Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 268 Reliable?Unreliable?

Chapter 268 Reliable?Unreliable?

Chen Ning rolled his eyes, then cupped his hands and said, "Everyone, I'm seriously injured and need to recuperate. If you have anything to do, wait until I go over there to stabilize the injury."

While talking, this guy coughed twice, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth again.

"Haha... It should be, it should be, fellow daoist is invincible, and being able to stand up to the monster Nascent Soul with the body of a golden core is enough to shock the world!"

Chen Ning touched his chin when he heard the words, hehe, rainbow farts don't cost money, so I can only say something that doesn't bring any benefits, if you have the ability, why don't you give some substantial benefits!
He curled his lips, and slowly approached the Ten Rings of Pigs—you have to do a full set of acting, you can't run around like a jerk, everyone knows that you are pretending.

"Little pig, are you ready?" He sent a voice transmission to Zhu Shijie.

"Don't worry, this Pig God will be ready while you are still fighting with that devil boy, and there will be no mistakes!"

"Grass, I have a bad feeling!"

Chen Ning rolled his eyes straight. The more Zhu Shijie swears, the more he is afraid. This guy belongs to the same nature as the Black Emperor, and they are both unreliable race leaders.

"Fellow Daoist is waiting for the initial determination of the injury, so you can go to my sword gate as a guest. Just now I saw that fellow Daoist's secret skill of the sword is amazing, we can communicate."

"Ming Xinzong also opens the door to fellow Taoists!"


A group of people followed behind Chen Ning, babbling endlessly. If you look carefully, you can find that there is not much real emotion in their eyes. Instead, there is an inexplicable light. Looking at Chen Ning is like watching prey.


Since we're acting, let's go together without a leading role, wouldn't it be a pity?


The monsters retreated on the battlefield, and the army of human monks also began to clean the battlefield. The corpses were taken away, and the corpses of the monsters were also divided. It seemed that some materials were extremely useful treasures.

"Boy, are you ready?"

"Okay, hurry up, didn't you see that those guys are about to swallow me alive? Grass, it's really bullied by dogs, wait, wait, wait for me to come back, and beat me to death one by one!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Zhu Shijie rolled his eyes, "Damn, you're dying, and you still want to fuck someone else?

Chen Ning sat cross-legged, pretending to heal his injury.

Suddenly, with a bang, the big tree collapsed, a burst of white light flickered, densely covered with strange patterns, and in an instant, the power of space swept away.

"Not good! He's going to run!"

"Stop him!"

"Looking for death! Even dare to play tricks on me!"



A roar of anger resounded, and all the arrogances rushed to stop Chen Ning.

And what about Chen Ning?

How can there be the weak and dying appearance before?
The guy stood up, laughed wildly with his hips on his hips, and said, "Hahahaha... you little idiots, you still want to play against me? Go back to your mother's womb and practice for a hundred and eighty years!"

"Everyone, we will meet again if we are destined to travel thousands of miles away. When the time comes, I promise to kill everyone!"



The space fluctuated, and the figures of Chen Ning and Zhu Shijie disappeared, leaving a crowd of angry roars in place.


In the space channel, Chen Ning was alive and well, and he didn't look weak at all. In fact, he and Mo Jiutian didn't suffer any serious injuries, at most it was a bit exhausted.

"Damn pig, I can't tell, it's so smart this time." Chen Ning patted Zhu Shijie's head and praised.

"This pig god has always been smart, but some people have bad eyesight!"

Chen Ning's teeth were sour when he heard that, damn it, you are fat, you are really out of breath.

"You won't teleport to an unreliable place this time, will you?" He expressed serious doubts. It seems that this dead pig has never been reliable since the teleportation array he arranged.

"Don't worry, this Pig God has great confidence this time, after all, I didn't learn the five formation methods for nothing!" Pig Ten Rings was very confident, and his chest slapped loudly.

But if they could see beyond the space channel, they probably wouldn't think so.

A silver-white passage spreads in the void, reaching directly... the abyss!
That's right, it is one of the nine abysses, the bottomless abyss between Guangsheng and Cangming!

at the same time.

Humanity has also recalled the most powerful Tianjiao among the nine younger generations!
To compete with the nine people who came out of the abyss!

The rest of the people didn't feel much, and even the human genius didn't bother to go back, thinking that none of the nine people were his opponents, and only those monsters on the battlefield were the best training objects.

But everything has nothing to do with Chen Ning, this guy just ran away, out of sight and out of mind.

"Boy, I think you seem to have forgotten something." In the space passage, Pig Ten Rings suddenly said solemnly.

"What's the matter?" Chen Ning looked at him curiously, shit, I don't even know what I forgot, how do you know?

"Where's the old clapper you captured in the Four Regions? Didn't he say he came to pick you up? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

Having said that, Chen Ning remembered.

"Damn it?! It seems to be true. Damn, that guy wouldn't be letting me down?"

He stared. It has been more than a month. Even if he traveled across the state, he should have arrived.

"Grass mud horse, it really isn't a good bird. Next time I see him, I will send him to see Lord Yan!"


But at this moment, the old man who was trapped in the place where the two states meet wanted to cry but had no tears. He was blocked by Dayuan, and now he couldn't go through at all.

Although there was a teleportation channel before, the arrival of the great abyss seemed to make the space chaotic, making it difficult to teleport across states.

"Hey... this is also God's will, God's will, no wonder this old man."

The old man took a last look at Da Yuan, and now he was cut off from even the way back, so he could only stay in this state for the time being, and he didn't know when he would be able to travel across the state.



After the brightness appeared, Chen Ning and Zhu Shijie stepped out of the space passage.

But before one person and one pig had time to be happy, they were immediately stunned.

"Fuck? Where is this place? Isn't this Pig God positioned at the intersection of Guangsheng and Cangming?"

Zhu Shijie's eyeballs were wide open, looking at the great abyss with strands of black air in front of him and the extreme darkness where he couldn't see his fingers, and was speechless.

Chen Ning was also dumbfounded, and at the same time had a bad premonition, this abyss looked too evil, it didn't look like a good place.

"Fuck, dead pig, I already know that you are so unreliable, and nine times out of ten you have been teleported to a certain evil place again!"

He is fully on guard, and the strength in his body is surging, ready to deal with any crisis that may arise at any time.

"Fart, this pig god is absolutely right this time, there must be a problem at the intersection of Guangsheng and Cangming!" Zhu Shijie yelled that there is no way to go wrong.

Just when Chen Ning was preparing to use force to make Zhu Shijie realize his mistake, a voice suddenly came from Da Yuan.

"Humans? Heh, you are quite courageous!"

(End of this chapter)

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