Chapter 253 Running away
Chen Ning is like a demon god, terrifying and domineering, his eyes are like lightning, he looks directly at the two and asks them to hand over their inheritance.

In fact, he knows that the Dragon and Phoenix inheritance is equivalent to the lifeblood of Daming Mansion and Qinglong Mansion, but there is no way, he needs to make up for the inheritance. In the Phoenix Inheritance, there is only Phoenix Tianyan, and in the True Dragon Inheritance, there is only a trace of the real dragon breath tainted by the soul. It is incomplete, and in order to exert its true power, it still needs a complete inheritance to promote it.


Long Yuan roared, his black hair fluttered, and his whole body was on fire. He was angry and unwilling. Yuanying was defeated by Xindong. Although there was a large formation of suppression, even if he was suppressed, he was still a golden core!

But now he couldn't even take a small move, and he couldn't accept the truth.

"If it is useful, then there will be no killing in the world."

Chen Ning looked at Long Yuan coldly, and said faintly, he is now trying to blow Long Yuan's self-confidence and make him hot-headed. Although he is not afraid of the two of them in the big formation, it will take a lot of effort to really defeat them. If you can easily win it, why not do it?

"You have to hand in today, or you have to hand in if you don't, don't force me to use the soul search technique!"

"How dare you!" Phoenix's phoenix eyes were cold, staring at Chen Ning.

"Oh, I dare not? To tell you the truth, there is nothing in this world that I dare not do!"

"Look, didn't I trap you here? Who in the world would dare to do this?!"

Chen Ning was extremely arrogant, with disdain in his eyes, he really couldn't understand these two people, they were already prisoners of his rank, so why bother to hold on?

If it were him, he would have handed over the inheritance immediately. After all, he had fallen into a trap and was inherently at a disadvantage. If he persisted, he would only cause harm to himself.

As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!
After you are safe, you can take revenge as you want.

"Damn, a muscle!"

Chen Ning rolled his eyes, this is indeed what he thought in his heart, but he would not say it clearly.

Fenghuang and Longyuan are out of breath, but now they have nothing to do with Chen Ning. Both of them were injured, and under the blessing of 100% skill serious injury effect, they became weaker and weaker. Not even a point now.

Chen Ning also got a little impatient with waiting, and the longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for him - no one knew what kind of means the Daming Mansion and the Qinglong Mansion had. , it is really possible to be exposed.

Another point is that the matter of Baili Mountain has already become a big issue, maybe there will be a real powerful person coming, and if he finds out that he has been cheated...

Chen Ning didn't dare to think about it anymore, he shuddered and said in his heart, damn it, if it really got to that point, he could only run away!
The inheritance of dragon and phoenix is ​​important, but life is the foundation. If life is gone, everything will cease.

At this point, Chen Ning felt that he was better than the two dudes in front of him. Grandma, who has such a leg, was kidnapped, but she was still so stubborn.

"Boom! Boom!"

A burst of violent vibrations was transmitted, and Chen Ning sighed. This was the movement from the chaotic trap outside.

I am afraid that many died!
But everything has nothing to do with him, the front of the formation is to let them retreat in spite of difficulties, and since they have not retreated, they are ready to die.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Fenghuang and Longyuan and said, "You don't have to worry that I will kill you to silence you after handing over the inheritance. It's not necessary. To be honest, I don't dare either. Hehe, the heirs of the two masters, You can fight, you can fight, you can't kill."

Speaking of this, Chen Ning paused for a while, and after two or three breaths, he continued: "You hand over the inheritance, and I will let you go. I will do what I say."

"It doesn't make much sense to keep going. You must also feel that you are getting weaker and weaker. If you delay it any longer, I'm afraid you will die directly."

After listening to Chen Ning's words, Fenghuang and Longyuan glanced at each other, and then sighed each other. They knew that what Chen Ning said was actually right, and it would not make much sense to continue, but they were not reconciled, and they were not reconciled. Heartbeat monk suppressed.

Who are they?


A real genius!
The heirs of the two masters of the two palaces, looking at the 36 palaces of the eighteen states, they will also be the leaders of the younger generation!
But now, in this small Baili Mountain, he was smashed into the sand and was crushed and beaten.

Fenghuang was the first to speak. After all, the inheritance of the Phoenix is ​​not the root of the Daming Mansion. They also have another inheritance of heavenly skills, which may not be weaker than the inheritance of the Phoenix!

"Inheritance, I hope you keep your word!"

When Chen Ning heard it, he immediately burst into a smile, good guy, he finally got the hang of it, asshole, I'm so talkative, the words are almost worn out.

"Of course, hehe, I was a peerless good man who claimed to be an honest and reliable young gentleman, a righteous and innocent husband, and never lied!"


Fenghuang stared at Chen Ning coldly, and then stretched out her hand to caress the center of her eyebrows. Immediately, colorful radiance flowed, and strands of rainbow-like light were pulled out from the center of her eyebrows by her.

After a while, it gradually condensed into a colorful group.

"This is the inheritance of the Phoenix!"

Chen Ning's eyes flashed, he looked at Phoenix, and laughed again, he said in his mind: "System, check, is the Phoenix inheritance in her hand? Is there any problem?"

"Ding! The detection starts!"


"Ding! The inspection is complete! After the system inspection, it is the inheritance of the Phoenix, and there is no problem."

Only then did Chen Ning nod, and took the colorful ball from Phoenix's hand.

He was also being cautious, after all, just now he had put others on the ground, and now he has accepted the inheritance rashly, he must have a test, otherwise, if Phoenix did something, then he would really die without a place to bury him.

"What about you? True Dragon Inheritance?"

He put away the Phoenix inheritance, and looked at Long Yuan again.

Originally, Chen Ning thought that this kid would be tough with him, after all, he saw Long Yuan's appearance.It was as if he was going to eat him alive.

However, Long Yuan was obviously beyond his expectation, and directly gave the inheritance of the real dragon.

The same ball, but with blue light, in the light ball, the dragon shadow wanders and roars, it is very magical.

Chen Ning also asked the system to test it, and there was no problem.

At this point, the inheritance of the dragon and phoenix is ​​finally in hand!
"It's time for you to fulfill your promise!" Fenghuang's voice was cold, and the smile on Chen Ning's face made her feel ironic.

Originally, he thought he could obtain Phoenix Tianyan, but now, even his own Phoenix inheritance has been taken away by others.

"Hahahaha..." Chen Ning looked up to the sky and laughed, without saying a word, he directly stepped out of the Phoenix Nirvana Formation, and then withdrew from the formation under the suspicious eyes of Phoenix and Long Yuan.

He ran away!

He ran fast, stretching the ground into inches with the force of breastfeeding. In the blink of an eye, he was more than ten miles away. In a few breaths, he had disappeared.

As for the phoenix bone in the small slope...

Chen Ning kept it, and it was considered as a gift for the two of them to taste, otherwise he was afraid that the two of them would go crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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