Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 250 Dragon and Phoenix Inheritance

Chapter 250 Dragon and Phoenix Inheritance
The big formation started, and the flames raged again, more violently than before, even the space was vaguely burned and melted!

"What a powerful formation!"

Long Yuan exclaimed, even though he was the son of Palace Master Qinglong and was used to seeing treasures, it was rare for formations of this level.

"Is it useful for you?" He was a little worried, looking around, the sea of ​​fire really looked like a place where phoenixes lived.

After feeling it for a while, Fenghuang frowned slightly, but he still said, "It's not a big problem. Although this formation is strong, it's not yet at the perfect level. A break is enough to break it open!"

Chen Ning sneered at the side, he heard the conversation between the two, just kidding, can I not think that you have a magic weapon to break the formation?

Hmph, it's just a large array of perfect levels, I can come up with a hundred and eighty sets in minutes!
He made a tactic with both hands, a ray of light flashed, and in an instant, the formation was in motion, and the phoenix appeared, and this time it was not a phantom of a phoenix, but two ends!

Flying in the void, the colorful tail is beautiful and sacred, but it is full of deadly killing intent!
"Not good! It's deceitful!" Long Yuan had a keen sense, and he immediately noticed the difference in the formation.

"This is a man-made formation!" He yelled in horror, even the son of Palace Master Qinglong, his expression changed at this moment.

Phoenix also noticed that someone was manipulating the formation!
"Who is it?! Who is manipulating the formation!"

"Do you know who we are waiting for? Who gave you the courage!"

She shouted coldly, her eyes were cold, at this point, she also knew that this place was a scam!

Phoenix Phantom, Phoenix Tianyan...

One after another, one after another, they were all directed at her!

"Cangmingzhou? You guys are so courageous!" Long Yuan was also roaring angrily, he had already felt the power of the formation, the flames were so strong that he felt a burning sensation!
The secretly Chen Ning was taken aback, Cangmingzhou?
Do you think Lao Tzu is from Cangming Prefecture?

After a moment of silence, he slapped his thigh, damn, smart!

Why didn't I think of it?Cangmingzhou, what a scapegoat!


It's just you, I'm from Cangming Prefecture!

Chen Ning cleared his throat, coughed twice, and changed his face with the method of changing the world, and then Shi Shi ran out of the darkness.

This guy came up and snorted coldly: "Since I know that I am from Cangming Prefecture, Fenghuang, Longyuan, you should also know why you are trapped!"

"In order to do this game, I started three days ago!"

Phoenix's gaze became colder and colder, Long Yuan's body was filled with bursts of violent aura. Both of them had passed the golden core and became Nascent Souls. Now that their aura is so wide open, the flames in the formation are a little afraid to get close the meaning of.

" are so courageous!" Long Yuan snorted coldly, and then shot directly, and when he raised his hand, it was a winding green dragon, roaring and bombarding the formation.

There was a loud noise, but it was useless. This is a magic weapon of the perfect level. It is not easy for him, a Nascent Soul cultivator, to keep himself in it, let alone break the formation with his hands. That is simply wishful thinking.

"Don't bother, hehe, I worked so hard to build a large formation, if you blow it away with a punch, it's a fart."

"And you, chick, this is a perfect level of formation. At this level of formation, the formation-breaking magic weapon is no longer effective, so don't waste that energy."

When Fenghuang heard the words, his eyes turned cold, and he took back the broken array that he had just taken out. Chen Ning was right, the formation above the perfect level, the formation breaking weapon can no longer work.

"Say, what do you want!"

Chen Ning grinned, hehe, I like to talk to smart people, it saves time and effort, and it's so easy.

"Phoenix Inheritance!"

His words were not shocking, at least in the ears of Fenghuang and Longyuan, they were immediately stunned, they did not expect that Chen Ning's appetite was so big that he wanted to inherit Phoenix's inheritance.

"Don't worry, and, boy, I know that your Long family must have some good things, such as... the inheritance of the real dragon!"

This time, the two of them were really shocked, especially Long Yuan, who immediately opened up his aura, and Yuan Ying's cultivation level exploded. In his dantian, light bloomed, and a villain could be vaguely seen sitting cross-legged, exuding a bright light. brilliant!

"court death!"

He sneered, he didn't expect that Chen Ning had this idea, the inheritance of dragon and phoenix?Hmph, I don't know if you can eat it!

In fact, strictly speaking, the Daming Mansion and the Qinglong Mansion also had the same idea. The marriage between Phoenix and Longyuan was for the inheritance of the dragon and the phoenix. The two of them, one mastering the inheritance of the Phoenix and the other mastering the inheritance of the real dragon, if they can be combined into one , I am afraid that he can really be invincible!

This time, Long Yuan didn't strike randomly, but completely let go of his hands and feet, and punched out directly, smashing the phantom of the phoenix flying in the void to pieces!
The miserable hiss resounded, but soon he discovered that it had no effect at all. This grand formation is endlessly alive. Unless it is broken, no matter how many phoenix phantoms you smash, how many phoenix phantoms will be born in the grand formation !


Chen Ning raised his eyebrows and said, "Since that's the case, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

"See the corpses all over the place? Soon you will be one of them!"

He sneered, waving his hands quickly, making moves.In an instant, the small slope exploded, and a phoenix skeleton as white as jade appeared. Under Chen Ning's manipulation, a phantom of the phoenix melted into the bones.

In an instant, the white bones seemed to come back to life, and the phoenix sounded, shaking the world. Although it was only a phoenix at the level of a nascent soul, the burst of breath was not inferior to that of the out-of-body, even worse than that!

Even Chen Ning himself was feeling emotional, damn it, it's too strong, is this an ancient mythical beast?

This is not the first generation, it's just acquired through cultivation. It's too scary. Such a race of beasts is probably the overlord of the heavens and worlds!
The bones merged with the phoenix phantom, and it seemed that flesh and blood had grown out vaguely. The fiery red streaked across the sky, and hit the two of Long Yuan with endless flames.

"The ones from Cangming Prefecture, you really want to kill them all!" Phoenix roared angrily, his expression was extremely cold without his fairy beauty.

to be frank.Just when Phoenix came.That appearance almost didn't dazzle Chen Ning, it was so beautiful, as it was said in the folklore, it was a fairy descended from heaven.

But he wasn't interested, just kidding, no matter how beautiful she is, that's not the first time, and he didn't even bother to snatch a married woman after being picked up by that boy Long Yuan.

As for Nie Xuanji...that doesn't count, she and Li Xuanyi are not married yet!

"Hand over the dragon and phoenix inheritance, spare your lives, I keep my word!"

"Don't think about it!"


The two drank loudly at the same time, and Phoenix also burst into Nascent Soul cultivation. It's just that she has a special magical skill, and she feels like a fish in water under this kind of flame, but this is just Chen Ning's illusion. In fact, she is not feeling well. .

(End of this chapter)

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