Chapter 297
The power of the three spirits!
Chen Ning has confidence!

The fight for supremacy in the demon world is still unknown!
Not to mention that he himself has reached the Nascent Soul Realm, which is basically on par with all the geniuses in the heavens and the world. Now that he has no shortcomings, he is really not afraid of anything.

As for the three of Su Daji, I didn't see any surprises on their faces when they stepped into the realm of spirit beings. Instead, both Chang'e and Su Daji looked at Chen Ning with doubts. They remembered what Chen Ning said before, let Su Daji break through the realm. Fighting for the master of the demon world.

Of course, Chen Ning knew about their doubts, but he didn't explain anything. There are so many mistakes in this thing. Could it be possible to say, "Oh, you three were summoned by me, and your cultivation level is closely related to me?"

He's not stupid, and saying that will only lead to more questions.

He simply pretended he didn't see it. Anyway, the three of Ximen Chuuxue were on the verge of breaking the border before, and they went through many battles. They were promoted through the tempering of battles, which is very reasonable.

"Ahem, let's go, go out and meet the heavens and worlds for a while!" Chen Ning squeezed the pig's ten precepts in his arms, and didn't see his dissatisfaction and anger at all, or he saw it and didn't care.

"Boy, this pig god warns you, now is not a good time to go out, be careful of being beaten to death!" Zhu Shijie gritted his teeth, and now he has transformed into a rabbit, but he has no hair on his body, it doesn't look cute, but it's kind of weird feeling.

"Afraid of a hammer!" Chen Ning yelled, "I have three spiritual beings who can accompany me now, whoever dares to babble, babble, slap me to death!"

Now he doesn't dare to let Ximen Chuuxue and the others beat people half to death and let him kill them. Although this kind of improvement is fast, it lacks the corresponding experience.

Besides, he still owes God a catastrophe. If he raises his realm again and the catastrophe is strengthened, he may have to pay ten times and a hundred times the price when he overcomes the catastrophe.

He did not forget that catastrophe of destruction in all directions, and almost killed him!

"When this matter is over, we need to find a time to overcome the catastrophe. Otherwise, we will continue to deceive. If something happens to the catastrophe, there will be nowhere to cry." He thought in his heart.

Zhu Shijie saw that he had made up his mind, so he didn't say much, just sighed, damn it, he really didn't want to go!

People in the arena involuntarily!
He glanced at the three of Ximen Chuuxue, and the fluctuation of the spirit man's realm reassured him a lot.


Just when Chen Ning was planning to go out to do something, the monks from the Myriad Worlds gathered outside the territory of the Fox Clan!
Flying into a group, there are many young figures, all of whom are imposing and ethereal, but their eyes are cold, staring at the territory of the fox clan non-stop.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the fallen fox clan could produce a nine-tailed sky fox!"

Mentioning the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, all the people present showed strange expressions. If you look carefully, their eyes clearly showed fear and astonishment!

Nine-tailed Sky Fox!
A generation of Fox Emperors has not yet reached Nine Tails!
There is also a saying that the tallest of the fox family is the eight tails, and the nine tails are not made by cultivation, they are born with nine tails!
Such a fox can be called a sky fox!
Everyone remembered an ancient legend, the legend about the nine-tailed sky fox.

According to legend, in the unknown years, the nine-tailed celestial fox was a terrifying creature that stood shoulder to shoulder with Shilong Shifeng!
Now that there is another nine-tailed celestial fox in the fox clan, how can it not shock and frighten Wanjie?
"No wonder I was able to keep the holy lotus and slaughter the ascension!"

"Hehe, Fox Clan, what a skill! What an ambition!"

"Is this to raise a nine-tailed celestial fox to rule the world?"

In the territory of the fox clan below, some fox demons looked up at the monks of the ten thousand realms in fear, but did not have the slightest intention of retreating.

Xiao Yuer and her sister are among them.

The two little fox girls trembled, but their eyes were terrified but determined.

When Su Daji was around, she taught these two little fox girls, and the fox family inheritance also gave them, but they are too weak. If they can be given a hundred years and a thousand years, by then, I'm afraid it won't be necessary.

The three big monsters of the Fox Clan stood up and sighed. One of them said: "Everyone, why are you here today at the Fox Clan?"

He knew that he was asking too much, those who came were not kind, and those who were kind did not come, these people made it clear that they were here to find fault.

"Hmph! That nine-tailed celestial fox of your clan stole the Heavenly Emperor's Token, an unforgivable crime! He deserves to be punished!"

"Not bad! Be punished!"

"Hand over the Heavenly Emperor's order, hand over the holy lotus, proclaim yourself a slave, and live on forever, and I will spare your lives!"

The eyes of the three foxes below were combined, and their eyes were red, deceiving people too much!

Life after life as a slave? !

Only fight to the death!

He gave an order to reveal all the machines and equipment given by Chen Ning. This was their only trump card.

Although Chen Ning also gave medicine pills and magic weapons, those things need time to accumulate, such a short time, there is no time to transform them into combat power.

"court death!"

There was a rumbling sound in the sky, and someone in Ascension of Ten Thousand Realms shouted, they came today, one came for the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, Su Daji was seen by someone after all, the fear of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, coupled with the order of the Heavenly Emperor The temptation to let them find the Fox Clan, and after they came to the Fox Clan, they found out that there was also the matter of Shenglian, so they simply did it together.

Waving the sky, the earth trembled, and the mountains not far away were affected and quickly collapsed.

The strength of the Ascension Cultivator was fully demonstrated at this moment. Although it seemed vulnerable to Ximen Chuuxue and the others, who were the three of them?Needless to say, Su Daji and Chang'e, Ximen Chuuxue has been transformed by the system, and is not simply weaker than those people who have reached the sky.

Ascension cultivator is not worth mentioning in their hands, if the three of them recover to their prime, Ascension will not be enough in front of them!

A ray of light shot out from the ascension monk's hand, pierced through the void, and bombarded a hall inside the Fox Clan. The hall shattered in response, kicking up thousands of feet of dust.

"Surrender or die!"


Suddenly, a murderous and cold shout spread throughout the territory of the fox clan.

A slender jade hand protruded from the void, the jade hand was crystal clear, with slender fingers, and it grabbed the Ascension Cultivator who had just made a move in the eyes of everyone's astonishment.

Then, give it a hard pinch!


Cultivator Flying Ascension was directly crushed and dissipated into a blood mist, but in the hearts of everyone, the shock caused by this scene was hard to dissipate.

"You guys... really have the guts!"

Su Daji's figure appeared in the void, her expression was icy cold, and endless storms had already been set off in her beautiful eyes, with murderous intent everywhere.

Afterwards, the figures of Chen Ning and others also appeared, and their expressions were not very good-looking.

They didn't expect the shamelessness of the cultivators from the Myriad Worlds to be found on the head of the Fox Clan.

Chen Ning looked around, there were a total of twelve Ascension Cultivators, including the one who was pinched to death by Su Daji just now, a total of thirteen came!

(End of this chapter)

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