being despised?" Zhu Shijie realized later and followed everyone into Nie's house.

"Judging from this situation, you should be despised!" Li Furen patted Zhu Shijie's head, leaving him stupefied.

a long time.

Zhu Shijie groaned, obviously very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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