Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 301 The Emperor Arrives

Chapter 301 The Emperor Arrives

are dead.

100% being caught empty-handed, there is basically no suspense. This thing is just a hook, not restricted by the rules, and the inexplicable power derived from it makes people uncontrollable.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the Nascent Soul cultivator and gaining 500000 experience points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the Nascent Soul cultivator and gaining 500000 experience points!"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host, kill the Nascent Soul cultivator, and reward a random big gift bag!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting..."

Listening to the notification tone in his mind, Chen Ning couldn't help showing a smile on his face. Generally speaking, this time has gained a lot.

The battle on Su Daji's side was also over, and all twelve ascended monks were beheaded by her. Blood rained from the sky, puffing non-stop, even if it was covered by a light mask, these bloody rains could still fall.

On the ground, there are corpses all over the place, none of them are in human form, they have all turned into bodies.

"Dead pig, come on! It's time for you to perform, idiot, quickly put away these corpses, these are all good treasures!"

Zhu Shijie didn't need him to say, he had already turned into the real body, and rushed down happily.

"Hahaha... this pig god has gotten rich, and he is so lucky!"

"Boy, these are not in human form. They must be delicious when baked!"

The dead pig was drooling, staring at the twelve corpses below. The corpse of Xiaoyue Sirius was huge, and there was still a silvery white light blooming, but it was gradually dimming.

The same is true for the colorful python, with fresh blood flowing, but the blood not only has no fishy smell, but has a faint fragrance, like a combination of various flower fragrances, which makes people feel refreshed.

After carefully looking at it, Zhu Shijie opened his mouth wide, and a terrifying suction burst out suddenly, and then swallowed all twelve corpses into his stomach.

Chen Ning was dumbfounded watching this scene. Although he knew that Zhu Shijie's stomach had a different universe, but what the hell, this universe is too big, right?
Twelve corpses!

Each one was as big as a mountain, and the smallest one was a goshawk, but it was also as big as a small hill, and he swallowed them all!

"Fuck, pig, is there another world in your belly? Damn, can you swallow this kind of thing?!"

He was stunned, a little in disbelief.

"Hey, boy, where is this? Even if there are another hundred and eighty pigs, this pig god can swallow them!"

Zhu Shijie stood up, patted his belly, with a proud face.

Upon hearing this, Chen Ning said, "If that's the case, then swallow those Nascent Soul Realm over there too!"

Zhu Shijie saw it, and ran over happily again.


"God cry?! Did monks above the level of crossing the catastrophe die?!"

"Connected into one piece? How is it possible!"

"How much is this going to kill? Could it be that the guy who stole the Emperor's Order did it again?"

"How dare he?"

In the sky, blood-colored thunder flickered, and the rain of blood poured down, shocking the demon world.

Although there were blood rains before, but not on such a large scale, this time, many people died!
The cultivators of all worlds were shocked!

At this moment, everyone looked up at the sky, and the sky of the demon world was filled with blood, as if it was the end of the world!
"Quick! Report to the emperor! Something has changed in the demon world. The situation is not right. I doubt that the emperor will come. How can the ascension cultivator cause such a killing? How much ascension would it take?!"

One after another news was passed out, shocking the world!

demon world,

The emperor stood horizontally in the void, and the booming sound resounded: "The realm of spirits? Hehe, interesting!"

With that said, tear apart the space and head to the demon world.There is more than one emperor of the Demon Race, and he is not afraid that someone will break into the Demon Realm.

The same is true in the dragon world, a bright yellow real dragon roared, tearing apart space, shuttled through nothingness, and headed towards the demon world.

The phoenix world, the spirit world, the tree world, the dead spirit world... are all like this. At this moment, the emperors gathered and all went to the demon world.

But Su Daji and the others don't know all this, and they don't need to know. In fact, at this level, it doesn't matter how many emperors come. Unless they can completely kill each other, if they leave future troubles, it will be a disaster!
Even if there are a hundred emperors who came to the demon world this time, it would be meaningless to let Ximen Chuuxue and the others run away.

If they didn't reach the realm of spirit beings, it would be a dead end if so many emperors came, but now that everyone is at the same level, it would be a disaster if they couldn't be killed.

"Daji, transfer the fox family first, I feel someone is coming!"

Chen Ning did not get carried away, but looked up at the sky - Su Daji had already removed the mask, and now the sky was blood red, full of oppressive aura.

"I'm afraid it's not just the Ascended Cultivator who descended this time!"

When Zhu Shijie heard this, he shuddered immediately, and said, "Boy, what do you mean, the emperor is coming?"

"Yes, there will definitely be an emperor coming. Ascension has already died a lot. Even if it is shared by all walks of life, there are not many monks in this realm. They belong to the mainstay of all walks of life. If they all die, it will be a big deal, so next , it must be the arrival of the emperor!"

Chen Ning sighed, there was nothing he could do about it, but he wasn't afraid, he had three spiritual beings on his side, so even if he couldn't win, he would still have no problem running away.

Su Daji nodded. She also had this premonition. I am afraid that there will be another big battle in the future, a real big battle, a big battle between the emperors!


After the fox clan left this territory where they lived for endless years, the void above was directly shattered, and then figures appeared one after another, with breaths moving in all directions. At this moment, all the monsters in the demon world shook, and they all felt the ravaging breath of the emperor!

Countless big monsters fell silent, not daring to show their heads, for fear of being slaughtered.

And this incident let the monster clan know the importance of the emperor. To be honest, the monster world is really not weak. There are no less big monsters in the Ascension realm than other big worlds, but the emperor is the one who is less, even one is good.

Why is the fox family once glorious, even after so many years of decline, can it still be passed down to this day?

It is because the fox clan produces the fox emperor, not one or two, but every generation. Now there is no way to do it. Too much emphasis on the body, abandoning one's own advantages, how difficult is it to become an emperor?
"Hmph! You run fast!" the Demon Emperor said in a cold voice, with demonic energy billowing all over his body, staining the surrounding space with a layer of black.

"Heh, where can I go? The demon world is so big. I can find it inch by inch and find it!" the Dragon Emperor said. He appeared in the form of his body, with golden scales shining brightly. It also belongs to the demon world, but in the end it went out independently and became a world of its own!
"Could it be that there is another emperor in the demon world? Otherwise, it is impossible to quickly kill the twelve, no, the thirteen ascended monks!"

This is the emperor of the spirit race. He looked up, and the sky was still raining blood, but the rain was evaporated before it got close to his body, turning into wisps of blood and dissipating.

"Don't worry about it, search! The Emperor's Historic Site is about to open, we can't delay, ten Emperor's Tokens represent ten opportunities!"

(End of this chapter)

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