Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 289 Wanted That Pig

Chapter 289 Wanted That Pig

Chasing the murderer in all worlds?

But who saw the true faces of those four people?
a long time.

Among the demon emperors who came, one who had remained silent all this time said, "Want that pig!"

In this way, Pig Ten Rings became the first famous pig in the heavens and myriad worlds.

But he didn't know all this yet, at the moment he was excited about getting five holy lotus seeds from Chen Ning.

Adding the previous one, he now has six holy lotus seeds in his hand.

"Boy, don't act like you've suffered a disadvantage. This pig god can see clearly that there are 36 lotus seeds on the holy lotus. Although the maturity period is too long, you are not disadvantaged!"

Pig Ten Commandments looked sideways at Chen Ning. If calculated strictly, the value of the five Heavenly Emperor Orders is not necessarily lower than that of the Holy Lotus Seed, and even to a certain extent, it is much higher!

Without him, the Heavenly Emperor Token is the "key" to enter the ancient site of the Heavenly Emperor. This alone can make people from all over the world break their heads. If Chen Ning is more courageous, he can keep one for himself, and the remaining four I have sold all the pieces, and I am afraid that many people will pay the money.

Chen Ning snorted coldly, this dead pig is getting more and more courageous, especially after he came to the demon world, he found that this guy seemed to have opened up the "second vein of Ren Du", not only dared to fight against him, but also in Wanjiefang City Dare to make such a suggestion.

This is so abnormal, Zhu Shijie has followed him since the Nine Dragon Sect, so he understands Zhu Shijie very well, it is absolutely impossible for this group of dead pigs to have such "ambition".

Thinking of this, he looked suspiciously at Zhu Shijie, his eyes were full of thought, the fault was that this dead pig had been following him, he thought that Zhu Shijie had been dropped.

"Is there something wrong with him? Has he awakened some kind of "memory" or "ability"?"

Chen Ning always felt that the Ten Commandments of Pigs was not simple, not only the Ten Commandments of Pigs, but also Li Furen who was still in the Four Regions, he couldn't see through it. His breath doesn't look like that of a person from the Four Realms.

Just when Chen Ning was thinking, Zhu Shijie said again: "Boy, do you want to go to the ancient site of the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Heavenly Emperor Historic Site..."

Chen Ning was still contemplating, but he didn't come back to his senses. He was still a little dazed when asked by Zhu Shijie.

"What? You don't want to go? If you don't go, why do you want the Emperor's order?"

Only then did Chen Ning come back to his senses. He looked suspiciously at Zhu Shijie, with malicious intentions clearly in his eyes.

He immediately glared and slapped it out. Damn it, this dead pig is really capable. He used the Heavenly Emperor's Token to cheat him with five holy lotus seeds, and now he wants to take the Heavenly Emperor's Token back. Why do you want to be an empty-handed white wolf!

"Fuck?! Kid, this pig god told you, if you beat this pig god again, be careful of being struck by lightning!"


"Oh no!"

Suddenly, a terrified sound resounded in the territory of the Fox Clan, startling many people, even Su Daji rushed out instantly, thinking that someone was attacking again.

"It's not good! The demons have issued a wanted list from all worlds!"

The visitor quickly recounted the news he had inquired about.

"Damn it!? Want this pig god?" Zhu Shijie was dumbfounded.

"Damn it, why should I want to arrest the pig god? Fuck, do they know that the ten Heavenly Emperor Orders were taken by the pig god?"

"Impossible! Impossible!" Zhu Shijie spun around in circles, almost going crazy. He really didn't expect that the demons would want him from all over the world.

Don't say that Zhu Shijie didn't expect it, even Chen Ning and the others didn't.

But seeing the appearance of Zhu Shijie, I really want to laugh.

"Boy, there's something wrong with this shit, you guys aren't wanted, you idiot, are you sick?"

Finally, Chen Ning couldn't bear it any longer, and burst out laughing, quite suspicious of taking pleasure in other's misfortune.

"Damn pig, didn't expect that? Haha, let you not change your body, but dare to appear as a pig. Now it's all right, I'm afraid you have become the most famous pig in the heavens and myriad worlds!"

Even Chang'e at the side glanced at Zhu Shijie twice.

Ximen Chuuxue was the same as before, without saying a word, standing there like a sword piercing the sky, with a faint sharpness.

Su Daji leaned back and forth with a smile, the towering and trembling in front of her, almost did not draw out Chen Ning's nosebleed.

"Grass, this pig god is about to run away, grandma is so leggy, are the demons crazy? Want this pig god?" Zhu Shijie muttered something, and he recalled it. It seems that he didn't take the treasure of the demons. The only harvest is the ten Heavenly Emperor Orders.

But he didn't know that it was those ten Heavenly Emperor Orders that made the Demon Race so serious. It would be fine if they lost some treasures. The heart of the world, even the dominance of the demons cannot easily oppose the world, otherwise it will be a dead end!
When Chen Ning saw that Zhu Shijie was really about to run away, he hurriedly stopped him. Damn it, this dead pig has something wrong with it. If he goes out now, doesn't it mean he is looking for death?

I'm afraid that before the ten rings of pigs are found, all the pigs in the heavens and myriad worlds will be implicated, and maybe their entire clan will be exterminated.

Now the Fox Clan is the safest place, they escape quickly and leave in secret, no one knows, the Fox Clan has Su Daji, and will not betray them, this place has become their best hiding place.

"Stupid pig, you go out now, I promise, you won't survive three days!"

Chen Ning didn't scare him. Since the demons dared to be wanted by the world, they had enough confidence, otherwise they would be self-defeating.

Hearing the words, Zhu Shijie started to howl immediately, his face was full of pain.

Su Daji chuckled, and asked the fox demon who had sent the message, "Is there anything else?"

"My lord, it's only been three months since the opening of the historic site, so now Wanjie has gone crazy trying to find the ten Emperor Tokens. Although they still have a small number of Tokens of the Emperor in each realm, these ten have no owners, and the Ten Thousand Realms have gone crazy." want all..."

He didn't finish, but everyone present knew what he meant, it was nothing more than telling them not to run around.

But Chen Ning was concerned about another matter.

"The Tiandi Historic Site will be opened within three months?" He frowned, it's been a long time.

"Three months doesn't mean it has to be three months, every day within three months is possible." Su Daji explained, she didn't think it was too long, but felt a little fast.

The main reason is that they didn't have much preparation, unlike other races, they had already been preparing for the Tiandi Monument.

Pig Ten Precepts was still sighing, he still had five Heavenly Emperor Tokens in his hand, now it seems like a hot potato, he needs to get rid of it as soon as possible.

"Grass, boy, do you still want the Heavenly Emperor's Order? Two Heavenly Emperor's Orders for one holy lotus seed!"

"piss off!"

Damn it, this dead pig still has his idea on him, just kidding, I'm crazy to want your remaining Tiandiling.

He is thinking now, keep one for himself, and sell the rest.

(End of this chapter)

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