Chapter 227 Settings
Chen Ning tasted the sweetness, this guy has already quickly thought about what to do for the next month, everything is planned.

Steal from the rich and help the poor!

Damn, although the barren land doesn't look as good as the sealed land of the Four Regions, fortunately, the treasures here are of high quality!
Nine Star Grass, Dragon Grass, this thing is not easy to hear the name.

It's just that he still doesn't know what the dragon grass that Mingyue Wushuang is trying to bring out is useful.

"Where to go next?"

Chen Ning asked Mingyue Wushuang. He is a local, so he should know more about this place. According to him, the wild land is probably too big to have a limit. Couldn't find much.

Although he has already planned the next "work focus", after all, robbing the rich and helping the poor may not always meet people.

"The predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoy the shade. This is the benefit!" Mingyue Wushuang smiled with her hands behind her back: "The people who have entered the barren land before came out and drew a map. Now it is cheaper for us."


Both Chen Ning and Zhu Shijie looked excitedly at them. They knew that if they had a map, many things would be done with half the effort!
"Well, many people entered the barren land before. After they left, someone drew a unified map based on their descriptions. There may be some deviations, but it is not much different after all."

"However, there is one thing. This map should be incomplete. After all, I haven't heard of anyone who has reached the end of the barren land."

After hearing this, Chen Ning nodded. This was expected, an incomplete map is enough, as long as there are directions and goals.

"Let's go! Since we have a map, what the hell is there to delay?!" Zhu Shijie stretched out his two front hooves and pawed on the ground, just like a bull in heat, and his nostrils were almost exhausted.

Mingyue Wushuang heard this, but shook her head and said, "No rush, it's not time yet."

"What else is there to pay attention to?" Chen Ning raised his eyebrows. When he thought about it, wouldn't it be over if he just went?Is it possible to pick an auspicious time?
"The wild land has been opened for a month, and it has only been five days. Many elixir and fruit are not yet ripe, and some materials have not yet condensed into shape."

"What the hell?" Chen Ning was taken aback for a moment, mature and formed?

Damn, why does it feel like everything is going as planned?
The elixir and fruit have a predetermined time to mature, and the cultivation materials also have a time to take shape. No matter how strange this looks, it is clearly as if everything is ready!
Hearing this, it was the first time he had doubts about this so-called trial place, Mahler Gobi, isn't it some kind of ghost here?

The more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt. Chen Ning glanced around and suddenly felt that everything was full of weirdness!
"Damn pig, I feel something is wrong!" He said to Pig Ten Rings via sound transmission.

"What? What's wrong?" Zhu Shijie didn't realize it yet, he stared at Chen Ning with confused eyes.

"Didn't you hear what he said just now? Damn, I think this place is extremely weird, and there is always a feeling of panic!"

"It seems that everything is done according to the setting!"

Chen Ning still didn't say anything, after all, Zhu Shijie had never been in contact with those things on the earth, so maybe he didn't understand if he said it.

Yes, Chen Ning now feels that this so-called trial place is like a program, a game.

It's just that it's set up perfectly!

"Damn, if what I think is true, then where is this place? Fuck, this dead pig teleportation array is too unreliable, right?!"

He was worried, considered his tone, and asked Mingyue Wushuang: "What do you mean by formed and mature?"

"Why are you interested in this?" Mingyue Wushuang looked at Chen Ning in bewilderment, and said, "Everyone knows the time when the elixir and fruit are ripe, but the location is not clear and needs to be searched for. As for the material forming Time, too."

After hearing this, Chen Ning was completely startled. His pupils constricted, but he quickly covered it up so that Mingyue Wushuang didn't notice it.

He looked around, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with vegetation and rocks, it didn't look like a fake, but now after hearing Mingyue Wushuang's words, he unconsciously thought about the fake.

"Damn it, this is the world of Xianxia. There is no such thing as a procedural game, so... If my guess is true, this place should be an illusion!"

A flash of wisdom flashed in his eyes, so to speak... He cast his eyes on Mingyue Wushuang, this handsome man is probably fake, eleven of them are equivalent to the existence of NPCs in the game!
But now he is not sure whether his guess is right or not. After all, he only speculates based on the "time issue of maturity and formation", or maybe he is overthinking.

"Damn pig, be smart, there's something wrong here, maybe we've entered an illusion, damn it, it's too real, if it's real, even the Immortal Emperor's Law can't be broken!"

This is a bit exaggerated, logically speaking, both he and Zhu Shijie have practiced five kinds of magic formations, even if they can't decipher them, they will definitely not be able to see even the slightest clue as they are now.

"Am I really thinking too much?"

While he was meditating.Mingyue Wushuang opened his mouth. Seeing Chen Ning standing there, his expression constantly changing, he thought something was wrong.

"Friend Daoist, what's the matter with you?"

"Ah?" Chen Ning came back to his senses, and it was Mingyue Wushuang's handsome face that attracted his attention, but he was a little terrified when he saw it now, and he always felt that this guy was not human.

"It's nothing, I just thought of something." He said vaguely.

At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to Pig Ten Rings again: "Dead pig, can you tell if this is an illusion?"

"Damn it, boy, are you crazy? Or are you stunned? Didn't we teleport over? The illusion is a feather, the illusion!" Zhu Shijie looked at Chen Ning speechlessly, and he felt that Chen Ning must have lost his mind. Crazy.

Chen Ning shook his head, now he feels more and more that something is wrong here, especially judging from Zhu Shijie's words, no matter how you look at it, it seems to be trying to deny it!

"Fuck, can't it? This dead pig is also fake? Or is he being controlled?"

But when he thought about it, it was impossible. Although the Ten Rings of Pigs seemed unreliable, their origins were quite mysterious, and it was not a simple thing. If ordinary people wanted to control him, it might be very difficult.

"So to say……"

Chen Ning stared: "Is this what this guy really thinks in his heart? Damn, he thinks I've lost my mind?!"

Just when he was about to give Zhu Shijie two blows, suddenly, Mingyue Wushuang spoke:

"Fellow Daoist, I actually know that there is a mature elixir and fruit in another place, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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