Chapter 295
Chen Ning considered for a long time, but he still didn't make up his mind, because although he didn't meet the alone Myriad Realms Ascension Cultivator, it also showed Ximen Chuuxue's success to some extent, he should have successfully attracted the attention of some people.

If he was recalled, let alone whether he could be done once and for all, if he was blocked by someone, he might not be able to run away.

"Damn it, how can I play this?" Chen Ning was not reconciled, he managed to gather the experience points of six ascending monks, and only the last four were left for him to break through and enter the Nascent Soul, and then feed back the three of Su Daji, so that They took a step closer, but they didn't expect that there would be a mistake at this critical moment.

They gritted their teeth and thought for a while, but just at this moment, the few people traveled thousands of miles, but there was still no monk who had ascended to the realm of ten thousand realms.

Finally, he made up his mind.

"It doesn't matter, damn it, it's a big deal!"

Chen Ning's eyes were ferocious, and he was planning to call back Ximen Chuuxue, to be ruthless, take the initiative to attack, and find someone to kill him!

As long as the four people are slaughtered and he breaks into the Nascent Soul, all problems will be solved.


"Boy, this pig god thinks you are crazy!" Zhu Shijie trembled, pointed at Chen Ning tremblingly, and said, "It's fine to ambush and hunt, but you actually want to find someone to kill!"

"Are you out of your mind? I don't know what's going on now?"

"There must be a person who is proficient in tracking secrets watching us all the time. If there is any mistake, there is really only a dead end!"

He spoke urgently and quickly. He finally figured out what he had done in the past few days. If no one knew their whereabouts, it would be impossible to find the demon world!
And they had pretended before that these people did not go to the Demon Realm, but came to the Demon Realm, which only means that someone found them to hide here with the secret technique of reaching the sky!

If there is a big move at this moment, if you don't pay attention, you will be courting death!

"It's okay, let's make a quick decision, not to mention, when the time comes..."

Chen Ning stopped talking, he couldn't tell this dead pig about his own situation, he relied on experience points to improve his cultivation level, when Su Daji and the others surpassed Ascension, who would dare to challenge him ?

After a moment of silence, he still turned on the communication device...

Just after Chen Ning and the others met, the old guy from the Butian clan was about to die.

He traced the location of Chen Ning and others for divination. He lost too much lifespan and was about to fall. But even so, he could only see a rough location through a layer of fog. Now he has no desire to miss Chen Ning's secret technique. I just want the Heavens and Worlds not to embarrass the Butian Clan this time, and the reputation of the Butian Clan will not be shattered in his hands.

After he pointed out a direction to the cultivator of Myriad Worlds, he sat down directly.

If Chen Ning knew about it, he would probably laugh as an idiot, what is this if he is not an idiot?He played himself to death, and more importantly, he didn't need to waste such a lot of "strength" at first. It can only be said that he died because of his own greed.

However, Chen Ning's position was exposed. Although it was not completely exposed, the old guy gave him a rough range. With so many monks in the heavens and myriad worlds, it was only a matter of time before he could be found.

At this time, Ximen Chuuxue also came back, and he didn't come back alone - he brought back five ascended monks!

They are all chasing and killing him!

Not only did Chen Ning not panic when he saw this scene, but he looked up to the sky and laughed out loud.

He had wasted so much time looking for monks from the Myriad Realms who were alone, but he didn't see any of them, but now five of them came to his door!

No need to say, just kill it!

He only needs four to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm, and the remaining one—hehe, just right, it's considered a consolidated realm!
He has great confidence in the three of Su Daji, even if there are five, what's more, in front of the gate of the Fox Clan, the three of them have cooperated to kill five big monsters who ascended from the monster clan!
"Quick fight!"

With Chen Ning's order, Ximen Chuixue, Chang'e, and Su Daji burst into cultivation in an instant.

And the moment they erupted suddenly, it was tantamount to revealing their position. Originally, the monks of the myriad worlds knew a general idea, but now it was tantamount to telling the exact location!

"Hahahaha... Haunt them, don't let them escape, they have super teleportation talismans, be careful they will retreat without a fight!"

"It really is here, haha... I can't run away, you can't run away, people nearby will come soon!"

"Hand over the Emperor's order!"

"Hand over the Emperor's Order, and we will spare your lives!"

As soon as these words came out, the other four people immediately attracted surprised gazes, and then they glanced at each other, as if they knew something, they all showed meaningful smiles.

"That's right, leave the Heavenly Emperor's order to protect you from death!"

Chen Ning didn't have time to listen to their nonsense, but he could hear clearly, just now the person said "people nearby", from this point of view, I am afraid that their approximate location has been exposed, and now that they are fighting together, they have been completely exposed.

"Do it, solve them as soon as possible, don't be surrounded!"

He growled loudly.

Ximen Chuixue, Chang'e and Su Daji also noticed something was wrong.

The three of them broke out again, and their momentum was even stronger!
Su Daji even directly transformed into a real body, a nine-tailed celestial fox, with red eyes full of murderous intent, roaring and rushing towards the five of them!

Ximen Chuuxue made a quick tactic, and the whole person became illusory.Indistinctly, what stood there was not a person, but a sword that reached the sky, showing its sharpness, and the sword moved in all directions!
Chang'e is beautiful with a murderous intent, a round and bright moon above her head, the cold moonlight spreading, and her long skirt fluttering, like a fairy who rides the moon, but it is this beauty that contains the unparalleled murderous intent!

There was a roar, and one face to face, one of the five Myriad Realms cultivators was maimed.

Chen Ning was staring intently at the beginning, but at this moment, he shrunk to an inch and rushed over to make up punches.

"Ding! Behead the ascension cultivator, congratulations to the host for gaining 30000000 experience points..."


In the distance, roaring and shocking, a huge wolf head can be vaguely seen, comparable to a mountain!
Xiaoyue Sirius Clan!
A powerful race no worse than dragons and phoenixes and golden-winged rocs!

Another Ascension Cultivator was beaten half to death.

Chen Ning punched again.



Chen Ning was shocked, and a breakthrough breath burst from his body.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being promoted to Nascent Soul, and a super gift bag as a special reward, is it open?"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the dungeon mission, the reward..."


But Chen Ning didn't care about the system notification sound in his head anymore - thunderclouds gathered in the sky, he was about to cross the catastrophe!

"Cao Nima, it's really not the time to come!" He glanced at more and more terrifying figures in the distance, and shouted in his heart: "System, hide the aura of breaking the situation for me, deceive the world, and make this thunder disaster late!" Come for a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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