Chapter 272 Saint Lotus
After Zhu Shijie pulled the last Jiaolong steak into his stomach, the group set foot on the road to the little fox's house.

"A lot of people! There is a big snake, a big snake with nine heads, eating a lot of people..."

The little fox gestured in front of Su Daji's chest, waving its two little paws. It could be seen that it was very disturbed and frightened.

"My sister told me to run, but I was hungry, so I saw you..."

Su Daji smiled and touched the little fox, but Chen Ning could feel that this glamorous woman was already angry, and the coldness around her almost condensed into frost!

"Nine-headed snake? Could it be the Hydra clan?" Su Daji murmured, and then she snorted coldly, and said, "You're looking for death! A mere Hydra dares to trouble the old lady's clan!"

Chen Ning was stunned by the side, what the hell?what happened?
This woman even said the word "old lady".

From the looks of it, he was really angry to the extreme!


When the group of people were about to cross the mountain forest, sure enough, the killing sound shook the world, and the smell of blood filled the air. It was very tragic. Even before they left the mountain forest, even if the old trees here covered the sky and the sun, they still saw all kinds of brilliance. This thing Chen Ning is familiar with it, it is clearly the afterglow of Taoism in bloom!
"Little Fox, it seems that your clan is still a bit of a master, otherwise you definitely wouldn't be able to hold on for such a long time."

Chen Ning clearly remembered that the little fox mentioned many races, such as tigers, snakes, and big birds. Although he didn't know what race it was talking about, it must be powerful, otherwise the fox clan would not start the bloodline continuation plan.

If there are no masters, I'm afraid the fox clan would have been wiped out long ago!



The howls and growls were endless, and Chen Ning felt that they were not weaker than the bloody battles in the Qianli Battlefield in Guangsheng Prefecture before!
Su Daji snorted coldly, her eyes were cold, she directly tore through the space and crossed the jungle, she couldn't wait any longer, the tragic wailing outside was shocking!

Chen Ning and the others followed quickly, but Zhu Shijie's small eyes rolled around, and he ran over from the side in a listless manner.

But everyone was focused on the battle outside, and no one cared about him.


"Fuck? Little fox, you liar, why do you call this a lot of people?!" Chen Ning yelled, "Say, why did you offend people? Damn, this is clearly a group of monsters!"

He was stunned, there were too many monsters in front of him, no, "many" can no longer be used to describe it!

Chen Ning glanced over, at least hundreds of different monster clans were attacking and killing the fox clan!

Hydras, colorful giant tigers, mountain oxen, one-horned sheep, and scary birds like Garuda flying in the sky!
But he also knew that it was definitely not the golden-winged roc. This family had the same terrifying strength as the dragon and phoenix. In the distant past, the golden-winged roc fed on real dragons.

Such a terrifying race has also opened up a big world, sitting on an endless territory!

But even if it's not a golden-winged roc, it's probably a close relative. There is a little bit of golden light on those wings, which can't be faked. The wings are swaying, splitting the space, and they are extremely sharp.

The Fox Clan is at the end of its strength, and it can be seen that it is about to be breached, and too many people have died. Now there are only three big demon foxes struggling to support them, but they are outnumbered and unsustainable.

"court death!"

Su Daji, who was walking in the forefront, parted her red lips lightly. She was already extremely angry. When her voice came out, it exploded like thunder on the battlefield, causing everyone to turn pale with shock.

Seeing the little fox in Su Daji's arms, the three big monsters of the fox clan couldn't help but mournfully said: "Little Yu'er, why are you back again! Didn't you let you go?!"

"Hahahaha...Let's go? Where can we go? Today is the day to kill your fox clan!"

At this moment, a turtle-like monster came out. It had a huge body, lying there like a moving hill!

"Hmph! Today we want Shenglian, and you fox clan, we want to destroy it too!"

The three great fox clan monsters were already in despair. They thought they could leave a trace of blood, but now it seems that they can only entrust it to the fox clan sons from other directions.

"court death!"

Su Daji was already on fire, and now seeing this turtle-like monster showing off its power in front of her, she couldn't help being even more angry.

"Small fit, An dares to be presumptuous!"

She grabbed it with her jade hand, and suddenly, the space exploded, and the turtle monster didn't even react, it exploded directly, blood splashed, and the vast land was stained red!
At this moment, the battlefield is completely silent!

The three big monsters of the fox clan were stunned. They didn't expect this beautiful woman to do it directly. Just now, the three of them were secretly looking at Su Daji. They felt that this person seemed to have something to do with their clan, but they couldn't see clearly. unknown.

That's right, after all, Su Daji was the trigger for the Battle of Conferred Gods on the surface. The level is too high. Even though Chen Ning's cultivation base is now sealed by the system, it is not something that some fit monks can see through.

"Today, one counts as one. If you can walk out of this radius of a hundred miles, I will die here!"

"Fuck?!" Chen Ning heard Su Daji's words, and hurriedly shouted: "Baby Daji, you are dead, what should I do?"

"Grass, you can't die! Simon, go up and help her!"

As for Chang'e, it's better to stay and protect herself. These monster races are not easy to get along with. If you can't get cold and give him a little bit, I'm afraid there will be no place to cry!
Anyway, Ximen Chuuxue is also a fighting maniac, he was born for the sword all his life, and he happened to use the blood of these alien races to sharpen his sword.

Su Daji turned her head and gave Chen Ning a hard look, as if she was blaming him, now is the time, so don't play tricks.

Chen Ning laughed dryly, waved his hand, and motioned for you to continue.

Ximen Chuixue soared into the air, without saying a word, he burst out with a world-shattering sword intent, that's how he is, very cold, in his opinion, it's useless to talk, just do it.

Su Daji yelled coquettishly: "You guard this place, and others who slipped through the net will show up. Hmph, I'm going to kill you today!"

She gave away the little fox in her arms, and gently sent it to Chen Ning's arms.


I saw nine tails suddenly appeared behind Su Daji, as white as snow, covering the sky and the sun even more!
"Fox Clan!"

The three demon foxes exclaimed, and finally knew what was going on with the faint sense of familiarity, they were from the same clan.

They looked at the nine-tailed fox behind Su Daji and said excitedly, "It's the nine-tailed celestial fox, it's the nine-tailed celestial fox!"

One of the demon foxes directly bowed: "See my emperor!"


Su Daji didn't care about these things, she was already extremely angry, and she showed part of her body at this moment, just to frighten these monster races.

With a wave of her jade hand, a white light shot out, piercing directly through dozens of fit monsters!

He raised his eyes again, his eyes burst into divine light, and beheaded the close relative of the golden-winged roc under the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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