Chapter 265 Devil
Chen Ning didn't give everyone a chance. He knew that the Jihuanzong was unfamiliar to these guys. Su Daji said this stuff. Who knows where it is?
So far, Chen Ning still doesn't know where the place Su Daji mentioned is.



On the thousand-mile battlefield, the smell of blood wafted, and there were corpses all over the place, including those of human monks and monsters. The bright red blood mixed with the pitch-black demon blood showed different strange colors.

A scene like hell!

Chen Ning didn't want to talk too much with these people, as the saying goes, too many mistakes, not to mention he was a little guilty, if he let Fenghuang realize something, that would be the real way to death.

He took the lead, rushed into the battlefield, and fought the monster again.

"This guy is really arrogant!" The man in white smiled and shook his head, but no one could see the strange light flashing in the depths of his eyes.

"Geniuses, there are always some differences. By the way, have you heard of this Extreme Joy Sect?" Someone asked again.


"I've never heard of it!"

"Maybe it's really just a small sect as he said?" Someone laughed, but it was all joking.

Just kidding, how can the Xiaozong Xiaopai have the luck to give birth to such a genius who uses Jindanxiu as the rebellious Nascent Soul? !

I'm afraid this extremely happy sect is a hermit ancient sect!

Everyone no longer entangled in Chen Ning's origin, but focused on fighting on the battlefield.

"Everyone, let's do it. This time I'm here just to practice. It doesn't matter, these devil bastards are the best way!"


The group of people all erupted with a terrifying aura, and they were all Nascent Soul cultivators. In this way, it can also explain why these people have an unusual heart for Chen Ning.

Jindan counterattacks Nascent Soul monsters!

That also means that they can also be reversed!

And who are they?
He is the pride of mankind!

Among the trillions of human beings, the people born with good luck are people who can fight across realms, but now there is a more terrifying person, how can we not let people care?

In an instant, the thousand-mile battlefield was full of rays of light, with bright rays of light shooting up into the sky. There were fire and phoenix splitting the sky, phantoms of divine swords shattered the void, rushing rivers washed away monsters, and endless thunderbolts fell, causing a large number of casualties.

Tianjiao is Tianjiao, and the strongest among monsters is the late Nascent Soul, and there have never been any monsters that are out of body or above. As a result, the battle is not as one-sided as before, and human beings are massacred.

Chen Ning is among the monsters, and Dou Zimi evolves all kinds of methods. The former supreme emperor used this method to be invincible in the same generation. He also had this wish, and rays of light burst out from his hands.

Tens of thousands of methods are evolved, sometimes swords and lights intertwine, sometimes dragons leap and tigers leap, and sometimes big stars fall.

Around him, there were monster corpses already lying in a circle.

The pitch-black blood corrodes the earth, leaving deep pits filled with a strange smell.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong!
At the same time, Zhu Shijie's terrified voice came over, "Boy, be careful!"

Chen Ning's mind tightened, and he shrank into an inch, and instantly moved away from the original place.


With a loud noise, the space exploded!

Everything was turned into dust, and nothing was left, even the hard corpses of monsters were smashed to pieces by the broken space.

"What the hell?!"

He turned pale with fright, damn it, luckily he ran fast, otherwise he would be gone all of a sudden!
"Oh, the reaction is quite fast!"

In the black mist, a figure wrapped in scales stepped out.

The person who came was very burly, as tall as two Chen Nings, and his muscles were like horned dragons, full of explosive power.

"There are not many people who can survive this devil's punch, and you are the weakest one!"

"Demon?" Chen Ning stared at the burly phantom, his brows gradually wrinkled. He felt a deadly threat from him!

He sighed, sure enough, what Zhu Shijie said was right, stronger monsters really appeared in the black mist, and I am afraid that in the near future, there will be more terrifying monsters above the body!
When Chen Ning confronted this so-called demon, Fenghuang and the others also cast their gazes over and frowned. They all felt the pressure from this burly specter.

"You have the aura of a demon seed on your body, tell me, where is the demon seed? I can consider turning you into my clan!"

It's okay if you don't listen to the devil seed, but when you hear the devil seed, Chen Ning immediately exploded, Madan, from the time I came to this battlefield, everyone asked me for the devil seed, devil you Ma Le Gobi!

"Grass, devil boy, don't say that I don't know what a devil seed is, even if I know, don't worry, I will beat him to death!"

"Don't talk nonsense, do you really think I'm ready for you?"

"Come, come, let's have a fight. I just have nowhere to vent my anger. Let's see how much experience you can get!"


Without waiting for the burly phantom to speak, Chen Ning went straight up. He hugged his hands, and suddenly, purple light filled the air. This is the method of transforming Zi Wuji with the secret of fighting characters. It works wonders!

Sure enough, wisps of purple-yingying gas suddenly filled the battlefield, gathered together, and condensed into a purple spear. Chen Ning grabbed it, and then suddenly pierced through the space and stabbed at the phantom.


He growled, he wanted to measure the strength of the devil, not for anything else, he killed many monsters in the Nascent Soul realm, and this was the first guy who made him feel a fatal threat.


The purple spear shattered the void and came to the phantom with the momentum of thunder.

"Tips for carving insects!"

The burly phantom sneered, his whole body was wrapped in scales, shining with a faint cold light, he didn't intend to make a move, and resisted Chen Ning's blow with his body!

With a crisp sound, the tip of the spear exploded, but the phantom was not damaged at all!
"What a strong body!" Chen Ning exclaimed in his heart, even stronger than the Qilin Demon before. Is this the Demon?

Having a name is different!

so what? !
flesh?Lao Tzu is equally powerful!

The magic power of icy muscles and jade bones has been driven to the extreme. This is the method of a false emperor. Although he is not a real emperor, but with the word emperor, he is extraordinary after all.

In an instant, all the bones in his body turned into jade, and his body was as hard as iron, making the surrounding space tremble!

Before, he said that it was not as good as the Qilin Demon's body because it didn't include the power of heaven's punishment.

This time, he mobilized the power of thunder that he had absorbed during the tribulation and integrated into the flesh and blood.


The void is completely shattered!

"The physical body is strong? Hehe, what I am most afraid of is fighting the physical body!"

A jade color flashed in Chen Ning's eyes, and he rushed up in the form of afterimages, and smashed it with a raised fist!

One person and one devil, crazily attacking each other, punching to the flesh, no other skills, just the most primitive fighting method, comparing with physical strength!

(End of this chapter)

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