Invincible starts from the check-in

Chapter 315 Immortal Emperor Tuberculosis

Chapter 315 Talking Tuberculosis Immortal Emperor
At the thought of being sealed for thousands of years, the creatures in the palace fell into endless madness.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

An extremely evil aura soared into the sky, even broke through the earth, and came to the sky. In an instant, everyone in the ancient ruins saw it—a ray of darkness appeared in the sky, pure darkness, stronger than the demons. That dark energy!

Transformed under the sky, gradually forming a terrifying face!
"Hahahaha... Kill it! Kill it!"


Jumian was still happy about the future, the thick dark clouds in the sky finally had a place to play, and the infinite thunder gathered to form a grid, covering it.


"Fuck Luoyang Sword Immortal, you are shameless, shameless!"

The gigantic face roared, as if it had endured great pain, and appeared illusory in the sky.

"Sword Immortal Luoyang, you have sealed me for more than 8000 years, don't even think about sealing me again!"


Jumian rose up to resist, spit out strands of blood glow from his mouth, mixed with the extremely black energy just now, and smashed the dark clouds in the sky, but soon, new thunderclouds gathered again, and they were thicker and more terrifying than before. What wandered among them was no longer the kind of purple lightning, but an electric arc filled with golden light!
Chen Ning stared at the "battle" in the sky below, with a serious expression, knowing that this was a life-and-death battle.

If the master of the imperial palace fails, then they—all the monks from all realms who came in will all die!

"Fuck, what the hell is this?! I just want to get two treasures. As for letting a dog like me see such an amazing battle?"

He was complaining crazily, feeling that he was poisonous, and it seemed that wherever he went, there was no peace.

"Grandma has legs, why does she feel a bit like that kid Conan??"

Not only him, but now the monks scattered all over the ancient site are looking up at the sky. They also know at this moment that there is a terrifying unknown creature sealed in the ancient site. Judging from the extremely evil energy just now, it is definitely not a good thing!
Even Mo Tian was smacking his tongue, his demon race can be regarded as the most frightening race in the heavens and worlds, when he saw that evil energy just now, his heartbeat slowed down by half a beat!

"What kind of power is it? It's not like the evil race. Those guys are not as good as my demon race. It is absolutely impossible to burst out that kind of indescribable evil energy!"

"Is there a race in the heavens and the world that we don't know?"

It is also possible to think about it this way. After all, the heavens and myriad realms are just a collective term. In fact, it is definitely not only myriad realms, but also some other realms!
But even if there are other realms that don't even have a name, can such a terrifying creature come out? !
More than 8000 years!

It has been sealed for more than 8000 years, this is definitely a creature at the level of the Emperor of Heaven!

Only such creatures can survive for so long!

Just when the monks from all over the world had their own thoughts, the battle in the sky was won or lost. In the end, it was Thunder that won the battle, shattering the giant face and completely dissipating it.

The moment the giant face dissipated, a terrifying roar that could shatter the stars suddenly came out from the depths of the earth:
"Sword Immortal Luoyang!"


There was a loud noise, and then many places were in a state of flying dust, really roaring mountains and rivers!
In the underground palace.

The long sword buzzed and trembled, as if it had come to life.

The gate of the Scarlet Palace has already opened a corner, and the cold and dark atmosphere instantly cleared away.

A figure bound by chains could be vaguely seen in the palace, with two scarlet eyes like lanterns staring at Luoyang Sword.


The Luoyang Sword trembled more and more violently, and the radiance became stronger and stronger, illuminating the entire underground space, and many cold things would dissipate as soon as they touched the radiance.


Suddenly, an extremely abrupt voice sounded in this space, seeming surprised and gloating.

"You're not dead yet? Logically speaking, you shouldn't? It's been more than 8000 years. You're probably not a bastard, are you?"

"No, you are from that clan, and your blood must not have the blood of a bastard."

"Oh, what a headache."

If it was still a joke before, then this last sentence is blatantly gloating.

I saw a figure walking out from the Luoyang sword, wrapped in light, I couldn't see his face clearly, but I knew it was a man.

"Old bastard, why are you so forbidden?"

"Roar!" This sound was full of disbelief, even the sealed creatures in the palace did not expect that someone could walk out of the Luoyang Sword.

But soon he came to his senses, and then roared: "Luoyang Sword Immortal?! How dare you come?! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

Struggling hard, the sound of chains was dull and thick.

"Brother, you are going to die, what will you use to kill me?"

Luoyang Sword Immortal... Obviously, he is not a serious person.

After he finished speaking, the creatures in the palace paused immediately, as if they were choked and unable to speak.

"But having said that, I still want to know, more than 8000 years! How did you survive? Without spiritual power supplement, you can live for so long."

"Tsk tsk, no wonder people say that your family is hard to kill, as expected!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you hide a wisp of your body in the Luoyang sword, isn't it just for today?"

"Let's do it! Your skills are inferior to others, I have nothing to say, I'm waiting for you, that place is not peaceful, right? Hahaha... One day you will be suppressed by my clan like me, and torture thousands of people Kill in the next year!"

The sealed creature seemed to let go of itself, fell into madness, and vigorously provoke Luoyang Sword Immortal.

"Tsk tsk, it's been more than 8000 years, and I haven't died yet. Do you think I will die in the future? Brother, you are really overthinking it!"

"Hey, I have good news for you, I have made a breakthrough!"

"Guess, what level have I broken through to?"

"Can't guess it? Tell you, ahahahaha... Immortal Emperor! How is it, Immortal Emperor, are you surprised? Ah? Why don't you speak?"

"Tch, it's really boring. I thought of you when I felt some changes here. We are all old friends. Let's talk about the past, but you are talking!"

"Forget it, if you don't tell me, you can just listen. Let me tell you, in that place, your family is miserable and has been repelled for thirty thousand miles. Tsk tsk, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!"

"Don't believe me? I have evidence, I have photos, I just want you to take a look!"


If Chen Ning saw it, he would probably complain crazily again. Damn, how does this look like an immortal emperor?Damn, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he's a talkative guy, right?
This guy keeps pushing, and the creatures sealed in the palace have already doubted life.

He really didn't expect such an end, he thought he would escape, but the enemy returned in the body of an immortal emperor, even if it was a wisp of body, he couldn't resist it.

"If you want to kill, kill, say you are paralyzed!"

Finally, an angry roar suddenly came from the palace.

He couldn't help it.

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(End of this chapter)

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