Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 236 Formation, Waiting

Chapter 236 Formation, Waiting

As soon as Huo Ziyang came out, he immediately saw Chen Ning and the others. Four people and one pig surprised him. Just now he thought there were only two people, but he didn't expect there to be so many.

However, this product is not a simple product. After a moment of astonishment, he said directly and familiarly: "Oh, good brother, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, there is someone who can think of me together!"

"Hahahaha..." He looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, and then hurriedly said: "Come on, good brother, those people are coming soon, let's move quickly, or wait for them to pass, and if you want to rob the invitation card, you will be killed." Difficult!"

After he finished speaking, he stood not far from Chen Ning and the others, watched with a smile, and waited for Chen Ning's reply.

But Chen Ning has a confused face now, not only him, but Zhu Shijie also has a strange face, looking at this guy with strange eyes, damn, this is really a stinky and shameless person, he has become familiar to this level , have to admit, none of them can do it.

But Huo Ziyang obviously didn't care about this. Seeing that Chen Ning and the others were still standing there, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and hurriedly said, "Hurry up, why are you still standing there stupidly? I took a look at those goods. The next best thing to do."

He paused for a moment, and then added: "The rest of the people either took other paths, or they were so strong that they far surpassed our level, and they couldn't even snatch them if they wanted to!"

When Chen Ning heard it, damn it, the co-author of this dude is also a "recidivist"!

He even knows how to stay and know the strength of the enemy!
However, he also knew that what this guy said was true. If it was true, the next few people who might pass would really be their only chance!
That being the case...

"Then let's do it!"

"Dead pig! Arrange formations! Damn, intercept them here!"

Chen Ning arranged for Zhu Shijie to do it.

"Pig? A pig set up a formation? Brother, are you right?"

Huo Ziyang showed a look of surprise and uncertainty, staring at Chen Ning and Zhu Shijie. In his opinion, he felt a little unreliable.

"Brother, isn't it... is it a little... um... a little sloppy?!"

Chen Ning was about to speak, but Zhu Shijie beside him moved his hands and mouth.

He spit out a golden light from his mouth, shot it out at an extremely fast speed, and came to Huo Ziyang in an instant.

At the same time, he yelled: "Boy, blind your dog's eyes, grandma is so stupid, I thought that the dog was gone, and there is no one in the world who looks down on people with dog eyes. I didn't expect it to be this pig god Miscalculation, it seems that there are quite a few people like this!"

Perhaps because he felt puzzled, this guy spit out a black light from his mouth again. Chen Ning could see clearly that it was a black awl with unparalleled sharpness, it was a ninth-grade magic weapon!
"Damn it, there are so many dead pig babies, his stomach is probably not a system, is it?!" Chen Ning's teeth were sore, the main reason was that he had never seen Zhu Shijie emptied his stomach, no matter in the four domains. No matter what happened, no matter how hard he pulled out, his stomach would not be empty, and he could always get something out.

Huo Ziyang was shocked, he didn't expect a pig to be so arrogant, let alone he could be so strong.

"Mo Dan, have the ninth-grade magic weapons been rotten on the street these days? A pig unexpectedly... ah no, just spit it out!"

With a wave of his sleeve, he threw the black cone out. This scene made Chen Ning squint his eyes - he threw out the ninth-grade magic weapon. It seems that his clothes are not simple!

Of course there are reasons for Huo Ziyang's cultivation, but it's more about the strength of his sleeves!

The moment Chen Ning waved his sleeves, he felt an inexplicable force that suppressed Wu Zhui's sharpness!

As for the magic weapon that Zhu Shijie spit out before, it was not as good as the ninth-grade magic weapon, it flew out directly.

Looking at this scene, Zhu Shijie's expression changed. Even though his brain is not working well, he now knows that he must have encountered a hard problem!

He was about to strike again, but Huo Ziyang spoke, and only heard him say: "Pig... Fellow Daoist Pig!"

It seems to be extremely difficult to say, but this guy is also a person who can bend and stretch. Seeing Zhu Shijie's face getting darker and darker, he hurriedly explained: "We are not enemies! If we delay any longer, those people will come over. It's getting late!"

"Hmph... late..." Zhu Shijie still wanted to speak, but this time Chen Ning sealed his mouth, glared at him, then cupped his hands at Huo Ziyang and said, "Dare to ask you..."

"I'm Huo Ziyang!"

"Going down to Lu Xiaofeng!"

"Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you!"

"Fellow Daoist just said how many people are going to pass here, can you tell me how many people are there?"

Chen Ning's subtext is also very simple, if there are fewer people, invitations will not be enough.

Huo Ziyang glanced at him and Zhu Shijie, then turned his attention to Sandao, and was silent for a while, as if he was calculating.

After a while, he said: "Brother Chen, don't worry, invitations are definitely enough!"

What he said was extremely certain, and Chen Ning also knew the general idea - in this way, there were at least six people!

"Then let's set up the formation quickly!" Chen Ning urged, if there were really six or more people, they might not be able to take it down. After all, they didn't have the golden core state, so they could only rely on the formation.

Zhu Shijie was stared at by Chen Ning, and reluctantly arranged the formation, but from the way he looked at Huo Ziyang from time to time, it could be seen that this guy probably held a grudge, and he remembered Huo Ziyang in his heart.


Soon, a brand-new formation was completed, and the Golden Crow Tunyan Formation was no longer enough to take on the "big task" this time. There are more than six Golden Core monks, I am afraid that the Golden Crow Tunyan Formation can be smashed in a blink of an eye!

The Ten Commandments of Pigs are indeed powerful. After Chen Ning gave him the five Immortal Emperor Formation Formation Techniques, his knowledge of Formation Formation has become more and more profound. Now it can be said that it is very easy to set up this formation technique for Golden Core cultivators.

"Boy, it's solved!"

When Zhu Shijie came to the hiding place of Chen Ning and the others, he rolled his eyes again when he saw Huo Ziyang, and he didn't look good at all.

But Huo Ziyang didn't feel anything, instead he was still grinning.

"Brother Chen, why do you want to go to Phoenix Mountain? Why, do you also want to meet that charming beauty?"

"Tsk tsk, I'm afraid that the younger generation in the entire Guangzhou Shengzhou wants to see the beauty, and the only ones who may put it into action are you and me!"

"Hahahaha...Brother Chen and I are true heroes in this world!"

"..." Chen Ning was speechless, Mahler Gobi, are you crazy?Desperately grabbing an invitation just to see that woman? !

Is this really a hero?

Don't, don't, don't take Lao Tzu with you.

But Huo Ziyang's words aroused his interest.Now he really wants to see what that woman looks like, which can arouse the madness of the younger generation in Guangsheng Prefecture.

But he didn't forget his purpose. It's true to inquire about news, and second to see people. It doesn't matter if you can see it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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