Chapter 309
"Ding! Do you want to summon the Black Emperor?"

"Summon! Hurry up, let that dead dog come over quickly!"

Chen Ning communicated with the system in his mind.

"Ding! The summoning begins!"

"Ding! The summoning was successful! The target person is about to arrive!"

Chen Ning listened to the beep in his head, and then said it silently in his heart.

Before he could count to three, a roar came:

"Wang! My emperor is here!"

I saw a big black dog rushing out of the Tiandi Ancient Site, but no one saw this scene. It seemed that at this moment, the nothingness around the Tiandi Ancient Site was frozen and solidified.

"Wang! Boy, the Emperor has discovered a big secret!"

The Black Emperor came straight to Chen Ning, and then said mysteriously:

"This is the palace of the emperor of the human race!"

Chen Ning was not stagnated by the system, he could see clearly, so he guessed the intention of the system - it was a part of memory fabricated for the Black Emperor!
It's reasonable to let him appear.

"Really or not? Is it really the emperor of the human race?!" Chen Ning was shocked by three points and seven points. He looked at the majestic palace with bright eyes.

He really didn't expect that this is a human race Celestial Monument.

After all, the shape and some decorations of this palace do not look like humans.

"Could it be that the human race was not mainstream in the era when the Emperor of Heaven was alive??"

Chen Ning touched his chin, and at this time, the stagnation had disappeared, and the surrounding area was once again immersed in noise. No one noticed that there was a big black dog here, except for Chen Ning and others.

"Fuck!? Shit dog, when did you come?" Zhu Shijie opened his eyes wide, looked at Heihuang, and stared at him.

"Woof! Dead pig, are you itchy?" Heihuang gritted his teeth, with saliva dripping from his mouth, watching Zhu Shijie unconsciously shrink his neck back.

But losers can't lose!

Is this pig god that cowardly pig? !
Pig's Ten Precepts straightened his neck and said, "Damn dog, be careful that I don't give you the emperor's order! Let you watch..."

"Hehe, the order of the Emperor of Heaven? It's not like the emperor doesn't have it." Before the ten rings of pigs finished speaking, the black emperor stretched out his paw and took out a bronze "key".

Zhu Shijie was directly confused, what the hell?When did the Heavenly Emperor Order become so worthless?Like the Chinese cabbage on the side of the road?
Damn it, since that's the case, those bullshit masters of the ten thousand realms are still chasing and killing us for this?

Pig Ten Rings felt so angry!

Almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood directly,
Chen Ning looked at it with gusto, neither of these two goods was a good thing, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the Ten Commandments of Pigs is still not good, and it is hard to resist being oppressed by the Black Emperor.

After watching the two gangsters fight each other for a while, Chen Ning asked the Black Emperor: "Do you know which Heavenly Emperor it is?"

"I don't know, damn it, the emperor almost died inside, this is only the outer area, it seems that the Emperor of Heaven doesn't want people to enter his bedroom!"

The Black Emperor was furious, he escaped death inside and almost couldn't get out.

I don't know what he touched by mistake, he was teleported out, otherwise he would really be finished.

When Chen Ning heard this, he was immediately terrified. It seemed that what he had thought before was right.

In a place like the Four Regions, so many people can be buried in the secret realm of the Wild Dragon Region, let alone the Tiandi Historic Site!

I'm afraid this time it will be bloody and rainy again, and blood will flow into rivers!
He was silent for a long time, and then sent a voice transmission to everyone, telling them not to worry, and to see the situation before speaking, anyway, with the order of the Emperor of Heaven, they are not afraid to slow down.


"It's on!"

Suddenly, Ximen Chuuxue raised his head, his white hair fluttering, and his whole body was like a sword piercing the sky, looking at the unknown ancient beast on the majestic palace.

Chang'e and Su Daji also had dignified faces. They both felt a heavy coercion. Even though they were the kings of spirits, it was still difficult for them to resist all the coercion.

"Master, be careful when you go in, wrong here!" Su Daji seemed to be considering her tone.

"Yes, there is an indescribable evil feeling!" Chang'e frowned. She used to be a holy fairy, extremely holy, and had a natural reaction to certain evils.

After hearing what they said, Chen Ning couldn't help but feel his heart sink. Why did the emperor of the human race appear evil?
Something is wrong!
Something is very wrong!

He glanced around, and there were many people in the [-]-mile radius who knew that the Tiandi Historic Site was about to be opened, and they all showed joy, and some people were even approaching quickly.

At this moment, a brilliant light suddenly appeared from the sky above the huge palace, and then it pierced into the endless nothingness like a sword reaching the sky—the inexplicable ancient bronze beast hovering above the palace seemed to be alive. Roaring up to the sky, the sound is like thunder, deafening!

Chen Ning's face changed, damn it, it's really a little bit evil, what the hell?Ancient bronze beast roaring?
He looked at the bronze gate, the bronze beast in front of the bronze gate, and the two bronze pillars that seemed to support the sky, and felt more and more that what Chang'e said was right.


There was another loud noise, and then under everyone's shocking eyes, the ancient bronze beast coiled above the palace actually moved!

"Boy, this Pig God feels something is wrong. Damn it, this doesn't look like a relic of the Emperor of Heaven. Instead, there is something inexplicably strange!" Ten Rings of Pig flinched, trembling slightly again.

"Boy, I think this dead dog is unclean. When he came out of there, he was probably possessed by some thousand-year-old demon! Let's kill him!"

This dead pig urged Chen Ning to attack the Black Emperor. He looked at the big black dog from time to time, showing a clear expression, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.


Regarding the Ten Precepts of Pigs, the Black Emperor had only one solution, which was to show his teeth directly.

Sure enough, he was counseled, and the dead pig was counseled again.

Chen Ning shook his head quite speechlessly, he no longer wanted to care about these two things.

"The three of us will go in slowly later, and let those guys take the lead. Anyway, with the Emperor's Order in hand, we are not afraid."

Chen Ning touched the bronze "key" in his hand. Now he had an extra thought, wanting to see if this is the real Heavenly Emperor's bedroom.

If it was really the Heavenly Emperor's palace of the human race, it stands to reason that he would not have such a demonic feeling, let alone the three of Ximen Chuuxue feel it, even he can feel the evil rushing towards his face!
Especially after the ancient bronze beast roared into nothingness, this feeling became more and more serious!
"Damn, there won't be any unrivaled demons in here?!"

Chen Ning looked at the Mozu group and found that they were also frowning, obviously they also discovered something.


There was a loud noise again, and then the bronze door was slowly opened, and a vast atmosphere rushed towards the face, accompanied by wisps of decaying smell.

"Grass, what an ancient place is this? It smells so strong!"

Zhu Shijie covered his mouth and nose, with a disgusted look on his face.

"Boy, this Pig God thinks there's a lot of weirdness in it, so let's not go there!"


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(End of this chapter)

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