Chapter 299 Sharpening
These people are indeed the best whetstones. He has just entered the Nascent Soul, and although he is improving his system, he still needs to be sharpened.

Wanting to understand Su Daji's intentions, Chen Ning smiled lightly, then opened his arms wide and closed, burst out with all his strength, and quickly fought against Shi Chongguang in this void, their phantoms were all over the sky, the speed of the two was too fast , even Chen Ning faintly felt that he couldn't keep up!

"Hey... It seems that you still have to exchange for the secret of Xingzi. Although shrinking the ground to an inch is also an ancient secret technique, it is still a little bit worse. Compared with these arrogances who have mastered the inheritance, it does not have an advantage."

His eyes flickered, but he was still able to persevere, trying to keep up with Shangshi Chongguang's footsteps.

The two fought frantically, both of them were unparalleled physically, punching to the flesh, even more violent than the fight with Mo Jiutian back then.

After all, Mo Jiutian couldn't let go of his hands and feet at that time. It seemed that in the human world, he could not leave the magic energy for a long time, otherwise his strength would decline, while Chen Ning was weaker than Mo Jiutian, and in the end the two were evenly matched.


When Chen Ning and Shi Chongguang straddled every inch of space under the mask, those Nascent Souls and Tianjiao were full of disbelief.

"How is it possible? He can fight Shi Chongguang to this extent?" Jin Cheng's eyes widened, staring at the phantom of Chen Ning and Shi Chongguang, feeling incredible.

"Hehe, it seems that the Fox Clan has indeed produced a remarkable character this time!" The man with a soft face and a fair complexion said pointedly.

They looked at Su Daji, who was besieged by twelve ascending monks, and then at Chen Ning.

"What is the fox family trying to do? Rise quietly? Megatron all heavens and ten thousand worlds?"

"Hehe, if you fall, you will look like you are falling. Myriad Realms does not allow the Fox Clan to rise!"


Shi Zhongguang roared, he was angry, he thought he could easily solve the battle, but now it seems that he is vaguely at a disadvantage!
This made it hard for him to accept, and at this moment he finally couldn't bear it and broke out.


There was a loud noise, and then the space collapsed, and a black hole appeared from behind him, which was extremely terrifying.

Although the golden lion family is not as good as the dragon and phoenix, in that distant era, this family also produced peerless figures, blooming a short-lived brilliance.

Shi Chongguang's body was full of golden light. At this moment, he seemed to be made of gold, which was extremely dazzling. A huge phantom appeared behind him, and the black hole seemed small compared to it.


The phantom of the golden lion roared up to the sky, shaking the void, making the light mask tremble, as if it was about to shatter, but this is also impossible. The battle between Su Daji and the twelve ascending monks over there was much more fierce, and the light mask was not seen. The hood shattered.

Chen Ning's face was serious, he felt the difference of Shi Zhongguang, this guy seemed to have "opened" some kind of secret technique and became even more terrifying.

A wave of terrifying power spread around Shi Chongguang, which was shocking.

However, Chen Ning is not afraid either. He bears a variety of inheritances that have shocked the past and the present.

He shouted coldly, and clasped his hands, and then the light suddenly appeared, and a phoenix appeared in his arms, its wings vibrated the sky, and it was filled with unparalleled sharpness.

Phoenix cut!
Cut through the void, and cut towards Shi Chongguang.

And Shi Zhongguang also shot at the same time, the huge golden lion phantom roared up to the sky, and then two golden rays of light burst out from both eyes, piercing the space, and rushed straight to Chen Ning!

Shen Guang turned into two running golden lions on the way, roaring, and opened his bloody mouth, trying to tear the phoenix into pieces.

It's just that Phoenix Slash isn't some rubbish secret technique after all, it's just as powerful, and in the end it died together with the golden lion and turned into dust.

"We can't delay any longer. If we delay any longer, it will be a bit of a fool!" Chen Ning stared, but he knew how many people were looking for them now.

Although they came out this time to do something, but this thing can't be done in the territory of the fox clan!As far as the fox clan is now with small arms and legs, it really can't stand such a toss. If you don't pay attention, then the clan will really be wiped out!

"Daji, don't delay, kill them, stay away from the fox clan first!" Chen Ning sent a voice transmission, and at the same time, he himself became murderous, wanting to keep these Yuanying Tianjiao.

Just now a thought flashed in his mind, he wanted to use the unsurpassed thunder tribulation to kill these people, but he was quickly vetoed, without him, there was another reason, this is the territory of the fox clan, his thunder tribulation I know that the scope is too wide, not to mention that I can't retreat under the cover of the light. If he forcibly crosses the catastrophe, those people can only participate passively, and the power of the catastrophe will be unimaginable at that time!

Even he... might not be able to get over it!
Anyway, he didn't need to rely on the power of Thunder, he was enough to kill these Nascent Soul Talents, so he simply endured it.

After receiving Chen Ning's voice transmission, Su Daji changed her slump and went completely berserk. The little injury she had suffered for acting before instantly healed up, and her aura almost surpassed Xiaohan's!

With a roar of unwillingness, he beheaded the first ascension cultivator, and his body fell, raining blood.

Everyone was shocked, and couldn't help but look at Su Daji. After fighting to this point, she still has the ability to kill? !

"You're hiding your strength! No, you're not ascending, you're in the spirit realm!"

"Emperor! The real Fox Emperor!"

"Not good! We were fooled!"

"Damn it! Damn it! The spirit realm, the fox clan hides so deeply!"

For a moment, the expressions of the remaining eleven ascension monks all changed, and they had a vague premonition. They were still sneering when they saw Su Daji sealing up this place before, but now it seems that they want to keep them all. Down!
"Kill! Don't lose your mind, what about the spirit realm? She has only one person, we have eleven, eleven ascension monks, even if you are a spirit person, you have to weigh it!" insufficient.

The battle on Su Daji's side was in full swing, and everyone was desperate.

And Chen Ning's side is not far behind, and he is also desperate.

Shi Chongguang's face completely changed, not only him, but also the rest of the Nascent Soul and Tianjiao. They didn't expect Su Daji to be in the realm of a spirit person, so their minds are still agitated.

"You already knew she was acting!" Shi Chongguang gritted his teeth, his eyes were extremely cold, and he looked at Chen Ning with murderous intent.

"Heh, let's not talk about them, let's take care of yourselves first." Chen Ning grinned lightly, his eyes flashed, and he broke out completely. The God and Demon Reincarnation Kungfu was running to the extreme. The returning unrivaled evil god is terrifying and weird.


He shouted loudly, and the monstrous handprints covered Shi Zhongguang under it, and even the few people watching the battle were pulled down.

"Let's go together, save me from wasting time!"

Chen Ning was extremely domineering, opening and closing the room, the void was shattered, and the earth shook.

(End of this chapter)

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