Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 286 True Demon Race

Chapter 286 True Demon Race

Just when Chen Ning thought that everything was ready and was about to start, he didn't expect an accident to happen suddenly, disrupting his plan.

The real demons are coming!
Before that, he was still wondering, since Wanjiefang City is connected to Wanjie, why can't there be a demon figure alone?Now that he knew, the demons never came.

"Fuck, don't come sooner or later, why come now, damn it, Mozu, I remember!" Chen Ning gritted his teeth, he had no choice but to wait a little longer, he really didn't expect Mozu to be here Come up at a critical moment.

The Demon Race is the same as the Protoss Race, there are not many people coming, there are only five people in total, four men and one woman, but there are few people, but they are very domineering.

"If you kill it, you will kill it! You bunch of rubbish, how dare you become an enemy of our clan?!"

This was the first sentence that the Mozu said shortly after coming to Fangshi, that is, this sentence, which almost made Chen Ning die of joy, and this was also the first time he really felt the madness of the Mozu!
Who would have imagined that there are undercurrents surging in the market today, and the trend of targeting the demons has become apparent. In this case, the demons are not acting with their tails between their tails, but choose to be tough.

"Whoever refuses to accept can stand up!"

"Huh! Jumping beam clown, my family is intimidating, how can you people criticize it?"

"act recklessly!"


For a while, everyone in the market was angry, but Chen Ning really couldn't figure out whether the demons were stupid or really didn't care, but no matter what the situation was, he would not let go of this opportunity.

For the first time, the three disguised dolls were exaggerated wantonly, which made the whole city of Wanjiefang angry.

No way, in fact, if it is in other places, these races really might not dare, but where is this place?This is Wanjiefang City, the trading place of the heavens and the world, a place that no one can control, not even the gods and demons.

And it is this characteristic that makes the races of the heavens and worlds have different thoughts - even if they kill the demons here, it will be fine, the worst is to escape quietly, who knows who it is?
Chen Ning rubbed his chin, thinking that it might not be a bad thing for the demons to come at this time.

He chuckled and thought of a more complete plan.

Let those demons attract firepower, and they take advantage of the chaos to get treasure. Even if the last few demons survive, they will probably have to bear the anger. The world will only think that this is a play between the demons. !

"Ready to collect the net!"

All he needs now is a fuse, a person who will guide the outbreak of the war!
People's hearts have already been exaggerated, not to mention those demons are also struggling to die, even Chen Ning is suspicious, without his propaganda, people in Wanjiefang City can't help it!

"Ximen Chuuxue, go, kill a few more people as a demon, remember, don't bury the murderer, just throw it on the street!"



very intense.

However, the strength of the demons is also true, and they can fight against the anger of thousands of people in the city with five people.

Even though the space in Wanjiefang City was specially reinforced, it was still smashed to pieces, and the hole and storm raged, but no one cared, because the space here has the ability to repair itself, but the battle is too violent, even if the space has The ability to repair cannot keep up with the ability to destroy.

At this moment, no one thought about where the five demons were before the arrival of the five demons, and everyone was jealous.

Rather than saying that Chen Ning is leading this time, it is better to say that it is the backlog of anger from the Ten Thousand Realms. The demons are domineering, but they have offended many people!

"Okay, it's time for us to act, remember, take advantage of the chaos and get more treasures!"

Chen Ning looked at the middle of the battle, the five demons were very fierce, and it is estimated that they would not be able to finish the fight in a while, and this was exactly what he wanted, if the fight was over soon, it would be a waste of time He has laid out for so long.

Pig Ten Rings couldn't hold it in his arms for a long time, and said: "Boy, let go, idiot, hurry up, this pig god can't hold it anymore!"

Chen Ning chuckled and let go of him. This guy was like a wild boar that had taken off its stiffness, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Afterwards, the three of Su Daji also shot towards the four directions one after another.

To be honest, this kind of thing made Chang'e feel very exciting. She was originally a cold person, and she was lonely in the moon palace for endless years, but now she seemed to be indulging herself, and her face was full of joy.

On the contrary, Ximen Chuuxue remained the same, without any change. It seemed that as long as it was Chen Ning's words, he would try his best to complete it. Rather than saying that he was a person, it would be better to say that he was a sword, a cold sword.

After several people left, Chen Ning smiled and quietly released hundreds of special treasure hunting mice.

This is what he bought from the system, not from the civilization of practice, but from the civilization of science and technology, even formations can hardly stop their footsteps.



Someone roared and went crazy, and shot out a monstrous sword in the air. The sword was so powerful that it almost split Wanjiefang City in half. Fortunately, a colorful light emerged and quickly repaired the space split by the sword light.


The five members of the Demon Race are not easy to save fuel, they are burning with anger, wishing to kill all the people here.

To be honest, they still don't know what happened. From their point of view, it's nothing more than a few words. Is that the case?

There is no explanation, only war!

This is the style of the demons. They don't bother to talk too much, just hit them. Whoever has a big fist will be justified. If they are beaten to death, their skills are inferior to others!
My brain doesn't seem to work, right?
But among the heavens and worlds, the demon race is now unmatched!

That is to say, the Protoss and a few races dare to compete with them!

They are warlike, but they are extremely powerful, otherwise they would have been wiped out long ago, how could they be allowed to be rampant?

Chen Ning was very excited, but he also discovered that even after hitting this level, the Protoss is still not finished!
"Damn, you really can hold your breath!" He said angrily, but then smiled again, and said: "Hey, wait a while and watch Ximen Chuuxue chop your lair with a sword, and see if you are still alive!" gas!"

If you don't want to go into the water, then I will force you to go into the water!

And in the gap between his thoughts, a reminder sounded in his mind-the treasure hunting mouse has worked!

Points are rising steadily!


A sword descended from the sky, filled with demonic aura, like a troll wielding a sword, and wiped out the attic where the protoss were.

The Great Elder of the God Clan fled with a few members of the God Clan in a rather embarrassing situation, and almost killed him due to mental calculations or unintentional calculations.

"Demon Race! You are courting death!"

This time, the Protoss couldn't do it if they didn't want to end the game. Even if the elders of the Protoss sensed something was wrong, now is not the time to pursue it, but a matter of face.

The demons have already provoked, if he doesn't act, others will think that the gods are afraid of the demons.

It was at this time that the five members of the Demon Race finally realized something was wrong, but it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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